Settler example sentences
Related (5): Pioneer, colonist, immigrant, homesteader, newcomer.
"Settler" Example Sentences
1. The first settlers arrived in the new land.
2. Pioneer settlers faced many hardships.
3. The early settlers built simple log cabins.
4. Settlers cleared the land to farm and graze livestock.
5. Many settlers perished during the first harsh winter.
6. The settlers worked together to build a community.
7. The native people greeted the new settlers with distrust.
8. Conflicts arose between the native tribes and the settlers.
9. Settlers struggled to establish self-sufficient farms.
10. The growing colony attracted more settlers.
11. The influx of new settlers strained resources.
12. The first pioneers were followed by waves of settlers.
13. Many settlers came seeking religious freedom.
14. The spread of settlers put pressure on native lands.
15. The early years saw many settlers return home.
16. Settlers relied on hunting and trapping for survival.
17. New settlers looked to established families for guidance.
18. Native people traded goods with the new settlers.
19. New settlers expanded the borders of the colony.
20. The climate posed challenges to new settlers.
21. The region saw a boom in new settlers and settlement.
22. Settlers brought European culture to the new land.
23. Many settlers began as indentured laborers.
24. Early settlers worked to establish infrastructure.
25. Gold rushes spurred many hopeful settlers west.
26. Settlers negotiated treaties with native tribes.
27. Violent conflicts erupted between settlers and natives.
28. Life was harsh and dangerous for pioneer settlers.
29. Many settlers succumbed to diseases and malnutrition.
30. Settlers built defense fortifications against attack.
31. The influx of settlers benefited local traders and farmers.
32. New roads were needed to accommodate the new settlers.
33. Treaties were often broken by settlers and officials.
34. Many native people died from exposure to settler diseases.
35. As settlers advanced, native people were displaced.
36. Settlers pushed west in search of new farmland.
37. Settlers relied heavily on natives for trade and survival skills.
38. Settlers began migrating west in covered wagons.
39. Railroads brought larger numbers of new settlers.
40. Settlers claimed and staked land for homesteading.
41. Many settlers integrated into the existing native communities.
42. Settlers began a wave of westward expansion.
43. Conflicts erupted between new and established settlers.
44. The Donner Party was a group of ill-fated settlers.
45. Settlers brought new crops and agricultural practices.
46. The western settlers included prospectors and cowboys.
47. Settlers traded beads and trinkets with native peoples.
48. Some native tribes welcomed the new settlers.
49. Not all settlers were farmers; some were tradesmen and merchants.
50. Traders, trappers and missionaries came before the main settler wave.
51. The settler population grew due to high birth rates.
52. Many native peoples suffered and died due to the arrival of settlers.
53. Settlers gradually populated areas previously dominated by natives.
54. Native tribes were often decimated by diseases brought by settlers.
55. Settlers and native tribes mixed through trade, marriage and alliances.
56. New settlements sprang up as more people migrated west.
57. Settlers were attracted by promises of cheap and fertile land.
58. The frontier attracted risk-takers and adventurers as well as settlers.
59. As settlements grew, towns and cities arose to serve the settlers.
60. Settler children attended one-room schoolhouses.
Common Phases
1. The first settlers arrived in the new colony in 1765.
2. The British settlers colonized most of Australia and New Zealand.
3. The European settlers displaced the Native American peoples who had lived there for centuries.
4. The first Israeli settlers established kibbutzim in the Palestinian territories.
5. The 1920s saw an influx of Ukrainian settlers to the Canadian Prairies.
6. Many settlers moved west during the California Gold Rush of the 1840s.
7. The Transcontinental Railroad aided westward expansion as settlers moved to settle the frontier.
8. The settlers built their log cabins and wooden farmhouses to cope with the harsh pioneer conditions.
9. In Jamestown the early English settlers suffered from disease and starvation.
10. The Pilgrims were the earliest English settlers of New England.
11. The Dutch settlers founded New Amsterdam, which later became New York City.
12. The first French settlers established Quebec City in the early 17th century.
13. The Spanish settlers founded St. Augustine, the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the contiguous U.S.
14. The Palatinate German settlers founded Germantown, Pennsylvania in 1683.
15. The Mormon settlers established Salt Lake City in the Utah Territory in 1847.
16. Many settlers traveled the Oregon Trail by covered wagon in search of free land.
17. The harsh winters and lack of provisions devastated many early European settlers.
18. The settler built a log cabin on the edge of the forest near the stream.
19. The colonial settlers relied on hunting, fishing and subsistence agriculture for survival.
20. Conflicts between settlers and the Native peoples were common in the early colonial era.
21. The first Scandinavian settlers landed in Minnesota and the Dakotas in the mid 19th century.
22. The early settler's life was difficult, with long hours of hard physical labor and isolation.
23. Pioneer settlers relied on the crops they could grow and their own skills to sustain themselves.
24. During the Great Migration, African American settlers moved north in search of better opportunities.
25. Scottish Highland settlers founded the town of Hawick in the Scottish Borders region.
26. Many Japanese settlers immigrated to Brazil in the early 20th century to work on coffee plantations.
27. Chinese settlers helped build the transcontinental railroad and established communities across the West.
28. Mennonite settlers established farming communities across Canada and the Midwest United States.
29. Immigrant settlers faced discrimination, poverty and harsh conditions in their new lands.
30. British women settlers played a crucial role in establishing family life in the early colonies.
31. Conflicts over limited resources often broke out between Native peoples and European settlers.
32. Early settler life was focused around self-sufficiency, farming and community cooperation.
33. Norwegian settlers founded the town of Albert Lea in Freeborn County, Minnesota in the 1850s.
34. The early Italian settlers in the U.S. mostly worked as manual laborers, farmers and merchants.
35. Mexican settlers founded the town of Los Angeles in California in the 18th century.
36. Irish settlers established farming communities across Ontario, Canada from the 1830s onwards.
37. Jewish settlers founded agricultural communities across California's Central Valley in the early 1900s.
38. Polish settlers immigrated to the United States in large numbers starting in the late 19th century.
39. The first permanent European settler arrived at Jamestown, Virginia in the spring of 1607.
40. Turkish settlers moved to Western Australia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
41. Australian settlers dispossessed the Aboriginal peoples of their lands in the 19th century.
42. Settlers on the American frontier were rugged, self-reliant and adventurous pioneers.
43. The German and Irish settlers built sturdy barns and churches across the American Midwest.
44. Chinese settlers faced racial discrimination, violence and exclusion laws across the U.S. west.
45. Saudi Arabian settlers established profitable date farms in California's Coachella Valley.
46. Swedish and Finnish settlers founded dairy farming communities in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
47. Yemeni settlers built irrigation systems in California's Imperial Valley to grow alfalfa and cotton.
48. Filipino settlers have contributed to the agricultural industries across Hawaii and California.
49. Russian settlers founded the port of Fort Ross in what is now Northern California in the early 1800s.
50. Lebanese settlers established themselves as farmers, merchants and tradespeople across the U.S.
51. Jewish settlers fled anti-Semitic violence in Eastern Europe to farm the Canadian prairies.
52. Mexican settlers have lived continuously in parts of the American southwest for over 400 years.
53. Korean settlers have operated fruit farms, market gardens and vineyards across California.
54. Early English settlers relied heavily on assistance from local Native peoples for their survival.
55. French settlers established Louisiana as an agricultural colony focused on growing indigo and rice.
56. Greek settlers operated shipping and fishing businesses across the U.S. east coast in the late 1800s.
57. Many First Nations peoples were displaced from their lands by European settlers and colonists.
58. Immigrant settlers brought new cultures, traditions and languages to their adopted homelands.
59. Vietnamese settlers operate fishing boats and operate seafood businesses along the U.S Gulf Coast.
60. Arab settlers pioneered date farming and established communities across Southern California.