Loftier example sentences
Related (5): grandiose, majestic, sublime, elevated, exalted
loftier (comparative adjective)
- of imposing height:
- of a noble or exalted nature:
- proud, aloof, or self-important:
- (of wool and other textiles) thick and resilient.
tall, high, giant, towering, soaring, imposing, magnificent, majestic, low, short, noble, exalted, high, grand, fine, sublime, elevated, worthy, base, lowly, haughty, proud, aloof, arrogant, disdainful, supercilious, condescending, patronizing, scornful, contemptuous, conceited, snobbish, lordly, grandiose, imperious, pompous, magisterial, overweening, overbearing, snooty, snotty, uppity, uppish, vainglorious, contumelious, modest"Loftier" Example Sentences
1. She aspired to loftier goals in her career.
2. His vision was much more lofty and grand than theirs.
3. The company aims for loftier standards of excellence.
4. He spoke in loftier terms about human potential.
5. The goal seemed increasingly loftier the longer she worked toward it.
6. The CEO articulated a loftier vision for the future of the company.
7. He set his sights on loftier ambitions.
8. Her dreams became loftier with age and experience.
9. They have grander, more lofty ideals in mind.
10. Their ambitions seem increasingly lofty to me now.
11. That notion seems far too lofty and idealistic.
12. The candidate spoke of loftier ideals for the nation.
13. He had loftier ambitions than becoming a grocery clerk.
14. Their goals seemed much too lofty to ever achieve.
15.Their music aimed for loftier notions of truth and beauty.
16. The senator promoted a loftier sense of public service.
17. His thoughts rose to loftier themes of philosophy and religion.
18 She spoke in loftier terms about human potential and possibility.
19. The idea seemed increasingly lofty and unreachable.
20. His goals grew ever more lofty and idealistic.
21. A more lofty and moral purpose drives them.
22. She nurtured loftier ambitions for her children.
23. Even his most lofty goals did not prepare him for that moment.
24. They cast a more lofty, visionary image for the company.
25. Her gaze rose to loftier, philosophical heights.
26. The CEO articulated a loftier purpose for the company.
27. A more lofty, spiritual truth drives him.
28. That seems like an overly lofty and idealistic goal.
29. He shunned more lofty ideals in favor of practicality.
30. Their lofty ambitions may never be realized.
31. Her goals seemed increasingly loftier and impractical.
32. He wanted to pursue something more lofty than monetary gain.
33. They have loftier ideals of human potential and possibility in mind.
34. Their cause seemed rooted in loftier principles of justice and virtue.
35. The ad targeted a more lofty, intellectual customer.
36. He nurtured his daughter's loftier ambitions.
37. His vision seemed too lofty and idealistic.
38. She discussed loftier philosophical themes.
39. Their music aspired to loftier aesthetic realms.
40. His thoughts rose to loftier intellectual heights.
41. That summit seemed too lofty and distant to reach.
42. Even his most lofty goals seem within reach now.
43. His arguments rose to progressively loftier intellectual plains.
44. Their ideals seem increasingly lofty and unreachable.
45. I nurtured loftier ambitions for myself.
46. They spoke of loftier spiritual truths.
47. She held to increasingly lofty, impractical ideals.
48. His loftiest ideals remain elusive and distant.
49. The ad promoted a loftier, more poetic image.
50. His loftiest aspirations remain unrealized.
51. Even their most lofty goals seem distant now.
52. He nurtured her increasingly lofty ambitions.
53. The speech promoted loftier, more idealistic goals.
54. Their motives seem rooted in loftier principles.
55. Her sights rose to ever loftier professional heights.
56. That goal seems overly lofty and unrealistic.
57. His arguments rose to progressively loftier heights.
58. The teacher nurtured my loftier intellectual ambitions.
59. The initiative aimed for loftier social ideals.
60. Their motives seem rooted in loftier ideals.
Common Phases
1. loftier goals
2. lofty ideals
3. loftier ambitions
4. loftier heights
5. loftier aims
6. loftier vision
7. loftier purpose
8. more lofty aspirations
9. rising to loftier planes of thought
10. nurture loftier aspirations
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