Gazelles example sentences

Related (10): running, grasslands, fleet-footed, herd, antelopes, prancing, Africa, horns, leaping, swiftness.

"Gazelles" Example Sentences

1. A herd of gazelles grazed peacefully in the savannah.
2. Watching gazelles run at incredible speed is a breathtaking sight.
3. The lioness stalked the gazelles in the hopes of catching her next meal.
4. Gazelles have a unique ability to detect danger from afar.
5. The African safari was a dream come true for wildlife enthusiasts who wanted to see gazelles up close.
6. Many predators prey on gazelles, making their survival in the wild a difficult undertaking.
7. A baby gazelle stumbled as it tried to keep up with the rest of the herd.
8. The graceful gait of gazelles is a result of their slim build and long legs.
9. The savannah is home to numerous species of gazelles, each with its unique set of characteristics.
10. A gazelle can outrun most predators, making them an ideal prey for fast-running hunters like cheetahs.
11. The graceful leaps of gazelles are hard to mimic, even for the most skilled dancers.
12. Gazelles are common in African folklore, often representing agility, grace, and speed.
13. Gazelles are a vital part of the ecosystem, providing food for many predators and helping maintain the balance of nature.
14. In the heat of the day, gazelles often rest in the shade of trees to stay cool.
15. The gentle beauty of gazelles has made them a favorite of wildlife photographers and artists.
16. Gazelles are social animals that live in herds, providing safety in numbers against predators.
17. The male gazelle sports a beautiful set of curved horns, used to attract mates and defend against rival males.
18. Gazelles have a keen sense of hearing and smell, allowing them to detect predators from a considerable distance.
19. In some cultures, gazelles are hunted for their meat and hides, a practice that threatens their existence in the wild.
20. The sight of a gazelle running across the savannah is a sight that never ceases to astonish.
21. Gazelles have a remarkable ability to adapt to harsh environments, making them a survivor in the wild.
22. The smallest species of gazelles, like the Dama gazelle, are just as fast and agile as their larger cousins.
23. Gazelles are herbivores, consuming mainly grasses, twigs, and leaves.
24. The graceful gazelles are a testament to the beauty and diversity of wildlife in the African continent.
25. The horned gazelle, also known as the addax, is critically endangered due to habitat loss and overhunting.
26. Gazelles play a crucial role in the food chain, providing food for predators and scavengers alike.
27. The speed of gazelles is unmatched by most land animals, making them an integral part of the African savannah ecosystem.
28. Gazelles use various vocalizations, including bleats and grunts, to communicate with each other.
29. The Thomson's gazelle, also known as the "tommy," is the most widespread gazelle species in Africa.
30. The Thomson's gazelle is famous for its distinctive "stotting" behavior, where it jumps vertically with stiff legs as a sign of strength and fitness to potential mates and rivals.

Common Phases

1. The gazelles gracefully leapt across the open plains; their agility was a awe-inspiring sight.
2. The predator silently crept after the gazelles; its eyes fixed on its unsuspecting prey.
3. The herd of gazelles scattered in different directions; each one trying to outrun the attacker.
4. The gazelles stopped to quench their thirst at the waterhole; the cool water providing much-needed relief from the scorching sun.
5. The evening sun cast a warm glow on the herd of gazelles; their silhouettes against the sunset were a breathtaking view.
6. The family of gazelles huddled together in the thick grasses; their safety in numbers providing reassurance.
7. The gazelles pranced playfully through the meadow; enjoying their freedom and the feel of the fresh grass beneath their hooves.
8. The gazelles were wary of the approaching humans; their instinct telling them to stay clear of danger.
9. The lone gazelle wandered through the rugged terrain; its determination and resilience a testament to its survival instincts.
10. The gazelles grazed peacefully in the savannah; enjoying the abundance of food and tranquility of the surroundings.

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