Pipeful example sentences

Related (7): tobacco, smoke, bowl, inhale, exhale, aroma, pleasure.

"Pipeful" Example Sentences

1. The old man smoked a pipeful of tobacco every afternoon.
2. I only need a pipeful of paint to finish this painting.
3. The bartender packed a pipeful of his best tobacco blend.
4. She blew a ring of smoke from her pipeful.
5. He emptied the ashtray after every pipeful he smoked.
6. I could smell the sweet aroma of his pipeful from across the room.
7. The Sherlock Holmes impersonator took a long pipeful of smoke and blew it out dramatically.
8. I always look forward to a pipeful of relaxation after a long day at work.
9. Do you know how much a pipeful of tobacco weighs?
10. His pipeful technique was impressive, as he never dropped any bits of tobacco.
11. A single pipeful can last for up to an hour.
12. My grandfather's pipeful was his time to reflect and relax.
13. Her father gave her a pipeful of sage to ward off evil spirits.
14. The poet took a pipeful of inspiration and started to write.
15. I keep a jar of tobacco for my pipefuls in my desk drawer.
16. The smoke from his pipeful hovered in the air, making a satin-like fog.
17. A pipeful always accompanies his evening cup of tea.
18. Even though she was not a smoker, she enjoyed the scent of pipefuls.
19. He took a quick pipeful and walked out the door to begin his morning routine.
20. The local antique store had a collection of beautiful pipes that are perfect for a pipeful.
21. She took a pipeful and blew smoke rings while pondering a tough decision.
22. The old man was content with a pipeful and watching the world go by.
23. He knew exactly how to pack a perfect pipeful every time.
24. After finishing his work, he rewarded himself with a pipeful before going to bed.
25. The pipe smoker always kept his pipeful tools close by.
26. Her grandmother told her stories of when a pipeful of tobacco was a precious commodity.
27. He always offered his guests a pipeful of tobacco and a drink.
28. The smell of a pipeful always reminds her of her childhood summers at her grandparent's farm.
29. The old friend passed a pipeful of his homemade tobacco to me.
30. I could hear the soft sound of his pipeful as he smoked at the back of the room.

Common Phases

1. A pipeful before bedtime helps me relax.
2. I prefer a pipeful of fruity tobacco.
3. A good book and a pipeful make for a perfect evening.
4. He always enjoys a pipeful after a long day at work.
5. The smell of a pipeful reminds me of my grandfather.
6. I only need a pipeful to satisfy my cravings.
7. The tobacco shop recommended this blend for a satisfying pipeful.
8. He shared a pipeful with his friends while camping.
9. She enjoys a pipeful while watching the sunset.
10. A pipeful is a ritual for many pipe smokers.

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