Narcing example sentences
nursing (noun)
- the profession or practice of providing care for the sick and infirm:
- (of a mother) breastfeeding a baby:
- (of a baby) feeding at the breast:
nursing (present participle)
- give medical and other attention to (a sick person):
- care for the sick and infirm, especially as a profession:
- try to cure or alleviate (an injury, injured part, or illness) by treating it carefully and protectively:
- hold closely and carefully or caressingly:
- hold (a cup or glass) in one's hands, drinking from it occasionally:
- harbor (a belief or feeling), especially for a long time:
- take special care of, especially to promote development or well-being:
- feed (a baby) at the breast:
- be fed at the breast:
- be brought up in (a specified condition):
- try to play strokes which keep (the balls) close together.