Laicality example sentences

Related (10): separation, secularism, non-sectarianism, neutrality, irreligion, rationalism, humanism, worldly, non-clerical, layman

"Laicality" Example Sentences

1. The laicality of the government decision was troubling to some religious groups.
2. The laicality of the school's policies allowed for religious and nonreligious students to coexist peacefully.
3. The laicality of the hospital meant that all patients, regardless of religion, received the same level of care.
4. The laicality of the legal system meant that religious beliefs could not be used as a defense in court.
5. The laicality of the workplace meant that there was no discrimination based on religious beliefs.
6. The laicality of the city government was praised for its inclusivity.
7. The laicality of the constitution ensured that no religion would be favored over another.
8. The laicality of the party's platform made it more appealing to a diverse range of voters.
9. The laicality of the charity's mission made it accessible to people of all faiths.
10. The laicality of the wedding ceremony meant that it was not tied to any particular religion.
11. The laicality of the university's policies protected the academic freedom of students and faculty.
12. The laicality of the military ensured that religious beliefs did not interfere with national security.
13. The laicality of the media organization allowed for objective reporting without bias towards any particular religion.
14. The laicality of the restaurant meant that all dietary restrictions were accommodated, regardless of religion.
15. The laicality of the science curriculum meant that religious beliefs were not taught as scientific fact.
16. The laicality of the environmental organization prioritized conservation efforts over any religious beliefs.
17. The laicality of the fashion industry meant that modest clothing options were available for people of all religions.
18. The laicality of the transportation system meant that all passengers were treated equally, regardless of religion.
19. The laicality of the cultural festival celebrated the diversity of religious and nonreligious traditions.
20. The laicality of the music venue welcomed performers of all religious backgrounds.
21. The laicality of the government-funded research program ensured that no religious beliefs influenced the outcome of studies.
22. The laicality of the beauty pageant judged contestants based on their abilities, not their religious beliefs.
23. The laicality of the nonprofit organization focused on humanitarian efforts, without any religious affiliation.
24. The laicality of the art exhibit showcased a variety of mediums, including those with religious themes.
25. The laicality of the tourist attraction made it enjoyable for visitors of all religious and cultural backgrounds.
26. The laicality of the community center provided space for all residents to gather, regardless of religion.
27. The laicality of the sports team welcomed athletes of all religious beliefs.
28. The laicality of the technology company respected the privacy and security of users, regardless of religion.
29. The laicality of the farming cooperative prioritized sustainable practices over any religious beliefs.
30. The laicality of the theater company welcomed productions with religious themes, as well as those without.

Common Phases

1. The concept of laicality is an important aspect of modern society; it signifies the separation of church and state.
2. The laicality of the political system ensures that every citizen is treated equally, regardless of their religious beliefs.
3. The principle of laicality was established to protect individual freedoms and prevent discrimination based on religion.
4. The concept of laicality is often misunderstood as being anti-religious; in reality, it is about respecting diversity and individual rights.
5. The principle of laicality has been the subject of debate in many countries, with some arguing that it undermines religious values.
6. Laicality ensures that the government is not influenced by any particular religious group and remains impartial in its decision-making.
7. The concept of laicality can be seen as a symbol of progress towards a more open and liberal society.

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