Scourge example sentences
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Related (19): disease, affliction, epidemic, disaster, calamity, catastrophe, plague, torment, punishment, bane, nuisance, curse, adversity, misfortune, misery, woe, trial, tribulation, hardship.
"Scourge" Example Sentences
1. Smallpox was a scourge that killed millions before its eradication.
2. Cancer has been a scourge on humanity for centuries.
3. Corruption is a scourge that prevents the country from developing.
4. Violence has been a scourge plaguing the city for years.
5. Poverty remains a scourge that affects billions around the world.
6. Tax evasion is a scourge that deprives the government of much-needed revenue.
7. Illiteracy is a scourge that must be eliminated to improve society.
8. Drug addiction is a scourge that ruins lives and families.
9. Extremism is a scourge that threatens peace and stability.
10. Terrorism has become a global scourge in the 21st century.
11. Infectious diseases have been humanity's greatest historical scourge.
12. Intolerance has long been a scourge plaguing mankind.
13. For centuries slavery was a scourge tolerated by most societies.
14. Civil war has been a scourge in many developing countries.
15. Corrupt leaders are a scourge on their nation's progress.
16. Invasive insect pests are a scourge for many farmers.
17. Religious fundamentalism has become a scourge around the world.
18. Mass starvation is a scourge that still afflicts many poor nations.
19. Cybercrime has become an emerging scourge in the digital age.
20. Child labor remains an abhorrent scourge in parts of the world.
21. Prejudice has long been a scourge that divides societies.
22. Refugees have become one of humanity's greatest scourges.
23. Pollution has become an insidious scourge affecting our planet.
24. Disease-carrying mosquitoes are a major scourge in the tropics.
25. Sexual exploitation remains a scourge that preys upon the innocent.
26. Drought has been a scourge for farmers around the globe.
27. Racism remains a pernicious scourge threatening progress.
28. AIDS has been a modern-day scourge ravaging populations.
29. Sectarianism has been a scourge fueling many civil wars.
30. Extremist ideologies remain a dangerous scourge in the 21st century.
31. Discrimination is an intractable scourge hampering social mobility.
32. Natural disasters continue to afflict humanity as a recurrent scourge.
33. Substance abuse remains a harmful scourge affecting individuals and families.
34. Modern warfare has become an indiscriminate scourge inflicting suffering on civilians.
35. Superstition has often been a misleading scourge affecting human progress.
36. Income inequality is an insidious scourge threatening social cohesion.
37. Human trafficking remains an abhorrent scourge violating human rights.
38. Depression has become a rising scourge affecting individuals worldwide.
39. False narratives on social media have become a dangerous modern-day scourge.
40. Domestic violence remains an entrenched scourge around the globe.
41. Malnutrition continues to be a scourge plaguing developing nations.
42. Misinformation has become an epidemic scourge in the age of the internet.
43. Xenophobia has often functioned as a divisive social scourge.
44. Financial crises have been a recurrent economic scourge throughout history.
45. Identity theft has become a growing scourge affecting people globally.
46. Honor killings remain an abhorrent social scourge in parts of the world.
47. Religious extremism has become a pervasive scourge threatening global stability.
48. Government corruption is an entrenched scourge undermining democracy and the rule of law.
49. Infant mortality continues to be a scourge that affects poor communities around the world.
50. Authoritarian regimes pose a scourge against universal human rights.
51. Famine has plagued humanity as a recurrent scourge throughout history.
52. Workplace abuse remains an insidious scourge violating people's dignity.
53. School shootings have become a modern-day scourge plaguing students and educators across America.
54. Plague has historically been humanity's greatest scourge, decimating populations throughout the centuries.
55. Disinformation has become a dangerous political scourge in democratic societies.
56. Warfare continues to be an indiscriminate scourge inflicting suffering on civilians around the world.
57. Cyberbullying has become a damaging modern-day scourge affecting young people globally.
58. Income inequality remains a persistent social scourge challenging democracies.
59. Pollution continues to plague humanity as an environmental scourge.
60. Child abuse remains an inexcusable social scourge violating the most vulnerable.
Common Phases
1. A modern-day
2. A global
3. A pernicious
4. An enduring
5. An ancient
6. A historical
7. A recurring
8. An entrenched
9. An insidious
10. A persistent
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