Pursuable example sentences
- adjective form of pursue
pursue (verb) · pursues (third person present) · pursued (past tense) · pursued (past participle) · pursuing (present participle)
- follow (someone or something) in order to catch or attack them:
- seek to form a sexual relationship with (someone) in a persistent way:
- seek to attain or accomplish (a goal) over a long period:
- (of something unpleasant) persistently afflict (someone):
- (of a person or way) continue or proceed along (a path or route):
- engage in (an activity or course of action):
- continue to investigate, explore, or discuss (a topic, idea, or argument):
pursue, follow, chase, hunt, stalk, track, trail, trace, shadow, dog, hound, course, tail, avoid, flee, woo, court, chase, romance, seek, eschew, trouble, bother, burden, distress, beset, harass, worry, oppress, annoy, vex, irritate, exasperate, strain, stress, tax, torment, plague, blight, bedevil, rack, smite, curse, harrow, grip, visit, take, discommode, ail, comfort, practice, follow, prosecute, conduct, ply, shun, conduct, undertake, follow, continue, prosecute, investigate, research, examine, study, review, check, scrutinize, analyze, probe, Feedback"Pursuable" Example Sentences
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