Spleens example sentences

Related (4): organ, filtration, storage, hematopoiesis

"Spleens" Example Sentences

1. The doctor examined my spleen and said it looked healthy.
2. It's believed that certain foods can help cleanse the spleen.
3. The spleen plays a vital role in the body's immune system.
4. I heard that stress can cause your spleen to enlarge.
5. She underwent surgery to have her spleen removed.
6. In traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen is considered an important organ for digestion.
7. I'll never forget the time he accidentally kicked me in the spleen during a soccer game.
8. Scientist are researching new ways to treat diseases that affect the spleen.
9. The spleen is located in the upper left part of the abdomen.
10. She had a ruptured spleen which required emergency surgery.
11. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can damage your spleen.
12. After the car accident, he suffered from a ruptured spleen and internal bleeding.
13. The spleen is responsible for filtering out old and damaged red blood cells.
14. They ran some tests and found out that his spleen had ruptured.
15. Enlarged spleens can be a symptom of some viral infections.
16. I'm not sure if it's just me, but I always feel a dull ache near my spleen when I'm sick.
17. The spleen is part of the lymphatic system and helps fight off infections.
18. People who have an enlarged spleen should avoid participating in contact sports.
19. Despite the injury, she managed to finish the race despite suffering from a spleen bruise.
20. If left untreated, an enlarged spleen can cause severe health problems.
21. In some cultures, it's believed that eating spleen can increase your overall energy and vitality.
22. Drinking water with lemon or lime can help support the health of your spleen.
23. She was born with a congenital defect that affected her spleen function.
24. During the surgery, they discovered a tumor on her spleen.
25. Certain herbal remedies can help support the health and function of the spleen.
26. An enlarged spleen can press against other organs and cause uncomfortable symptoms.
27. The spleen is involved in the production of antibodies and other immune system cells.
28. He suffered a blunt force trauma to his spleen during a freak accident.
29. The spleen can become inflamed due to a variety of factors, such as infection or injury.
30. If a person with a ruptured spleen doesn't seek medical attention immediately, it can be life-threatening.

Common Phases

1. "We vented our spleens about the terrible service at that restaurant";
2. "He's always full of spleens and complaints about his job";
3. "After a long day of stress, sometimes I just need to let out my spleens";
4. "She can't seem to resist the urge to spleen about her ex-boyfriend";
5. "I try not to spleen too much in public, it's just not a good look".

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