Gorged example sentences
Related (6): full, stuffed, bulging, engorged, satiated, sated.
gorge (noun) · gorges (plural noun)
- a narrow valley between hills or mountains, typically with steep rocky walls and a stream running through it.
- the throat.
- the contents of the stomach.
- the neck of a bastion or other outwork; the rear entrance to a fortification.
- a mass of ice obstructing a narrow passage, especially a river.
- eat a large amount greedily; fill oneself with food:
ravine, canyon, gully, pass, defile, couloir, chasm, abyss, gulf, chine, bunny, clough, gill, cleuch, gulch, coulee, flume, arroyo, barranca, nullah, kloof, donga, stuff, cram, fill, glut, satiate, sate, surfeit, overindulge, overfill, overeat, pig, guzzle, gobble, bolt, devour, wolf, demolish, down, murder, nosh, shift, inhale, raven, gluttonize, gourmandize, ingurgitate, nibble"Gorged" Example Sentences
1. The hungry lion gorged itself on the fresh kill.
2. The gluttonous man gorged himself on food at the buffet.
3. The vultures gorged themselves on the rotting carcass.
4. The soldiers gorged themselves on the feast after months of starvation rations.
5. The greedy king gorged himself on rich foods and fine wines.
6. The starving refugee gorged herself on the donated provisions.
7. The greedy pig gorged itself on slop from the trough.
8. The locusts gorged themselves on the crops, leaving almost nothing behind.
9. The cat gorged itself on the freshly caught mice.
10. He gorged himself on candy and junk food until he became sick.
11. The swamp was gorged by the flooding river.
12. The greedy child gorged himself on cake and ice cream at the party.
13. The celebrating revellers gorged themselves on food and drink.
14. The stream became gorged with melting snow from the mountains.
15. The river gorged its banks after the heavy rainfall.
16. The gossip columnist gorged herself on stories of celebrity scandal.
17. The escaped convicts gorged themselves on the food from the ransacked kitchen.
18. The dam became gorged with debris and trash, threatening to burst.
19. The invading army gorged itself on the riches of the defeated nation.
20. After weeks of rationing, the prisoners gorged themselves on the unexpected feast.
21. The stream became gorged with melting snow and overflowed its banks.
22. The thief gorged himself on the food he stole from the grocery store.
23. The ravenous dog gorged itself on the food left in the bowl.
24. The media gorged itself on stories about the celebrity's dramatic downfall.
25. The rescued survivors gorged themselves on the provisions left by the rescue crew.
26. The channel became gorged with mud and debris carried by the floodwaters.
27. The greedy millionaire gorged himself on the company's profits while workers struggled.
28. The creek became gorged with floodwater, topping its narrow banks.
29. The pigpen floor became gorged with waste from the hogs.
30. The rescued sailors gorged themselves on the provisions left by the rescue team.
31. The floodwaters gorged the river, straining its banks to the breaking point.
32. The escaped convicts gorged themselves on food from the raided campsite.
33. The starving refugee gorged himself on the donated foodstuffs.
34. The gluttonous man gorged himself on the buffet until he became sick.
35. The refugee camp became gorged with starving people fleeing the fighting.
36. The greediest of the looters gorged themselves on the stolen provisions.
37. The desperate refugees gorged themselves on the donated food aid.
38. The desperate survivors gorged themselves on the provisions left behind.
39. The trapped miners gorged themselves on the supplies left by the rescue team.
40. The gossip column became gorged with salacious rumors about the celebrity couple.
41. The floodwaters gorged the creek, causing it to overflow its narrow banks.
42. The gossip rag gorged itself on stories of the Hollywood couple's messy breakup.
43. The soldiers gorged themselves on the provisions left behind by the retreating enemy.
44. The stockyard floors became gorged with accumulating manure and waste.
45. The abandoned space became gorged with garbage and debris left behind.
46. The media gorged itself on stories of the Hollywood couple's relationship woes.
47. The gluttonous revelers gorged themselves on the rich banquet fare.
48. The market became gorged with desperate consumers searching for necessities.
49. The swamp became gorged with stagnant, mosquito-infested water.
50. The gossip magazine gorged itself on salacious stories about celebrities' personal lives.
Common Phases
1. The lion gorged on the zebra carcass.
2. He gorged himself on turkey and stuffing until he felt ill.
3. The hamster gorged itself on the seeds spilled on the floor.
4. The guests gorged themselves on chocolate cake and petit fours.
5. The vultures gorged on the carcass of the dead buffalo.
6. The swarm of locusts gorged on the crops in the fields.
7. The starving refugee gorged himself when food finally arrived.
8. The hungry child gorged on potato chips and cookies.
9. The Thanksgiving meal was so vast that everyone gorged themselves full.
10. The gluttonous diner gorged on platter after platter of ribs and steaks.
11. The viper gorged itself on the chick's still warm body.
12. Gorged on rich foods and wine, they could eat no more.
13. The piglets gorged themselves on spilled corn from the feed trough.
14. The shark gorged itself on chunks of bloody meat tossed into the tank.
15. The all-you-can-eat buffet caused many diners to gorge themselves sick.
16. Gorged on festive holiday foods, we collapsed into a food coma.
17. After gorging on donuts and candy, she regretted her lack of self-control.
18. The crocodiles gorged themselves on the baby hippos that strayed too close.
19. The returning hunters gorged themselves on the roasted Haunch of venison.
20. The soldier gorged himself with whatever rations he could find after weeks in the trenches.
21. The scavengers gorged on the rotting corpse before it could be buried.
22. The toddler gorged on sugary cereal and juice boxes before his nap.
23. After gorging themselves at the buffet, they were too full to move.
24. The python gorged itself with a whole chicken after months of fasting.
25. Our fat cat gorges himself whenever we leave food unattended.
26. Gorged on pastries and crepes, his shirt felt tighter by the day's end.
27. He gorged on the festive holiday meal until he felt sick to his stomach.
28. The goldfish gorged themselves on the floating fish flakes.
29. Gorged on holiday sweets, the children were bouncing off the walls with sugar highs.
30. The frogs gorged themselves on the insects that hatched after the rainstorm.
31. The stallion gorged himself on the fresh spring grass.
32. The steaks had barely cooked before our hungry guests gorged themselves.
33. After gorging themselves on leftovers, they were ready for a nap.
34. The bears gorged themselves on berries before hibernating for the winter.
35. After gorging ourselves at the lavish feast, we could barely move from the table.
36. Gorged on sugary snacks, his stomachache was a lesson for him to eat more moderately.
37. The greedy boy gorged himself with candy even though he knew he'd get sick.
38. The cubs gorged themselves on milk from their mother.
39. After gorging on bread and pasta, he knew he had eaten too much.
40. The termites gorged themselves on the wooden logs.
41. Gorged on sweet toffee and fudge, his teeth began to ache.
42. The guppies gorged themselves on the flakes of fish food in the tank.
43. Gorged on rich holiday meals, they slept through most of the afternoon.
44. The parasites gorged themselves on the host's blood and organs.
45. The parasites had gorged themselves to bursting before leaving the host's body.
46. Gorged on chips and chocolate, the boy was soon overcome with stomach cramps.
47. The maggots had gorged themselves on the rotten meat.
48. The hogs gorged themselves on acorns before being herded into winter pens.
49. The beast gorged itself on the fallen soldiers.
50. The monster had gorged itself on human flesh before falling into a stupor.
51. The toddler gorged himself on sweets while the adults weren't watching.
52. The gluttonous man gorged himself at the expense of others.
53. Gorged on fresh shoots and blossoms, the goat resumed its usual laziness.
54. The starving refugees gorged themselves when the food finally arrived.
55. The tapeworms gorged themselves at the expense of their host.
56. The black holes gorge themselves on light and matter across the cosmos.
57. The vultures gorged themselves on the festering corpses.
58. The wolves gorged themselves on zebra ribs and sinew before resting.
59. Gorged on pumpkin pie and rich gravy, we napped in our overstuffed chairs.
60. The obese man gorged himself on junk food and fast food daily.
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