Signalized example sentences

Related (2): Intersection, Crosswalk

"Signalized" Example Sentences

"Signalized" is an archaic term meaning "to mark or signify by a signal".
1. The arrival of the ship was signalized by a loud blast from the horn.
2. His heroic deed was signalized by the grateful citizens who erected a statue in his honor.
3. The end of the parade was signalized by a grand display of fireworks.
4. The successful completion of his mission was signalized by a medal from the king.
5. The victorious end of the war was signalized by celebrations across the nation.
6. His momentous achievement was signalized by a celebratory luncheon thrown by the university.
7. The discovery of the gold mine was signalized by much excitement and fanfare in the small town.
8. The end of slavery was signalized by jubilant celebrations and street festivals.
9. The start of the race was signalized by the loud firing of the starting pistol.
10. The climber's successful ascent of the mountain was signalized by the triumphant waving of his country's flag at the summit.
11. The groundbreaking ceremony was signalized by the raising of a commemorative plaque.
12. The passage of the landmark legislation was signalized by a historic signing ceremony at the White House.
13. The discovery of the tomb was signalized by a frenzied rush of treasure seekers.
14. The king's speech was signalized by the playing of the national anthem.
15. The training exercise was signalized by the sounding of loud air raid sirens.
16. Her outstanding achievement was signalized by being awarded the prestigious honor.
17. The birth of the new heir was signalized by the firing of cannons across the kingdom.
18. The explorer's return was signalized by the raising of a joyous ruckus in the village.
19. The end of exams was signalized by much cheering and celebration among the students.
20. The prisoner's escape was signalized by the sudden ringing of alarm bells in the jail.
21. The signing of the peace treaty was signalized by an exchange of handshakes and smiles.
22. His great act of courage was signalized by being awarded the Medal of Honor.
23. The start of the game was signalized by the blowing of the referee's whistle.
24. The groundbreaking ceremony was signalized by the presentation of a ceremonial shovel to the governor.
25. The announcement of the election results was signalized by much jubilant celebration amongst the victors.
26. The festival was signalized by colorful banners and streamers decorating the streets.
27. The rescue of the stranded climbers was signalized by joyous embraces when the helicopters landed.
28. Their historic meeting was signalized by a warm handshake and smiles for the cameras.
29. The first moon landing was signalized by cheering crowds watching breathlessly on television back on Earth.
30. The retirement ceremony was signalized by the presentation of gifts, flowers and warm wishes.
31. The formal opening of the library was signalized by the cutting of a ceremonial ribbon.
32. The rocket launch was signalized by plumes of flame and smoke rising into the blue sky.
33. Her phenomenal achievement was signalized by the inauguration of a special day named in her honor.
34. The firefighters' success in putting out the blaze was signalized by cheers and applause.
35. The passing of the milestone was signalized by the ringing of church bells across the town.
36. The news of his death was signalized by a spontaneous outpouring of grief and affection.
37. The wedding ceremony was signalized by the exchanging of rings and lifelong vows.
38. Her great discovery was signalized by being awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
39. The voluntary rescue mission was signalized by much public gratitude and praise.
40. The king's coronation was signalized by various rites and ceremonies.
41. The referee's final whistle signalized the end of the match.
42. The queen's birthday was signalized by the Trooping of the Colour parade.
43. The armistice agreement was signalized by the immediate cessation of hostilities.
44. The release of the prisoners was signalized by joyous reunions with family and friends.
45. The inauguration of the new president was signalized by a ceremonial swearing-in ceremony.
46. The official launch of the new product was signalized by a lavish party for guests and media.
47. The announcement of the merger was signalized by a steep rise in the company's share price.
48. The groundbreaking ceremony was signalized by the Mayor turning the first spadeful of earth.
49. His numerous achievements in public service were signalized by the Freedom of the City award.
50. The end of the test was signalized by a loud buzzer ringing throughout the exam hall.
51. Her victory in the competition was signalized by being crowned champion.
52. The church service was signalized by the ringing of bells and the singing of hymns.
53. The soldiers' heroic defense of the fort was signalized by being awarded medals for bravery.
54. Their remarkable breakthrough was signalized by a celebratory party and commemorative plaque.
55. The raising of the flag signalized the official beginning of the ceremony.
56. The lowering of flags to half mast signalized a period of national mourning.
57. The ceremony was signalized by speeches, presentations and warm applause.
58. The announcement of the engagement was signalized by champagne and congratulations.
59. The formalities were quickly signalized, and the journey continued.
60. His successful tenure as president was signalized by an honorary degree from the university.

Common Phases

1. His achievements were signalized by the highest honors.
2. The special occasion was signalized with a grand celebration.
3. The intersection has been signalized with the installation of traffic lights.
4. The company signalized the product launch with a huge marketing campaign.
5. The college bestowed upon him a degree to signalize his great discoveries.
6. The event was signalized by the unfurling of a huge national flag.
7. A high-pitched siren signalized the start of the race.
8. The monument signalizes the important event it commemorates.
9. The soldiers' bravery was signalized by a medal presentation.
10. His remarkable invention was signalized by a patent.
11. The day was signalized by parades and concerts in the city.
12. They signalized the completion of the project with champagne toasts.
13. The historic discovery was signalized with donations that funded the museum exhibit.
14. A loud horn signalized the start of the competition.
15. The soldiers' arrival was signalized by a welcome fanfare.
16. The end of the war was signalized by the firing of cannons.
17. The ceremony signalized the appointment of the new ambassador.
18. A bell tolled to signalize the start of the ceremony.
19. The victory was signalized with medals and accolades.
20. The engineer's invention was signalized by monetary rewards.
21. The day was signalized with speeches and presentations from leaders.
22. The rising flag signalized the start of the workday.
23. The church bells signalized mourners to begin the procession.
24. The siren signalized the evacuation order to shelter immediately.
25. Their act of bravery was signalized with a lifetime achievement award.
26. The event is signalized by the lighting of beacons across the countryside.
27. She signalized her last lecture with a round of humorous stories.
28. A bell tolled to signalize the end of the shift.
29. The cannon fire signalized the end of the official war memorial ceremony.
30. The new missile launch system was signalized with a groundbreaking ceremony.
31. The holiday was signalized with a bank holiday and public celebrations.
32. The athlete's success was signalized by trophies and media coverage.
33. A shrill whistle signalized the end of recess at the school.
34. The treaty signing was signalized with international media presence.
35. The golden bell tolled to signalize the commencement of the graduation ceremony.
36. The group signalized their victory with a boisterous chant.
37. The discovery was signalized with front page coverage in newspapers around the world.
38. The mayor signalized the opening of the new bridge with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
39. The worker's retirement was signalized with a company party and gifts.
40. The military parade signalized the country's independence day.
41. The president signalized the severity of the issue with an emergency address to the nation.
42. A gunshot signalized the start of the race.
43. The new bill's signing was signalized with a press conference.
44. The dignitaries' arrival was signalized by a 21-gun salute.
45. The end of the war was signalized by peace treaties and ceasefires.
46. The whistle signalized the end of class.
47. The breakthrough proposal was signalized with a cover story in the major magazine.
48. The promotion was signalized with a commemorative plaque.
49. The team's championship win was signalized with an open-top bus parade.
50. The new treaty was signalized by the exchange of diplomatic notes.
51. The night was signalized by fireworks displays.
52. An air raid siren signalized the approaching bombers.
53. The commemorative stamp signalized the event that it honored.
54. A bell tolled to signalize the start of the mass.
55. Their success was signalized by coverage in major newspapers.
56. The special occasion was signalized by the formation of an official committee.
57. The breakthrough was signalized with a press release to the major news organizations.
58. The award was signalized by a citation and plaque presentation.
59. The celebration was signalized by the release of balloons and doves.
60. The peace treaty was signalized by the return of prisoners of war.

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