Spiritism example sentences

Related (2): mediumship, spiritualism

"Spiritism" Example Sentences

1. Spiritism is the belief that the dead can communicate with the living.
2. Spiritism became popular in the 19th century in Europe and the Americas.
3. Some people dismiss spiritism as nothing more than superstition.
4. Spiritism is often associated with practices like séances and Ouija boards.
5. Spiritism is not a religion in the traditional sense, but rather a belief system.
6. In spiritism, it is believed that the dead can offer guidance and wisdom to the living.
7. Many famous people have been proponents of spiritism, including Arthur Conan Doyle and Allan Kardec.
8. Opponents of spiritism argue that it is a form of fraud or deception.
9. Spiritism has been criticized for preying on vulnerable people who are grieving.
10. The study of spiritism is sometimes referred to as psychical research.
11. Spiritism has been linked to other paranormal phenomena like ghosts and poltergeists.
12. Spiritualism, a related belief system, is often used interchangeably with spiritism.
13. Spiritism has been the subject of many works of fiction, including horror stories and mystery novels.
14. For some people, spiritism provides comfort and a sense of connection with deceased loved ones.
15. Spiritism emphasizes the importance of personal growth and self-discovery.
16. Skeptics of spiritism argue that there is no scientific evidence to support its claims.
17. Spiritism is often viewed as a fringe belief system by mainstream religions.
18. Some people believe that spiritism can be dangerous, as it may open up channels for negative entities to enter.
19. Spiritism is sometimes associated with psychic abilities like clairvoyance and telekinesis.
20. Spiritism has been compared to other spiritual practices like yoga and meditation.
21. Many spiritist groups have formed around the world to discuss and practice their beliefs.
22. Spiritism is sometimes confused with spiritualism or the New Age movement.
23. The teachings of spiritism emphasize the importance of compassion and humility.
24. Some people use spiritism as a way to cope with the fear of death and the unknown.
25. The principles of spiritism are based on the idea that human beings are eternal and evolve through multiple lives.
26. Critics of spiritism argue that it is a system of false hope, designed to profit off people's grief and desperation.
27. Spiritism has been the subject of scientific studies looking at the validity of claims made by practitioners.
28. Some people view spiritism as a way to bridge the gap between science and spirituality.
29. Spiritism has been criticized for promoting a belief in the supernatural over evidence-based reasoning.
30. Spiritism has been influenced by a variety of philosophical and religious traditions, including Christianity and Hinduism.

Common Phases

1. Spiritism teaches that life continues after physical death;
2. The practice of spiritism involves communication with spirits;
3. Spiritism is based on the belief in reincarnation;
4. The study of spiritualism aims to understand the nature of reality;
5. Spiritism promotes the development of moral and ethical values;
6. The teachings of spiritism emphasize the existence of a superior intelligence;
7. Spiritism offers a framework for understanding the mysteries of life and death.

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