Sacrednesses example sentences

Related (6): holiness, sanctity, divinity, purity, consecration, devotion



  - noun form of sacred



sacred (adjective)

  - connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration:

  - religious rather than secular:

  - (of writing or text) embodying the laws or doctrines of a religion:

  - regarded with great respect and reverence by a particular religion, group, or individual:

  - sacrosanct:


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"Sacrednesses" Example Sentences

I apologize, but "sacrednesses" is not a common English word. It does not appear in most dictionaries.
The more standard word would be "sacredness," meaning the quality of being holy or sacred.
1. The church building was used to preserve the sacredness of their religious rituals.
2. They approached the rituals with a deep sense of their spiritual sacredness.
3. The temple's atmosphere conveyed a profound feeling of sacredness and spirituality.
4. The ancient burial ground was treated with reverence for its sacredness.
5. The shrine achieved a sacredness through centuries of prayers and offerings.
6. They guarded the sacredness of their holy texts.
7. The pristine natural surroundings heightened the spiritual sacredness of the place.
8. The ritual washing allowed them to cleanse themselves and prepare for the sacredness of the upcoming ceremony.
9. For many believers, the sacredness of religious objects derives from their alleged connection to holy figures.
10. The monks upheld the sacredness of their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
11. The forest acquired a sacredness for them through its association with memories of childhood.
12. Indigenous groups often treat the land itself as sacred, imbuing it with spiritual sacredness.
13. We approached the sacredness of nature with reverence and respect.
14. The sacredness of holy days required them to set aside time for religious observances.
15. The concept of marital sacredness underpins society's respect for the institution of marriage.
16. In wartime, the sacredness of human life can become diminished.
17. The religious rituals served to reinforce the sacredness of the occasion.
18. They wanted to preserve the town's spiritual sacredness as a holy place of pilgrimage.
19. The sacredness of objects depends upon their perceived connection to the divine.
20. We need to restore a sense of the sacredness of our oceans and natural resources.
21. The sacredness of religious vows derives from their divine origins.
22. Consumerism threatens the sacredness of many time-honored religious and cultural celebrations.
23. The cult emphasized the sacredness of human life and love.
24. She viewed the task of parenting with a profound sense of its spiritual sacredness.
25. The day acquired a sacredness for them through being set aside for contemplation and worship.
26. They imbued the oasis with spiritual sacredness as a place of spiritual renewal.
27. He sought to convey a sense of the sacredness of art through his writings.
28. The sacredness of the occasion demanded their utmost solemnity and respect.
29. The sacredness of human rights derives from our common humanity.
30. Rituals serve to periodically reaffirm the sacredness of cultural traditions.
31. Children need guidance in understanding the spiritual sacredness of life.
32. Indigenous groups treat natural places as sacred in order to imbue them with religious sacredness.
33. We need to reconnect with a sense of the spiritual sacredness of all beings.
34. Religious discipline served to reinforce the sacredness of her spiritual vows.
35. The sense of self gives way to an experience of the sacredness of being itself.
36. Elaborate rituals consecrated the sacredness of religious articles and places.
37. The more we understand of nature, the more we appreciate its inherent sacredness.
38. Her stories conveyed a profound sense of the spiritual sacredness of ordinary life.
39. His paintings sought to capture the ineffable sacredness of religious experience.
40. The holiday acquired a sacredness through long-standing cultural and religious traditions.
41. The tranquility of the monastic gardens conveyed a sense of their sacredness as places for spiritual reflection.
42. The spiritual sacredness of marriage depends upon an ideal of unconditional love.
43. The sacredness of religious buildings derives from their role in facilitating spiritual enlightenment.
44. The serenity of the old temple reflected its long-standing spiritual sacredness.
45. All beings share in the inherent spiritual sacredness of life itself.
46. The sacredness of religious rituals depends upon symbolic communication of spiritual truths.
47. We need to cultivate a renewed sense of the spiritual sacredness of all life on our planet.
48. Many religions emphasize the spiritual sacredness inherent in everyday experiences and activities.
49. The sacredness of monuments derives from their symbolic representation of shared cultural values.
50. The natural world possesses an inherent sacredness that transcends any human-given spiritual meaning.

Common Phases

1. The people gathered to protect the sacrednesses of their temple.
2. They valued the sacrednesses of their customs and traditions.
3. The elders ensured that the younger generations understood and respected the sacrednesses.
4. The invaders desecrated the sacrednesses that the people held dear.
5. The sacrednesses of the land and its people must be honored.
6. The ancients imbued many objects and places with sacrednesses.
7. All life contains sacrednesses that should be revered.
8. The spirituality of the people resided in those sacrednesses.
9. The sacrednesses connected the people to each other and to their traditions.
10. The tribe aspired to maintain the sacrednesses for future generations.
11. They cherished the sacrednesses as gifts from the gods.
12. The sacrednesses were under threat from those who did not understand them.
13. Protecting the sacrednesses became their purpose and mission.
14 The sacrednesses had been passed down since time immemorial.
15. The destruction of the sacrednesses threatened the very soul of the people.
16. The spiritual nature of the sacrednesses transcended worldly concerns.
17. Those who violated the sacrednesses were seen as enemies.
18. The sacrednesses provided a sense of meaning, purpose, and connection.
19. They gathered to pray for the preservation of the sacrednesses.
20. Defiling the sacrednesses brought curses and misfortune.
21. The people's sacrednesses became targets during times of conflict.
22. The loss of sacrednesses often led to a decline in culture and spirituality.
23. Guardians were appointed to protect and maintain the sacrednesses.
24. Rituals involving the sacrednesses were performed on special occasions.
25. The sacrednesses brought a sense of constancy and permanence.
26. They monuments and artifacts contained inestimable sacrednesses.
27. The mindlessness of technological progress threatened the sacrednesses.
28. Tourism put undue pressure on precious sacrednesses.
29. The sacrednesses were embedded in myths and legends.
30. Preserving the sacrednesses became a sacred duty.
31. The sacrednesses gave them spiritual sustenance and solace.
32. They were willing to fight and die to protect the sacrednesses.
33. The sacrednesses had the power to transform and elevate the human spirit.
34. The sacrednesses knit together the disparate parts of their fractured culture.
35. Ritual purification was needed before approaching the sacrednesses.
36. The sacrednesses remained even as circumstances changed around them.
37. They took refuge in the sacrednesses during times of trial and tribulation.
38. The sacrednesses provided comfort during times of grief and loss.
39. The sacrednesses helped keep hope alive.
40. Destruction of the sacrednesses was seen as an act of desecration.
41. They mourned the loss of sacrednesses due to neglect and ignorance.
42. Preserving the sacrednesses required vigilance and sacrifice.
43. The sacrednesses were treated with utmost reverence and care.
44. Their festivals revolved around celebrations of sacrednesses.
45. As long as the sacrednesses remained, so did their spirit and culture.
46. They prayed for wisdom to properly honor the sacrednesses.
47. The sacrednesses connected their small tribe to something greater and eternal.
48. The sacrednesses filled them with a sense of wonder and awe.
49. Knowledge of the sacrednesses was passed down orally from one generation to the next.
50. The sacrednesses provided a sense of absolute Truth and Reality.
51. Their definition of sacrednesses was broad and all-encompassing.
52. Fools and infidels failed to recognize the sacrednesses around them.
53. They believed protecting the sacrednesses was a form of devotion to the divine.
54. The healing powers of sacrednesses were well known.
55. The recognition and proper honoring of sacrednesses defined the people.
56. Defending the sacrednesses became an article of faith.
57. The sacrednesses gave them a sense of purpose and direction.
58. Rituals honoring the sacrednesses bonded the people together.
59. The people were willing to subordinate worldly desires for protection of sacrednesses.
60. As long as sacrednesses remained, so too did hope for the future.

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