Nebel example sentences

Related (12): mist, fog, haze, smog, cloud, vapor, steam, breath, nebula, gauze, fuzz, blur

"Nebel" Example Sentences

1. The thick fog or nebel made it impossible to see through.
2. The nebel seemed to be lifting, revealing the rolling hills beyond.
3. The early morning nebel shrouded the landscape in tranquility.
4. The nebel was so dense that it made driving treacherous.
5. The light from the street lamps reflected in the nebel like golden globes.
6. The nebel over the mountain crept like a veil, covering the peaks.
7. As the sun rose higher in the sky, the nebel eventually faded away.
8. The soft nebel clung to the trees, transforming the forest into a mystical wonderland.
9. The nebel brought a strange stillness to the air, making everything seem muffled.
10. The nebel was so thick that it hid the sun, casting a gray pall over everything.
11. The nebel made the old castle look even more mysterious and enchanting.
12. The eerie nebel created an otherworldly atmosphere, as if the world had been transformed.
13. There was a hint of nebel in the air, signaling the start of autumn.
14. The nebel made everything look like it had been painted with watercolor.
15. The early morning nebel made the world feel hushed and peaceful.
16. The nebel was so thick that it felt like walking through a cloud.
17. The nebel that rolled in overnight gave the fields a ghostly appearance.
18. The nebel made the forest feel mysterious and full of secrets.
19. The nebel began to lift, like a curtain rising on a spectacular stage.
20. The nebel hung heavily over the river, obscuring the view of the opposite bank.
21. The nebel was so thick that it made it difficult to navigate the city streets.
22. The nebel enveloped everything, like a world within a world.
23. The nebel cleared slowly, revealing the sun-kissed fields beyond.
24. The cold nebel seemed to penetrate my bones, making me shiver.
25. The nebel was so dense that it created an almost claustrophobic feeling in the city.
26. The nebel made the world feel like a dream, surreal and indistinct.
27. The early morning nebel ignited a sense of adventure and mystery in my soul.
28. The nebel began to dissipate, revealing the sparkling waters of the lake.
29. The nebel settled over the valley like a cozy blanket, muffling the sounds of civilization.
30. The nebel made everything look ethereal and otherworldly, like a fairy tale come to life.

Common Phases

1. Die Nebel schweben über den Bergen;
2. Der Nebel hält sich hartnäckig;
3. Der Nebel lichtet sich langsam;
4. Aus dem Nebel tauchen Konturen auf;
5. Es herrscht dichter Nebel;
6. Der Nebel liegt wie ein Schleier über der Stadt;
7. Der Nebel zieht über das Feld;
8. Der Nebel legt sich auf den Fluss;
9. Die Natur scheint im Nebel verzaubert;
10. Der Nebel verschleiert die Sicht.

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