Exertionshe example sentences

Related (6): effort, exertion, labor, toil, struggle, exertions

"Exertionshe" Example Sentences

1. The athlete's exertions during the marathon left her exhausted.
2. He attributed his success to the exertions he put in at the gym.
3. The hiker's exertions to climb the mountain were worth it for the view.
4. She was proud of the exertions she made to become a better musician.
5. The workers' exertions to meet the deadline paid off in the end.
6. He felt the exertions of lifting the heavy boxes all day at work.
7. The team's exertions to win the game were admirable.
8. She had to take a break after the exertions of running a marathon.
9. He received praise for the exertions he put into his research project.
10. The dancer's exertions during the performance left her breathless.
11. The athlete's exertions were evident in the sweat dripping from his face.
12. She had to stop and catch her breath after the exertions of the long hike.
13. He knew the exertions of the job would be challenging but was up for it.
14. The exertions of carrying the heavy load made her muscles ache.
15. She felt a sense of accomplishment after the exertions of completing the task.
16. His exertions in the gym were paying off as he saw results in his physique.
17. The exertions of the long training session took a toll on the athlete's body.
18. She pushed herself to the limit during the exertions of the intense workout.
19. The exertions of the football match left the players exhausted.
20. He knew the exertions of the job would require his full attention and effort.
21. She could feel the exertions of the dance practice on her tired muscles.
22. The exertions of the difficult task left him mentally drained.
23. The team's exertions in the final minutes of the game paid off with a winning goal.
24. She was proud of the exertions she had put in to achieve her goals.
25. The exertions of the construction work caused him to sweat profusely.
26. He felt a sense of accomplishment after the exertions of the all-night study session.
27. The exertions of the rigorous training routine prepared the athlete for the competition.
28. She needed a break after the exertions of the long day at work.
29. The exertions of the long-distance run left the athlete feeling sore and tired.
30. He was amazed by the exertions of the circus performers and their amazing feats.

Common Phases

1. His exertions to finish the project on time were commendable;
2. She made numerous exertions to save their marriage, but it was too late;
3. With great exertion, he managed to lift the heavy box onto the truck;
4. Despite his exertions, he still couldn't beat his personal best time;
5. She was exhausted from her exertions during the marathon;
6. His exertions in the gym paid off when he won the bodybuilding competition;
7. She put in a lot of exertion to prepare for her job interview;
8. It took all his physical and mental exertions to climb the mountain;
9. The athletes' exertions during the game left them drained and sore;
10. Despite her exertions to learn a new language, she was still struggling in her class.

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