Poesy example sentences

Related (6): verse, poetry, rhyme, sonnet, ballad, haiku


noun archaic literary

poesy (noun)

  - poetry:

  - the art or composition of poetry:


poetry, versification, rhyme, rhyming, balladry, doggerel, poems, lyrics, rhymes, prose, Legal

"Poesy" Example Sentences

1. The poesy inspired by nature was apparent in her writing.
2. He was fond of the old-fashioned and flowery poesy.
3. The melancholy tone of the poesy resonated with the audience.
4. The rhyme and rhythm of the poesy brought enjoyment to the listeners.
5. The beauty and imaginative flights of fancy in the poesy delighted the readers.
6. Poesy was the paradise from which she had been expelled.
7. His poesy was filled with imaginative descriptions of fantasy lands and creatures.
8. There is inspiration in lofty poesy.
9. The poesy conveys deep emotion and feeling.
10. The singer's voice brought life and meaning to the poesy.
11. His poesy was filled with lyrical praise of traditional values and virtues.
12. The poesy captured the spirit and essence of love.
13. The imagery and symbolism in the poesy created powerful visual pictures in the mind.
14. The intricate and interlocking rhyme scheme of the poesy highlighted the technical skill of the poet.
15. The poesy painted a tragic yet hopeful portrait of humanity.
16. The poesy described beautiful vistas and lush gardens.
17. Melancholy and longing pervade the poesy.
18. The language of the poesy was simple yet elegant.
19. The ancient style and formality of the poesy added to its dignity and grace.
20. The poesy stirred the human spirit and suggested deeper meanings.
21. The poesy described scenes of serene pastoral beauty.
22. The flowery nature of the traditional poesy now seemed antiquated and quaint.
23. The poesy evoked a nostalgic and sentimental view of the past.
24. The poesy explored themes of spirituality, love and death.
25. The rhyme and meter of the poesy gave structure and flow to the words.
26. His poesy sought to capture universal truths in lyrical language.
27. The poesy attempted to convey feelings that language cannot fully capture.
28. The heroism and valor described in the poesy inspired patriotic sentiment.
29. The satirical poesy revealed social truths through humor and exaggeration.
30. The poesy employed personification to attribute human characteristics to abstract concepts and ideas.
31. The lofty aspirations expressed in the poesy uplifted the spirit.
32. The poesy offered a prophetic vision of mankind's place in the universe.
33. The flowery poesy appealed to the sense of beauty and wonder within each human soul.
34. The book of poesy opened a window into the poet's sensitive and artistic imagination.
35. The poesy sought to raise human consciousness to a higher moral and spiritual plane.
36. The epic poesy recounted tales of heroic deeds and larger-than-life characters.
37. The poesy used symbolism to imbue familiar things with deeper spiritual meaning.
38. The simplicity and directness of the poesy was surprisingly emotive and powerful.
39. The melancholy strain woven through the poesy evoked feelings of nostalgia and longing.
40. The rhythmic and melodic poesy captivated the audience.
41. The lofty language and idealism of the poesy now seems quaint and outdated.
42. The poesy aimed to capture the everlasting beauty of the human spirit.
43. The mystical poesy explored universal philosophical and religious concepts.
44. The lyricism and beauty of the poesy reflects the poet's soulful longing.
45. The poesy strove to rouse noble sentiments and inspire virtue.
46. The elegiac poesy expressed grief and lamentation over the passing of time and life.
47. The mystical poesy sought to express the inexpressible mysteries of life and being.
48. The poesy employed alliteration and assonance for rhythmic effect.
49. The poesy captures universal human emotions in simple yet profound words.
50. Her flowery poesy appeared elegant but lacked substance.
51. The poesy aimed to inspire wonder and spirituality in the readers.
52. The imagery, rhythms and rhymes of the poesy produced musical flow and harmony.
53. The sweetness and simplicity of the poesy appealed to the child within each of us.
54. The idealistic poesy of youth now seems innocent yet naïve.
55. The epic and grand style of the poesy matched the ambition of its theme.
56. The moral teachings conveyed through the poesy aimed to improve human conduct.
57. The fanciful poesy encouraged readers to use their imagination.
58. The melancholy poesy reflected the poet's longing for love lost.
59. The earthly examples in the poesy pointed to higher spiritual truths.
60. The beautiful poesy described scenes of joy, happiness and contentment.

Common Phases

1. Her poetic spirit and gift for poesy enchanted all who knew her.
2. The boy showed an early talent for poesy and lyrical verse.
3. The sad air filled with sublime poesy and sorrowful melody.
4. She loved playing with words and tried her hand at poesy from a young age.
5. The poesy of romantic love filled his soul and flowed from his pen.
6. Old poems and ancient ballads fill my heart with delight and poesy.
7. The poesy of childhood awakened sweet daydreams of journeys and adventures to come.
8. Her poesy breathed love and beauty into an otherwise ordinary world.
9. The wanderer refreshed his soul with poesy sung by the birds on high.
10. The gracious lady's lofty poesy soared to realms beyond all others.
11. His greatest inspiration came from reading the poesy of old masters.
12. The strumming of her harp filled the hall with heavenly poesy.
13. The power of poesy transformed dry words into elixirs of joy and wisdom.
14. Our eyes met and we were lost in poesy, as if time itself stood still.
15. Memories of childish poesy came flooding back with each line I read.
16. The ethereal poesy of roses blooming in springtime lifted my spirit.
17. Music and poesy dissolved all cares, leaving nothing but peace and light.
18. Classics of literature filled his mind with poesy and wonder from dawn till dusk.
19. His poesy moved the hearts of old and young, rich and poor alike.
20. The fairies sang sweet songs filled with enchanting poesy.
21. How sad that this world has little use for poesy and beauty anymore.
22. I held that book of poems like a talisman against the erosion of poesy in modern life.
23. They walked hand in hand through fields of wildflowers as poesy and romance filled the air.
24. Poesy bloomed rich and full within her but found few listeners in this prosaic age.
25. Poetry, music and poesy were the breath of life to her expansive spirit.
26. To read his poesy is to see through the eyes of one who knew wonder well.
27. The power of poesy stilled the noise and busyness of the world, if only for a moment.
28. On this bleak day I yearned for the comfort and poesy that only books could provide.
29. Though time and tide may wash much away, the poesy of true love remains.
30. I drink deep of simplicity and poesy's sweet wine to renew my spirit.
31. My dreams are filled with poesy and beauty; the ideal from which this work-a-day world falls so far short.
32. The ancient stories of myth and legend were my first lessons in poesy and wisdom.
33. Her poesy sprang fresh and new from the eternal well of inspiration within.
34. My soul became reacquainted with poesy and long-forgotten hopes awoke.
35. Beyond these walls of stone poesy lives on in eternal song.
36. Before him stretched fields of poesy, yet unploughed by mortal pen.
37. The poesy and wisdom of the old masters shaped my young and fertile mind.
38. Only in poesy and prayer did I find healing for my wounded heart.
39. Each poem, story and song renewed my love of poesy and delight in language.
40. His poesy touched something deep within me, a place untouched by time.
41. Dreams of poesy soon faded to dust when confronted with harsh reality.
42. The purity and poesy of childhood lived on in her loving nature.
43. All knowledge pales in comparison to the ageless poesy of the human heart.
44. I mistook her poesy for folly until the light of love revealed its truth.
45. The joy and poesy of poems learned in childhood echoed in my memory.
46. The light in her eyes spoke of some secret knowledge of hidden poesy few ever discover.
47. Poesy died when music and song fled from this place of sorrow.
48. She longed for kinder days when poesy and joy reigned supreme.
49. Their discussions shone brilliant light upon the inner poesy of life and language.
50. Wisdom and poesy have ever found sanctuary within these hallowed halls.
51. Dark clouds of despair gave way to sunlight and poesy once again.
52. The ancient art of poesy seemed but a dim memory in this industrial age.
53. I depart filled with gratitude for the poesy that has nourished my soul.
54. Fresh dewdrops of poesy await those who seek with an open heart.
55. Let poesy revive our spirits and restore what time has worn away.
56. The pure light of poesy shone forth, dispelling shadows of doubt and fear.
57. Though few understand, his poesy provides balm for my wounded spirit.
58. Here my soul found rest in the poesy of springtime blossoms and birdsong.
59. My heart rejoices in the eternal poesy made manifest through transient words.
60. Simplicity, purity and poesy were like old friends I had not seen for years.

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