Taut example sentences

Related (5): tense, stretched, tight, rigid, strained



taut (adjective) · tauter (comparative adjective) · tautest (superlative adjective)

  - stretched or pulled tight; not slack:

  - (especially of muscles or nerves) tense; not relaxed:

  - (of writing, music, etc.) concise and controlled:

  - (of a ship) having a disciplined and efficient crew:


tight, stretched, rigid, stressed, slack, loose, flexed, tensed, tightened, hard, solid, firm, rigid, stiff, unyielding, fraught, strained, stressed, tense, drawn, drained, sapped, fatigued, tired, uptight, relaxed, concise, controlled, crisp, pithy, sharp, succinct, compact, terse, verbose, orderly, tight, trim, neat, tidy, spruce, smart

"Taut" Example Sentences

1. The rope went taut as he pulled on it.
2. The lines of the sculpture were taut and angular.
3. The sail went taut as the wind filled it.
4. The drum was stretched taut over the frame.
5. Her face was taut with tension.
6. The balloon string went taut when the child let go.
7. The guitar strings were pulled taut.
8. The sailboat's rigging went taut in the strong wind.
9. The wire stretched taut between the two poles.
10. The violin strings were pulled taut before tuning.
11. His jaw was clenched in a taut line.
12. The balloon's neck went taut as it filled with air.
13. The tarp was pulled taut over the tent frame.
14. The elastic band was stretched taut around the box.
15. The fisherman's line went taut as a fish took the bait.
16. Her stomach muscles were pulled taut as she did a sit-up.
17. The tendons in her neck stood out taut as she strained to lift the heavy box.
18. His skin was pulled taut over his cheekbones.
19. The canvas was stretched taut on the wooden frame.
20. Her facial features seemed stretched taut with worry.
21. The rope stretched taut against the post as the dog pulled on it.
22. The tightrope walker balanced herself on the rope pulled taut between the towers.
23. The flags flew taut in the stiff wind.
24. His mouth was drawn in a taut line of disapproval.
25. The ladder's rungs went taut as it was extended.
26. The muscles in his forearm contracted into taut ropes as he gripped the handle.
27. The tent guy ropes went taut in the wind.
28. The seatbelt was pulled taut across his lap.
29. The tendons in his neck stood out in taut cords as he clenched his jaw.
30. The rubber band stretched taut between his fingers.
31. Her features were pulled into a taut expression of pain.
32. The guy lines of the tent were pulled taut.
33. The elastic waistband of her pants was stretched taut.
34. The cable went taut as it took the weight of the basket.
35. The laces on her running shoes were pulled taut.
36. His smile seemed forced and taut rather than genuine.
37. The hammock string was pulled taut between the trees.
38. His body was pulled taut as a bowstring.
39. The slack in the rope disappeared as it went taut.
40. His features were arranged in a taut mask of anger.
41. The bowstring was pulled taut and let loose.
42. The ropes supporting the tent canvas were pulled taut.
43. The tightrope walker walked with arms outstretched for balance along the wire pulled taut.
44. The muscles in his arms tensed into taut cords as he lifted the heavy box.
45. The wire mesh screen was stretched taut over the frame.
46. The ties that held the stacks of hay bales were pulled taut.
47. The sinewy muscles in his forearms stood out in taut ridges.
48. The rope attached to the trap snapped taut as the animal tripped the mechanism.
49. His countenance was drawn in a taut line of displeasure.
50. His features were pinched into a taut expression of anger.
51. The weight of the load had made the rope go taut.
52. His facial features were pulled into a taut mask of pain.
53. The mask of composure slipped to reveal the taut features of anger beneath.
54. The bungee cord attaching him to the platform stretched taut.
55. The suspension bridge's cables went taut under the weight of the passing cars.
56. His lips were drawn into a taut, bloodless line of concentration.
57. The tendons of his neck stood out in taut cords.
58. Her features were pulled taut with worry and exhaustion.
59. Her stomach muscles tensed into taut bands as she lifted the weight.
60. The fishing line went taut in his hand as the fish took the bait.

Common Phases

1. The sailor pulled the ropes taut to secure the sail.
2. His face was drawn and taut with stress.
3. She pulled the reins taut to bring the wagon to a halt.
4. The trapeze artists balanced themselves on the taut ropes high above the crowd.
5. The rower's muscles became taut as he pulled the oars through the water.
6. The tightrope walker walked across the taut wire with concentrated focus.
7. The rubber band was pulled so taut that it finally snapped.
8. The disciplined soldier stood at attention, with his posture taut and back straight.
9. The drum skin was pulled taut over the rim of the drum.
10. The sail was set taut to maximize the wind's effect.
11. He spoke through taut lips as he struggled to remain calm.
12. The economies of countries were pulled taut as stress built up within the system.
13. The balloonist tugged on the cords to make the fabric walls of the balloon taut.
14. The wall was pulled taut against the frame, with no wrinkles remaining.
15. The golfer held the club with taut hands as he lined up his swing.
16. The string was pulled as taut as it could go without snapping.
17. His muscles remained taut under his skin, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.
18. Her voice was taut with emotion as she spoke.
19. The hunter pulled the bowstring taut and took aim at his prey.
20. The wings of the kite were pulled taut to catch the wind.
21. The frayed rope was pulled taut, barely able to hold its load.
22. The soldiers marched across the field, their backs held taut and rigid.
23. The flag snapped tautly in the strong wind.
24. The tent pegs were driven into the ground and the ropes pulled taut to secure the tent.
25. His jaw was clenched taut with rage.
26. The wire was pulled taut between the two poles.
27. The archer pulled the bowstring taut and released the arrow.
28. The piano strings vibrated in taut harmony.
29. The trampoline users caused the stretched fabric to become taut.
30. The child held the rubber band taut before launching his toy car across the floor.
31. The rigging lines were pulled taut to square up the mast.
32. Her face was puckered into a taut mask of worry.
33. The guy wires holding up the tower were pulled taut.
34. The circus performer walked along the taut wire high above the ground.
35. His facial muscles were pulled taut with anger.
36. The hammock had sagged in the middle, until the ropes were pulled taut again.
37. The bow was bent until the string was pulled taut.
38. His jaw was clenched so taut that a muscle jerked in his cheek.
39. The elastic waistband of the underpants was pulled taut.
40. The violin string was pulled taut and tuned by the musician.
41. His logic was followed in taut progression.
42. The duettists' voices blended in taut harmony.
43. The businessman's face was strained and taut with worry.
44. The tightrope walker strained to keep his balance on the rope pulled taut between the two towers.
45. The bowstring was pulled taut and the arrow was released.
46. The sprinter's muscles were taut and coiled, ready for the starting pistol.
47. Her features were contorted into a taut frown of displeasure.
48. The tug of war teams pulled on the rope pulled taut between them.
49. The ballerina's muscles were taut and controlled as she moved through her en pointe positions.
50. The scaffolding poles were pulled taut and lashed together.
51. The bungee cord was stretched taut before the jumper launched themselves off the platform.
52. The elastic waistband was pulled taut around his waist.
53. The climbing rope was pulled taut to keep it from catching on anything.
54. The skin around his eyes was pulled taut with worry.
55. His voice was taut with suppressed emotion.
56. His facial muscles were pulled taut with worry.
57. The muscles in his jaw were clenched taut with anger.
58. The snare drum head was pulled taut and tuned.
59. The violin strings were pulled taut and tuned by the musician.
60. The athlete's muscles were pulled taut, ready for the competition.

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