Slackly example sentences
- adverb form of slack
slack (adjective) · slacker (comparative adjective) · slackest (superlative adjective)
- not taut or held tightly in position; loose:
- (of business) characterized by a lack of work or activity; quiet:
- slow or sluggish:
- having or showing laziness or negligence:
- (of a tide) neither ebbing nor flowing:
- the part of a rope or line which is not held taut; the loose or unused part:
- a spell of inactivity or laziness:
- casual trousers:
- loosen (something, especially a rope):
- decrease or reduce in intensity, quantity, or speed:
- work slowly or lazily:
- slake (lime):
- loosely:
slack, loose, limp, hanging, flapping, relaxed, flexible, pliant, flaccid, flabby, sagging, saggy, drooping, droopy, soft, baggy, roomy, shapeless, sacklike, oversized, bagging, tight, taut, stretched, toned, firm, tailored, sluggish, slow, quiet, inactive, flat, depressed, stagnant, busy, thriving, lax, negligent, neglectful, remiss, careless, slapdash, slipshod, lackadaisical, lazy, inefficient, incompetent, inattentive, offhand, casual, disorderly, disorganized, derelict, sloppy, slaphappy, delinquent, otiose, meticulous, diligent, looseness, play, give, lull, pause, respite, interval, break, hiatus, letup, breather, reduce, lessen, slacken, slow, decrease, subside, abate, moderate, diminish, dwindle, ebb, recede, wane, relax, decelerate, increase, intensify, accelerate, idle, shirk, skive, Feedback"Slackly" Example Sentences
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