Translucency example sentences

Related (5): opacity, transparency, clarity, haze, cloudiness

"Translucency" Example Sentences

1. The translucency of the thin porcelain vase allowed light to filter through.
2. The shower curtain's semi-transparent translucency was pleasing to the eye.
3. The daughter admired the translucency of her mother's diamond ring.
4. The ghostly figure acquired a glowing translucency from the mist.
5. Ice acquires a blue translucency when formed in cold depths.
6. The mother marveled at the translucency of her newborn's delicate skin.
7. The crystal vase had a satisfying translucency when held up to the light.
8. Fog took on a mysterious translucency as it rolled across the moor.
9. The shop window's translucency allowed customers to see the wares inside.
10. The stained glass window had an interesting translucency when lit from behind.
11. The scientist was frustrated by the material's lack of translucency.
12. The man admired the translucency of the antique kaleidoscope.
13. The frosted glass doors lent just the right amount of translucency.
14. The window's effective translucency balanced privacy with openness.
15. The artist's vision utilized translucency to represent purity of form.
16. He marveled at the translucency of the bubble floating past his face.
17. The designer strived for just the right translucency in the installation.
18. The sculpture had an ethereal translucency that captivated viewers.
19. The translucency of the veil blurred the edges of the figures beneath.
20. The membranes possessed an exact translucency that allowed filtering.
21. Inky blackness invaded the former translucency of the well-lit room.
22. The window, once transparent, now took on a strange translucency.
23. The ice gained translucency as it melted into water.
24. Decorators sought the right level of translucency for each room.
25. The veil draped with an intentional translucency over her face.
26. She appreciated the translucency of the cellophane wrapping paper.
27. The elderly woman admired the lacy translucency of her best doily.
28. The lampshade lent a diffused translucency to the otherwise harsh bulb.
29. The relic exuded an eerie translucency under the special lighting.
30. The goblet exhibited an alluring translucency when filled with wine.
31. They marveled at the translucency of the soap bubbles floating by.
32. The ice took on a cerulean translucency as it thickened.
33. The wax figures gained a lifelike translucency under theater lighting.
34. She recalled the translucency of her first snow globe as a child.
35. The artist utilized translucency to depict etheral, godlike forms.
36. Moonlight lent the landscape an ethereal translucency.
37. The translucency of the gems allowed the light to shine through them.
38. The resin imbued the statue with an otherworldly translucency.
39. They achieved the translucency of real skin through advances in latex.
40. The translucency comes from the structure of the material at a microscopic level.
41. Glassblowers strove to create vases with uniform translucency.
42. The translucency of the plastic sheeting allowed some light to pass through.
43. The dancer's veil floated with an airy translucency behind her.
44. They captured the translucency of pearls in soap bubbles and opals in oil slicks.
45. The frosted glass let in just enough diffused light to achieve the desired translucency.
46. The scientist studied how translucency affects surface temperature.
47. Moon Jellyfish possess a translucent translucency revealing inner chambers.
48. She selected a sleeve of rice paper for its translucency and softness.
49. The child marveled at the translucency of the soap bubbles floating by.
50. The artist imbued the sculpture with delicate translucency through extrusion.
51. A layer of parchment created the desired translucency between pages.
52. They achieved perfect translucency by heating and cooling the glass slowly.
53. The screen achieved an ideal translucency for movie watching.
54. The translucency gradient veiled contours of the human form.
55. No material exhibits perfect translucency on its own.
56. The translucency of gossamer lent a delicacy to the fairy's wings.
57. Air bubbles sometimes reduced the translucency of the ice.
58. The scientist measured translucency with an instrument called a spectrophotometer.
59. She admired the translucency of the silk curtain blowing in the breeze.
60. The artist studied the translucency of ice and glass as inspirations for her sculpture.

Common Phases

1. The translucency of the leaves allowed sunlight to filter through.
2. The craftsmen used special techniques to achieve translucency in the glass vases.
3. The artist preferred to paint on panels with translucency so that the light would shine through the pigments.
4. The stained-glass window featured vibrant colors and translucency through which light streamed into the chapel.
5. The translucency of the fabric allowed light to pass through and soften the harsh light in the room.
6. The subtle translucency of the watercolor wash gave the painting a dreamy, ethereal quality.
7. Painters often mix their colors with a translucent medium to give their work more depth and richness.
8. The translucency of the thin paper allowed the ink drawing to be backlit beautifully.
9. Marble has a unique translucency and veined appearance that has fascinated artists and architects for centuries.
10. The translucency of the thin porcelain made the teacup almost seem to glow from within.
11. Oils provide the greatest control over translucency of paint compared to watercolor or acrylics.
12. The mother-of-pearllike translucency of the abalone shell caught the light in a mesmerizing manner.
13. The translucency of the thin china plates allowed light to shine beautifully through their decorative patterns.
14. The artist created a series of translucent paintings where gradients of color slowly fade into view.
15. The translucency allows light to penetrate and become part of the composition.
16. The artist maximized translucency in his watercolors by using multiple coats of pale color.
17. The agate's natural translucency created a striking marbled effect when backlit.
18. The filmmaker aimed for minimalism and translucency in the cinematography to complement the delicate story.
19. Some pastels provide richer translucency than others due to differences in the binding agent.
20. The lustrous pearl shells revealed bands of translucency when held up to the light.
21. The designer chose a translucent material for the wall panels to allow natural light to filter into the living room.
22. The delicate rice paper fans showed varying degrees of translucency depending on the number of layers used.
23. The filmmaker used translucent filters over the camera lens to create a dreamy, ethereal mood.
24. The natural translucency of the body fluids contributed to the sense of visceral realism in the paintings.
25. The translucency of the mineral creates flashes of color as it is turned in the light.
26. The natural translucency and striations of agate make it an excellent material for cabochons and carvings.
27. Acrylic inks provide more translucency compared to acrylic paints due to the higher ratio of pigment to binder.
28. The artist aimed to capture the translucency of light passing through leaves in her watercolor still life.
29. The oil on panel created a rich, thick texture and yet the translucency of color was maintained.
30. The crystal's translucency revealed flashes of brilliant color as it swayed gently above the pendant light.
31. The artist juxtaposed areas of solid color against regions of careful translucency to create contrasts of texture and opacity.
32. The translucency of the piece comes from subtle layers of acrylic glaze applied over a solid background.
33. The artist experimented with mixing varying degrees of translucent and opaque pigments to create different textural effects on canvas.
34. The translucency of the icicles allowed light to filter through and tint their inner surfaces with colour.
35. The gouache provided a luminous translucency to complement the sombre tones of the charcoal drawing.
36. The natural translucency of the ice created diamond-like facets as it shifted in the warm light.
37. The translucency of the veil allowed the bride's features to remain visible and ethereal.
38. The artist struggled to capture the subtle translucency of the silk against the model's ivory skin.
39. The sculptor manipulated translucency through varying the thickness of the crystal panels.
40. Some artists prefer the control and manipulation of translucent layers that oils provide.
41. The crystal blossom emitted prismatic flashes of color thanks to its inherent translucency.
42. The artist subtly modulated translucency in the watercolor background to create a sense of depth.
43. The amber displayed intricate patterns and surprising translucency as it was held up to the light.
44. The inhabitants liked how the translucent screens filtered the glare of the harsh sunlight while still allowing natural light to filter in.
45. The translucency of the ink combined with the texture of the rice paper to create an ethereal effect.
46. By layering translucent oils thinly and allowing successive washes to modify the colors beneath, the artist achieved remarkable translucency and luminosity.
47. The artist carefully manipulated translucency and opacity in the same painting to dramatic effect.
48. The translucency of the large panes of glass created the illusion that the walls did not exist.
49. The natural translucency of the crystal effectively amplified and refracted incident light.
50. The translucency comes from layering washes so thin that the color below can be seen through them.
51. The designers chose a translucent material for the room dividers to allow light to filter through while still providing some privacy.
52. The translucency of the amber revealed fossilized insects trapped within for millions of years.
53. The translucency of the wings allowed light to pass through and create a soft glow from within.
54. Layers of thinly applied translucent paint or glaze build up translucency gradually.
55. The translucency and striations of the agate formed a play of natural beauty when backlit.
56. The translucency and opacity of the paint are juxtaposed to dramatic effect in this composition.
57. The translucency of the thin slices of marble allowed light to filter through and cast colorful shadows.
58. Pastels made with a translucent binder provide the greatest degree of translucency.
59. The natural translucency of rice paper allows ink wash paintings to glow from within.
60. The translucency of the translucent material softens and diffuses the harsh daylight, making the interior space feel calm and soothing.

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