Slipstream example sentences
Related (5): turbulence, aerodynamics, vortex, downforce, wake
"Slipstream" Example Sentences
1. The motorcyclist rode in the slipstream of the truck to reduce wind resistance.
2. The cyclist tried to stay in the runner's slipstream to conserve energy.
3. The sailboat in the lead creates a slipstream that helps the following boats.
4. The fighter jet flew in the bomber's slipstream to avoid detection by radar.
5. The car behind was able to increase its speed by riding in the slipstream.
6. Competitors try to position their boats in another boat's slipstream.
7. Riders jockey for the best position in the peloton's slipstream.
8. The smaller fish swam in the whale's slipstream to catch plankton stirred up.
9. The little bubble stayed in the slipstream of the big bubble to avoid popping.
10. Slipstreaming involves following closely behind to take advantage of reduced air resistance.
11. Riding in a truck's slipstream can reduce wind resistance on a motorcycle by up to 40%.
12. Olive branches grow in the tree's own slipstream, benefiting from its shade and nutrients.
13. Competitors try to position themselves as close as possible to the leader's slipstream.
14. Politicians position themselves in a popular candidate's slipstream to gain support.
15. The follower car had its highest speed in the leader's slipstream.
16. The planes flew in close formation to take advantage of each other's slipstreams.
17. The surfer paddled into the wave's slipstream to gain speed.
18. Pelotons form in bike races as riders jockey for position in the slipstream.
19. Smaller businesses try to position themselves in the slipstream of larger brands.
20. Countries may seek to develop their industries in the technological slipstream of others.
21. The fish swam in the dolphin's slipstream, allowing it to conserve energy.
22. The second rider was able to maintain a faster average speed in the leader's slipstream.
23. The rear car was able to maintain a constant distance by riding in the lead car's slipstream.
24. The technique of slipstreaming allows competitors to conserve energy behind the leader.
25. The racing car entered the slipstream of another car to prepare for an overtaking maneuver.
26. The slipstream effect only works when vehicles are very close together.
27. The air flow pattern in a slipstream includes recirculating vortices and low pressure.
28. Slipstreaming reduces aerodynamic drag and creates a Venturi effect.
29. Slipstreaming is a technique used by competitors to gain an advantage.
30. The rowers tried to position their boat in the lead boat's slipstream.
31. The bird flew in the eagle's slipstream, conserving energy by reducing wind resistance.
32. The raindrop followed in the slipstream of the larger drop in front of it.
33. The parasite fish swam in the shark's slipstream, eating leftovers from its meals.
34. The companion cygnet rode in the slipstream of the parent swans.
35. Technologies often emerge first in larger companies and then filter into the slipstream.
36. Slipstreaming capitalizes on the wind shadow and reduced drag created by the lead object.
37. The car in back rode the leader's slipstream all the way to the finish line.
38. The laggards in a race often try to position themselves in the leaders' slipstreams.
39. Businesses can adopt strategies already proven successful by competitors in their slipstream.
40. Researchers try to publish quickly to stay in the slipstream of cutting-edge science.
41. The bird coasted effortlessly in the thermal's slipstream, rising higher into the sky.
42. The airplane rode the wake turbulence and jet wash in the larger plane's slipstream.
43. Schools try to emulate the successes of charter schools in their slipstream.
44. The balloon floated lazily in the breeze that trailed the other balloon.
45. The follower car saves fuel by riding in the wake behind the lead car.
46. He tried to position himself in the slipstream of the fast-rising stars in his industry.
47. New social movements often arise in the slipstream of more established movements.
48. Entrepreneurs seek opportunities in the slipstream of large corporations.
49. Follower ships also benefited from the wake made by the lead ship cutting through the waves.
50. The concept of slipstreaming originated from observations of how animals and machines operate in groups.
Common Phases
1. The cyclist rode in the lead car's slipstream to save energy.
2. The fighter jets flew in tight formation to take advantage of each other's slipstreams.
3. The speedboat rode the wake of the larger vessel to benefit from its slipstream.
4. The swimmer swam directly behind the lead swimmer to minimize drag in the slipstream.
5. The defender trailed the attacking player, staying close in his slipstream.
6. She cruised on her skateboard right behind the cyclist to go faster in the latter's slipstream.
7. The sailboat took advantage of the big freighter's slipstream to boost its speed.
8. He worked in the slipstream of his famous mentor to benefit from the latter's fame and connections.
9. They operate in the slipstream of larger competitors, copying their successful ideas.
10. The startup thrived in the slipstream of the larger tech firms.
11. The technology evolves in the slipstream of the military-industrial complex.
12. She managed to get work by operating in the slipstream of established artists.
13. The slipstream of generated lift allowed the glider to gain speed without engine power.
14. The airliner flew in the jetstream at high altitude for a faster journey.
15. He surfed the internet in the slipstream of his brother on the family computer.
16. The smaller jet maneuvered into the larger jet's slipstream to conserve fuel.
17. The cyclist drafted the lead rider, staying close in his slipstream.
18. The skier followed close behind his friend to take advantage of the latter's slipstream down the slope.
19. The rider rode in another rider's slipstream during the time trial.
20. He lacks original ideas and clings to the slipstream of more creative minds.
21. The runner fell into the slipstream of her teammates and cruised comfortably for a while.
22. The follower benefits from operating in the slipstream of ideas generated by others.
23. When riding in someone's slipstream, you benefit from reduced drag.
24. In business, operating in the slipstream of competitors can be advantageous.
25. The startup profited from operating in the slipstream of bigger companies.
26. The company is criticized for merely cruising in the slipstream of more innovative firms.
27. The scholar forged his own path rather than riding in the slipstream of established theories.
28. Academics criticize his work for operating solely in the slipstream of earlier thinkers.
29. His career has been built in the slipstream of more original minds.
30. The smaller fish swam in the wake of the bigger fish to take advantage of its slipstream.
31. The man skiied behind his friend, enjoying the benefit of his friend's slipstream on the slope.
32. They rode their bikes in tandem, staying in each other's slipstream to go faster.
33. He is accused of maneuvering his company into the slipstream of larger competitors.
34. His novel operates in the slipstream of magical realism rather than breaking new ground.
35. The junior researcher worked in the slipstream of his more established colleagues.
36. The copycat product merely rides the slipstream of more innovative designs.
37. The surfer caught a wave by positioning himself in the slipstream of an earlier surfer.
38. The hang glider fell into the slipstream of an eagle for a boost of rising air.
39. The little boat had to stay close to the big freighter to benefit from its slipstream.
40. The sprinter accelerated into the slipstream of her teammate to gain ground on the competition.
41. His career has largely been built by operating in the slipstream of more creative individuals.
42. Critics argue his work lacks originality and merely operates in the slipstream of others.
43. The coach exhorted her runners to fall into each other's slipstreams to conserve energy.
44. The motorcyclist got a boost of speed by riding in the car's slipstream.
45. The monkey swung effortlessly from branch to branch in the lion's slipstream.
46. The kayak took advantage of the yacht's slipstream to gain speed.
47. The shop has had success by operating in the slipstream of larger, more inventive retailers.
48. His mind operates best in the slipstream of others' original ideas.
49. The glider soared upward in the thermal created by the larger glider in front of it.
50. The model train ran on the track laid down by earlier, more innovative trains.
51. The shadow follows in the slipstream of the object that casts it.
52. The movie rode the slipstream of success created by earlier films in the genre.
53. The startup thrived by copying the business model of established companies.
54. Instead of breaking new ground, the book merely rode the slipstream of previous works.
55. The little finch flew in the wake of the larger hawk to conserve energy.
56. His career has largely consisted of riding in the slipstream of more creative individuals.
57. Their product gained success by riding the slipstream of more innovative designs.
58. The runner fell into the slipstream of her faster teammate and conserved energy.
59. The research tends to operate only in the slipstream of earlier studies rather than breaking new ground.
60. The concept evolved in the slipstream of more radical ideas.
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