Raven example sentences

Related (9): black, bird, corvid, feather, ominous, intelligence, folklore, mythology, trickster

"Raven" Example Sentences

1. The raven's glossy black feathers glistened in the sun.
2. The raucous cries of the ravens filled the air.
3. Edgar Allan Poe's poem 'The Raven' features a mournful raven.
4. She felt like the raven from the poem, announcing nevermore.
5. The large raven swooped down and snatched the breadcrumbs.
6. Ravens are intelligent and social birds known for their problem-solving skills.
7. The raven flew overhead, its hoarse croaks echoing in the valley.
8. Nevermore did the raven speak as it flew away into the distance.
9. According to legend, ravens were messengers of the gods.
10. Ravens circled high above the castle ruins, awaiting their meal.
11. He watched as the flock of ravens took flight at dawn.
12. The lonely raven called out forlornly from its perch atop the barren tree.
13. The raven's beak shone as black and sharp as obsidian.
14. The raven's beady eyes peered out from the nest built in the eaves.
15. The raven tucked its beak under its wing and fell asleep for the night.
16. The raven feasted on the remains of the deer carcass.
17. The raven fluttered its wings and hopped restlessly on the branch.
18. The raven picked and tore at the flesh with its razor sharp beak.
19. The raven let out a harsh croak before flapping its wings and taking flight.
20. Ravens gathered around the campground in search of scraps of food.
21. The raven bobbed its head and watched everything with beady eyes.
22. Ravens followed the wagon train, waiting for any scraps of food.
23. The raven strutted across the meadow proudly displaying his glossy feathers.
24. The cowboys cursed as ravens swooped in to feed on dying cattle.
25. Ravens have been a popular choice of messenger in mythology.
26. The ravens cawed loudly as they wheeled above the corpses on the battlefield.
27. The raven flew off into the misty moors never to be seen again.
28. The ravens gathered on the castle ramparts to survey the lands below.
29. The raven ruffled its feathers and began to preen itself.
30. Ravens soared effortlessly on thermals high above the mountain peaks.
31. The dark raven hovered ominously over the unsuspecting travelers.
32. Ravens chased each other in playful competition high in the sky.
33. The raven glared beadily at the little girl as she approached.
34. Ravens followed the caravan across the barren desert.
35. Ravens glided on the wind above the snow-capped peaks in search of carrion.
36. The raven watched him from the bare oak tree,never taking its eyes off him.
37. Ravens have long been associated with omens, death and shape-shifting.
38. The raven settled in for the night amongst the other roosting birds.
39. Ravens gathered to feed on the remains of the beached whale.
40. The raven flew into the cave and perched on an outcrop of rock.
41. The raven circled lower and lower until it landed on the bloody ground.
42. The raven cawed loudly, alerting the others as prey came into view.
43. Ravens flew over the castle, their hoarse cries echoing off the battlements.
44. The raven fluttered down and landed on the rotting corpse.
45. The raven's hoarse cries reverberated through the mountain pass.
46. Ravens gathered in the treetops, watching and waiting patiently.
47. The raven regarded him solemnly before cawing harshly and taking flight.
48. The raven told of sorrow, desolation and never-ending loneliness.
49. The raven launched into the air with powerful strokes of its wings.
50. Ravens are considered extremely intelligent, cunning and mischievous birds.
51. The young raven left the nest to join the gliding throng above.
52. Ravens gathered noisily around the campsite in search of scraps.
53. The raven screeched and took flight, disappearing into the mist.
54. Ravens watched from the trees as the funeral procession passed by.
55. The raven's harsh cry echoed eerily through the ruined castle.
56. The raven seemed to follow him everywhere with its beady eyes.
57. The old raven silently watched the centuries pass from his rocky perch.
58. The raven flew away, cawing mournfully into the grey twilight.
59. Ravens gathered around the dead stag, tearing at its flesh.
60. The raven alighted on her shoulder and whispered in her ear.

Common Phases

1. The raven flew across the dark night sky.
2. The poet describes the raven as a harbinger of gloom and despair.
3. The raven squawked loudly from its perch atop the tree.
4. Poe's poem, "The Raven," is one of the most well-known examples of Gothic literature.
5. The raven's ebony feathers shined with an iridescent blue sheen in the sunlight.
6. The dark feathers of the raven contrasted sharply with the whiteness of the snowy countryside.
7. The priest cursed the raven for its incessant cawing that disrupted his prayers.
8. The raven searched the forest floor for any scraps of leftover food.
9. The gigantic raven rested peacefully on the dead tree branch.
10. The raven swooped down and snatched the small rodent in its sharp beak.
11. A murder of ravens circled overhead, watching the barnyard cats scavenge for food scraps.
12. The raven always seemed to find a way into the feed bins, no matter how tightly I secured the lids.
13. The raven stretched its glossy wings and began preening its feathers.
14. The raven's bright eyes scanned the field for any signs of movement.
15. The little drummer boy watched enviously as the raven flew freely above his head.
16. The raven is a dexterous bird, using its beak and feet to find and open food.
17. Groups of ravens can often be seen flying and feeding together.
18. The raven cawed its deep, ominous sound before disappearing into the fog.
19. Legend has it that ravens were once white before they drank the blood of slain warriors.
20. The man fed scraps of bread to the curious raven that had landed in his garden.
21. Many cultures attributed mystical properties and omens to the raven.
22. Ravens are clever birds, known for their problem-solving abilities.
23. The quiet farmhouse was startled awake by the raven's loud cawing outside the window.
24. The raven watched from the safety of the high branches as the hawk stalked the field below.
25. According to myth, ravens brought news and messages to the gods.
26. Ravens frighten away smaller birds from their nests and food sources.
27. Ravens and crows are often mistaken for each other, though ravens are larger in size.
28. The raven sat silently on the stone wall, watching the funeral procession with disinterest.
29. The raven is an opportunistic omnivore, eating whatever food sources it can find.
30. Ravens have been known to mimic human speech and sounds.
31. The raven's nest, high in the tall fir tree, was stocked with shiny treasures the bird had collected.
32. The gold and ivory rattled noisily as the raven dropped them into its nest.
33. The raven strode confidently across the moor as if it owned the very ground itself.
34. The raven's progress across the landscape was marked by its harsh cries.
35. Ravens live in family groups, where young birds remain with their parents for up to three years.
36. The raven is a symbol of death and doom in many myths and stories.
37. The tiny field mouse scrambled for cover as it spotted the raven slowly circling above.
38. No matter how hard I tried to chase it off, the lustrous raven always returned to the carcass.
39. Ravens are believed to live up to 20 years in the wild.
40. The raven cawed mournfully as it perched atop the old gravestone.
41. Ravens feed on a wide variety of foods, including carrion, grains, fruit, insects and eggs.
42. The raven sat motionless in the bare tree, its eyes fixed on the mouse running below.
43. When threatened, ravens will make hissing and croaking sounds at predators.
44. Ravens have complex social structures within their groups.
45. The raven's intention was written clearly in its beady, black eyes as it watched the unsuspecting chicken.
46. The raven opened its beak and let out a long, eerie cry that sent shivers down my spine.
47. Stories of trickster ravens abound in mythology and folklore.
48. The shiny black feathers of the raven rippled in waves as it spread its wings and took flight.
49. A flock of ravens erupted from the highest branches of the towering fir, their raucous cries filling the air.
50. The legend says that ravens were once the guardians of treasures and secrets long forgotten.
51. Ravens have been known to steal and hide food and trinkets in their nests.
52. The old professor spent his days watching ravens from the window of his study.
53. Ravens are members of the crow family and share many similarities with crows and rooks.
54. Vast flocks of ravens assembled on a carcass too far gone for other scavengers.
55. The raven cawed loudly as if in mockery of the young scholar's feeble attempts to scare it away.
56. Scientists study ravens to gain a better understanding of intelligence, communication and social behavior in animals.
57. The call of the raven often foretells of approaching calamity or doom.
58. The old witch blinked her one eye at the raven as it alighted on the windowsill of her cottage.
59. The raven's appearance at my doorstep boded no good omen.
60. Ravens are curious birds that like to investigate anything new or unusual.

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