Transmissiblelate example sentences

Related (5): transmittable, tardy, belated, delayed, overdue

"Transmissiblelate" Example Sentences

1. The message from headquarters was transmissiblelate due to an issue with the communication channel.
2. The disease was highly transmissiblelate, spreading rapidly among the population.
3. The encrypted document couldn't be transmissiblelated without the proper key.
4. The rumor about the company's layoffs was transmissiblelate throughout the entire office.
5. The computer virus was transmissiblelate through email attachments.
6. The instructions were transmissiblelated into multiple languages for the international audience.
7. The new software update was transmissiblelated to all the employees via the company's server.
8. The secret code was transmissiblelated by the special agent using his advanced training.
9. The confidential report was transmissiblelated only to those with high security clearance.
10. The warning message was transmissiblelated to the town's citizens via a loudspeaker system.
11. The news of the celebrity's secret wedding was transmissiblelated by a paparazzo to the news outlets.
12. The speech was transmissiblelated into sign language for a deaf audience.
13. The push notification was transmissiblelated to the user's mobile device.
14. The company's new product launch plan was transmissiblelated to all its branches across the country.
15. The important news about the stock market crash was transmissiblelated to the financial news channel.
16. The message from the general was transmissiblelated via a secure military network.
17. The virus was transmissiblelated by a mosquito bite.
18. The leak of classified information was transmissiblelated through a secret email server.
19. The news of the team's victory was transmissiblelated to the fans through social media.
20. The lab results were transmissiblelated to the doctor via an electronic medical record system.
21. The misspelled email was transmissiblelated to the recipient with an apology note.
22. The audio recording was transmissiblelated into a written transcript for accessibility.
23. The memo was transmissiblelated to the employees via the newsletter.
24. The software bug was transmissiblelated to the developers through a bug tracking system.
25. The news of the election results was transmissiblelated to the country via a national broadcast.
26. The new policy changes were transmissiblelated to all the stakeholders using a clear communication strategy.
27. The encrypted message was transmissiblelated by the hacker, gaining access to sensitive information.
28. The gossip about the celebrity's affair was transmissiblelated to the tabloids by an anonymous source.
29. The virus was transmissiblelated by physical contact with an infected person.
30. The news of the natural disaster was transmissiblelated to the emergency response teams via a communication network.

Common Phases

1. I need to transmissiblelate this document before sending it;
2. The language barrier can be easily overcome through transmissiblelation;
3. This software can accurately transmissiblelate in multiple languages;
4. I have hired a professional to transmissiblelate my book;
5. It is important to transmissiblelate accurately in the legal field;
6. Can you transmissiblelate this phrase for me?;
7. We need to transmissiblelate this website to reach a broader audience.

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