Meanest example sentences
meanest (superlative adjective)
- unwilling to give or share things, especially money; not generous:
- unkind, spiteful, or unfair:
- vicious or aggressive in behavior:
- (especially of a place) poor in quality and appearance; shabby:
- (of a person's mental capacity or understanding) inferior; poor:
- of low birth or social class:
- excellent; very skillful or effective:
miserly, parsimonious, cheeseparing, ungenerous, penurious, illiberal, close, grasping, greedy, avaricious, acquisitive, Scroogelike, miserable, tightfisted, stingy, tight, mingy, cheap, grabby, hungry, near, generous, extravagant, munificent, unkind, nasty, spiteful, foul, malicious, malevolent, despicable, contemptible, obnoxious, vile, odious, loathsome, disagreeable, unpleasant, unfriendly, uncharitable, shabby, unfair, callous, cruel, vicious, base, low, horrible, horrid, hateful, rotten, lowdown, beastly, bitchy, catty, shitty, kind, squalid, shabby, dilapidated, sordid, seedy, slummy, sleazy, insalubrious, poor, sorry, wretched, dismal, dingy, miserable, mangy, scruffy, scuzzy, crummy, grungy, ratty, tacky, grotty, luxurious, palatial, inferior, poor, limited, restricted, meager, lowly, humble, ordinary, low, modest, common, base, proletarian, plebeian, obscure, undistinguished, ignoble, baseborn, noble, excellent, marvelous, magnificent, superb, fine, wonderful, outstanding, exceptional, formidable, virtuoso, skillful, masterful, masterly, great, terrific, tremendous, super, amazing, fantastic, sensational, stellar, fabulous, fab, ace, crack, awesome, magic, bad, wicked, brilliant, brill, smashing, neat, badass, boss, bonzer, wizard, spiffing, ripping, topping, champion, capital, swell, keen, bad, awful, terrible, dreadful"Meanest" Example Sentences
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