Eyeball example sentences

Related (8): pupil, iris, sclera, cornea, retina, eyelid, eyelashes, conjunctiva

"Eyeball" Example Sentences

1. I accidentally got shampoo in my eyeball.
2. The doctor checked my eyeballs for signs of infection.
3. I can see the veins in the back of my eyeball in this diagram.
4. The creature had a single large eyeball in the center of its face.
5. She rolled her eyeballs in annoyance at the suggestion.
6. The optometrist measured the shape and size of my eyeballs.
7. He narrowly dodged a ball that flew past his eyeball.
8. The artist carefully painted the reflection in the eyeballs of her subject.
9. I can't believe I just saw a UFO with my own eyeballs!
10. The bright light caused my eyeballs to water.
11. The pirate lost his eyeball in a sword fight.
12. The detective carefully examined the victim's eyeballs for clues.
13. The medical student dissected the eyeball to learn about its anatomy.
14. The quarterback threw the football straight into the receiver's eyeballs.
15. The intense heat caused the liquid in his eyeballs to evaporate.
16. The ophthalmologist diagnosed the patient's condition as dry eyeball syndrome.
17. She couldn't stop staring into his piercing blue eyeballs.
18. The hazmat suit protected him from the acidic liquid that was spitting from the eyeballs of the alien creature.
19. The curious toddler poked his sister in the eyeball while playing.
20. The microscope allowed us to see the tiny bacteria on the surface of the eyeball.
21. The painting was so realistic that the eyeballs appeared to follow you around the room.
22. The deep sea diver felt pressure on his eyeballs as he descended to greater depths.
23. The photographer adjusted the lighting to make sure the model's eyeballs sparkled in the photos.
24. The video game character had enormous anime-style eyeballs.
25. The waiter couldn't help but eyeball the expensive watch on the millionaire's wrist.
26. The comedian made a joke about having a third eyeball in the middle of his forehead.
27. The surgeon delicately operated around the eyeball to remove the cataract.
28. The school nurse reminded the students not to rub their itchy eyeballs during allergy season.
29. The daredevil performed a dangerous stunt that involved balancing on a tightrope over a pit of eyeballs.
30. The witch concocted a potion that required the ingredient of a fresh eyeball from a black cat.

Common Phases

1. Let's eyeball this situation and see what we can come up with;
2. I need to eyeball the measurements before I start cutting;
3. My first impression, just eyeballing it, is that this project will take a few hours;
4. It's difficult to eyeball the distance without proper measuring tools;
5. Can you help me eyeball the placement of this artwork on the wall?;
6. I'm just going to eyeball the seasoning for this recipe, I don't need to follow it exactly.

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