Sapience example sentences

Related (25): intelligence, wisdom, insight, discernment, knowledge, understanding, judgement, acumen, prudence, sagacity, savvy, wit, reason, astuteness, foresight, shrewdness, perspicacity, sageness, cleverness, acuity, perception, enlightenment, erudition, proficiency, aptitude.

"Sapience" Example Sentences

1. His sapience was evident in the way he handled the difficult situation.
2. The professor was renowned for his sapience and insight.
3. The young man's sapience was far beyond his years.
4. She was admired for her sapience in the face of adversity.
5. His sapience was the key to his success in business.
6. He was known for his sapience in problem-solving.
7. Her sapience was a source of inspiration to all.
8. His sapience was a great asset to the team.
9. His sapience was shown in the way he handled the crisis.
10. The board was impressed with his sapience and wisdom.
11. His sapience was evident in his ability to think quickly.
12. His sapience was a great benefit to the company.
13. His sapience was one of the reasons for his success.
14. His sapience was a key factor in his success.
15. Her sapience was a valuable asset to the team.
16. His sapience was the driving force behind his success.
17. His sapience was a major factor in his rise to power.
18. His sapience and wisdom were admired by all.
19. His sapience was a great help in solving the problem.
20. His sapience was one of the reasons for his popularity.
21. His sapience was a major factor in his success.
22. His sapience was a major asset in his career.
23. His sapience was a great asset in times of crisis.
24. His sapience was a great asset to the organization.
25. His sapience was a great help in making the decision.
26. His sapience was invaluable in solving the problem.
27. His sapience was a major factor in his success.
28. His sapience was a great source of strength and wisdom.
29. His sapience was a great help in resolving the issue.
30. His sapience was a great asset in his professional life.
31. His sapience was an invaluable asset in times of difficulty.
32. His sapience was a great help in making the right decisions.
33. His sapience was a great asset in dealing with difficult situations.
34. His sapience was a great help in navigating the complex situation.
35. His sapience was a great help in finding the right solution.
36. His sapience was a great asset in finding the right solution.
37. His sapience was a great help in finding the best solution.
38. His sapience was a great help in making the best decision.
39. His sapience was a great help in resolving the conflict.
40. His sapience was an invaluable asset in times of need.

Common Phases

Exploring Sapience; Developing Sapience; Applying Sapience; Sharing Sapience; Enhancing Sapience.

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