Holloa example sentences
hollow (adjective) · hollower (comparative adjective) · hollowest (superlative adjective)
- having a hole or empty space inside:
- (of a thing) having a depression in its surface; concave:
- (of a sound) echoing, as though made in or on an empty container:
- without significance:
- insincere:
- a hole or depression in something:
- a small valley:
- form by making a hole:
- make a depression in:
- deprive (an institution or system) of elements that enable it to function properly:
empty, void, unfilled, vacant, solid, sunken, concave, depressed, dented, indented, incurvate, dull, low, flat, toneless, expressionless, muffled, muted, deep, rumbling, echoing, sepulchral, meaningless, empty, valueless, worthless, useless, pyrrhic, futile, fruitless, profitless, pointless, unavailing, bootless, worthwhile, insincere, hypocritical, feigned, pretended, artificial, false, dissembling, dissimulating, deceitful, sham, cynical, counterfeit, spurious, untrue, unsound, flimsy, phoney, pretend, sincere, hole, pit, cavity, crater, trough, cave, cavern, depression, indentation, concavity, dent, dint, dip, dimple, dish, basin, niche, nook, cranny, recess, valley, vale, dale, dene, combe, clough, glen, strath, dell, dingle, excavate, channel"Holloa" Example Sentences
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