Smirch example sentences
Related (5): smudge, stain, blemish, blot, taint
smirch (verb) · smirches (third person present) · smirched (past tense) · smirched (past participle) · smirching (present participle)
- make (something) dirty; soil:
- discredit (a person or their reputation); taint:
- a dirty mark or stain.
- a blot on someone's character; a flaw.
dirty, soil, begrime, grime, mire, spatter, bespatter, besmirch, bemire, sully, tarnish, besmirch, blacken, stain, taint, damage, defame, discredit, defile, vilify, malign, slander, libel, stigmatize, calumniate, slur, asperse, vilipend, blemish, streak, spot, fleck, dot, blot, stain, smear, trace, speck, speckle, blotch, smudge, smut, fingermark, fingerprint, impression, imprint, bruise, discoloration, scar, pit, pockmark, pock, scratch, dent, chip, notch, nick, line, score, cut, incision, gash, marking, blaze, stripe, birthmark, splotch, splodge, stigma, defect, fault, failing, flaw, imperfection, frailty, fallibility, foible, vice, shortcoming, weakness, deficiency, limitation, blot, taint, stain, dishonor, disgrace, virtue, Legal"Smirch" Example Sentences
1. The politician's reputation was smirched by allegations of corruption.
2. Don't let your words smirch another's good name.
3. The newspaper article smirched the company's image.
4. Scandals often smirch the reputations of celebrities.
5. Her pride would not allow even the slightest smirch on her virtue.
6. The scandal threatened to smirch the king's good name.
7. Don't let your childish antics smirch our family's honor.
8. The rumor threatened to smirch her reputation.
9. The allegations, if true, would smirch the priest's pious image.
10. His deeds smirched the honor of the entire regiment.
11. The delinquent behavior would surely smirch her otherwise sterling record.
12. Years of faithful service should not be smirched by one small mistake.
13. The stain may never be able to smirch the whiteness of your soul.
14. The rumors threatened to smirch the actress's wholesome image.
15. The mistake was too minor to truly smirch his otherwise exemplary career.
16. He tried to smirch his rival's name by spreading vicious rumors.
17. Time and good deeds can help erase any smirch on one's reputation.
18. He sought to smirch her good name through distortion and lies.
19. Their bad manners smirched the family's hitherto good reputation in the community.
20. The public apology could not entirely erase the smirch on their image.
21. She feared that her mistake would smirch her son's otherwise perfect record.
22. Her failure threatened to smirch her otherwise stellar performance.
23. The scandal would surely smirch her otherwise spotless reputation.
24. Honesty and integrity cannot be smirched by petty accusations.
25. The accusations may try to smirch my name, but they cannot touch my soul.
26. The article intended to smirch the founder's reputation through distortion.
27. His enemies sought to smirch his good name through malicious rumors.
28. The scandal threatened to smirch the company's previously sterling reputation.
29. The stain will never be able to smirch the purity of your kind heart.
30. He sought to smirch her reputation through innuendo and half-truths.
31. The vandalism threatened to smirch the newly painted walls.
32. The vile comments tried to smirch her dignified appearance.
33. His deeds could forever smirch the honor of the nation he claimed to serve.
34. They tried to smirch her spotless record with false accusations.
35. That kind of behavior would smirch our school's reputation.
36. Don't let a momentary lapse in judgement smirch years of wise actions.
37. No amount of scheming could ever truly smirch her noble character.
38. The gossip and rumors were unable to smirch the shining example she set.
39. The scandal threatened to smirch the queen's usually gracious image.
40. They tried to smirch her name through baseless accusations.
41. The controversy threatened to smirch the organization's otherwise laudable mission.
42. No action of mine could ever truly smirch the honor you hold so dear.
43. The accusation could not smirch his true worth, built up over years of good work.
44. His shade of past mistakes could never smirch the light of her present goodness.
45. Her words sought to smirch his noble quest through distortion and propaganda.
46. The stain will never smirch the purity of your noble intentions.
47. The innuendo tried in vain to smirch the honor of her upstanding character.
48. They tried to smirch her family's reputation through vicious gossip.
49. The scandal threatened to smirch the leader's prior accomplishments.
50. The mark could not smirch the perfection of her kind and loving soul.
51. The vandals tried to smirch the historic monument with graffiti.
52. The rumor tried but failed to smirch her brilliant record of achievement.
53. His actions threatened to smirch the honor of his entire lineage.
54. The attempt to smirch his good name only reveals the pettiness of his enemies.
55. Our efforts must not be smirched by individual acts of injustice.
56. The scandal threatened to smirch the team's previously sterling record.
57. The comments tried but failed to smirch her dignified appearance.
58. The accusation could not smirch the integrity built up over years.
59. She appeared unconcerned that anything could smirch the radiance of her soul.
60. The slander attempted but could not smirch her unsullied reputation.
Common Phases
1. Smirched his good name - Damaged or tarnished someone's good reputation.
2. Try to smirch someone's reputation - Attempt to damage or call into question someone's reputation.
3. Otherwise spotless reputation - A generally untarnished or untainted reputation except for one particular issue.
4. Smirched her otherwise flawless record - Damaged someone's otherwise perfect or excellent track record.
5. Through distortion and lies - By spreading false or misleading information.
6. Threatened to smirch - Risked damaging or calling into question.
7. Seek to smirch - Try purposefully to damage or tarnish.
8. Could not smirch - Was unable to damage or call into question.
9. Stain will never smirch - A mark will never be able to damage or compromise.
10. Attempt to smirch - An endeavor to damage or compromise someone's reputation.
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