Rifling example sentences

Related (10): barrel, bullet, caliber, cartridge, gunsmith, muzzle, powder, projectile, shooting, twist

"Rifling" Example Sentences

1. He watched as the thief used a rifling tool to break into the safe.
2. The detective found evidence of rifling on the window frame.
3. The gun had a rifling pattern inside the barrel.
4. The burglar left rifling marks on the door.
5. Rifling through her purse, she searched for her keys.
6. The criminal had been rifling through the victim's belongings.
7. She could see the rifling marks on the lock of the safe.
8. The police found rifling on the door of the house.
9. The assassin had used a rifling tool to break into the building.
10. The thief had left rifling marks on the lock of the safe.
11. The criminal had been rifling through the victim's wallet.
12. The police found evidence of rifling on the window frame.
13. He noticed the rifling marks on the door of the house.
14. The assassin had used a rifling tool to break into the safe.
15. Rifling through his pockets, he searched for his keys.
16. The detective found the rifling marks on the lock of the safe.
17. She noticed the rifling pattern inside the barrel of the gun.
18. The burglar had left rifling marks on the window frame.
19. The police found evidence of rifling on the door of the house.
20. Rifling through the drawers, she searched for her wallet.
21. The criminal had been rifling through the victim's drawers.
22. The thief had used a rifling tool to break into the building.
23. He could see the rifling marks on the window frame.
24. The detective found the rifling marks on the door of the house.
25. The assassin had left rifling marks on the lock of the safe.
26. Rifling through her bag, she searched for her phone.
27. The burglar had been rifling through the victim's drawers.
28. The police found evidence of rifling on the window of the house.
29. She noticed the rifling pattern inside the barrel of the gun.
30. The thief had used a rifling tool to break into the safe.
31. He saw the rifling marks on the lock of the safe.
32. The criminal had been rifling through the victim's bag.
33. The detective found evidence of rifling on the door frame.
34. Rifling through his suitcase, he searched for his passport.
35. The assassin had left rifling marks on the window frame.
36. The burglar had used a rifling tool to break into the building.
37. The police found the rifling marks on the lock of the safe.
38. She could see the rifling pattern inside the barrel of the gun.
39. Rifling through her drawers, she searched for her jewelry.
40. The criminal had been rifling through the victim's suitcase.

Common Phases

Cutting the lands; Cutting the grooves; Polishing the bore; Applying the twist; Finishing the crown.

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