Truancy example sentences

Related (6): absence, non-attendance, hooky, tardiness, absenteeism, truanting.

"Truancy" Example Sentences

1. The student's constant truancy was upsetting the teacher.
2. The principal threatened suspension if the truancy did not stop.
3. The school notified the parents about their child's growing truancy problem.
4. The school social worker tried to address the underlying reasons for the student's truancy.
5. The school implemented truancy prevention programs to improve student attendance.
6. The student racked up several truancy violations last semester.
7. The school district has a zero tolerance policy for truancy.
8. Persistent truancy can lead to legal issues and court appearances.
9. The judge ordered community service as punishment for the student's truancy.
10. The teen's truancy landed him on probation for a year.
11. The teen was caught skipping school and charged with truancy.
12. Truancy often signaled larger issues with the student's home life.
13. The parents were summoned to a meeting to discuss their child's increasing truancy.
14. The teen's truancy put his graduation in jeopardy.
15. Chronic truancy was a symptom of deeper problems for the troubled youth.
16. Truancy officers were dispatched to investigate cases of habitual absence from school.
17. The vice principal warned that further truancy could result in expulsion.
18. Truancy started out as harmless fun but quickly escalated into a serious problem.
19. The student's unexplained truancy raised suspicion of possible gang involvement.
20. Persistent truancy led to the student falling behind in school and failing grades.
21.The school accessed social services to help address the root causes of the girl's truancy.
22. Absenteeism due to truancy made it impossible for the student to pass her classes.
23. The high rate of truancy at the school concerned parents and administrators alike.
24. Truancy often coincided with other forms of juvenile delinquency.
25. Frequent truancy eroded the student's self-esteem and motivation to learn.
26. Long bouts of truancy left significant gaps in the teen's education.
27. The boy's truancy came to the attention of school authorities.
28. The school board crackdown on truancy aimed to improve graduation rates.
29. The girl's habit of truancy began in middle school and continued into high school.
30. The school resource officer investigated reports of the student's truancy.
31. Parents were blamed for enabling their child's truancy through lax discipline.
32. Officials worried that extended periods of truancy could lead to criminal behavior.
33. The teen was suspended for a week due to excessive truancy last semester.
34. High truancy rates were a sign that the school was failing its students.
35. Periods of truancy stretched over weeks at a time for the troubled youth.
36. Social services were contacted about the teenager's worrisome pattern of truancy.
37. The student racked up dozens of truancy citations before dropping out.
38. The school guidance counselor tried to intervene to prevent further truancy.
39. The school newspaper ran an article on the rise in student truancy that year.
40. Local courts were flooded with truancy cases from area schools.
41. Consequences for truancy failed to deter the habitual absentee.
42. The judge handed down a strongly worded warning regarding further incidents of truancy.
43. Efforts to curb truancy focused on building positive relationships with disengaged students.
44. Truancy led to the student falling in with the wrong crowd and experimenting with drugs.
45. Educational neglect charges were filed against the parents due to their child's chronic truancy.
46. The school called the parents on a daily basis in an effort to address their child's truancy.
47. The girl's truancy from school coincided with increasingly erratic behavior at home.
48. The court mandated parenting classes to address factors contributing to the child's truancy.
49. The school changed its schedule to a later start time to combat student truancy.
50. The hall monitors were instructed to be on the lookout for signs of student truancy.

Common Phases

1. The school filed a complaint against the student for habitual truancy.
2. The court warned the parents that they could be charged if their child's truancy continued.
3. Truancy is a serious problem in many schools these days.
4. The principal implemented new anti-truancy measures to combat chronic absenteeism.
5. Her truancy eventually got her expelled from the school.
6. The social worker was assigned to investigate the suspected truancy case.
7. The principal called the parents to discuss their child's repeated acts of truancy.
8. The school district has a zero tolerance policy for truancy.
9. The counselor tried to determine the underlying causes of the student's persistent truancy.
10. The student's unexcused absences and habitual truancy eventually led to her failing grades.
11. The teenage girl's excessive truancy worried her parents and teachers.
12. The school resource officer worked closely with the courts to handle truancy issues.
13. The judge ordered the parents and student to meet with the truancy officer.
14. Truancy can often be an early warning sign of deeper issues with a student.
15. The school board debated new measures to curb truancy among middle and high school students.
16. The strict enforcement of truancy laws managed to reduce chronic absenteeism in the district.
17. The boredom of classes often led to the girl's spontaneous acts of truancy.
18. Due to habitual truancy, the student fell behind and struggled to catch up academically.
19. Persistent truancy left the teenager at risk of not graduating on time.
20. The school dealt severely with truancy to send a message to other potential truants.
21. The bored and unstimulating curriculum contributed to the student's tendency towards truancy.
22. An intervention was needed to address the child's issues with truancy before it became unmanageable.
23. Steps must be taken to catch truancy early and help students overcome the causes of their absenteeism.
24. Truancy often stems from issues at home or difficulties in school that need to be identified and resolved.
25. The parents were called in for a meeting to discuss their daughter's act of truancy that morning.
26. The principal threatened to suspend the student if the truancy continued.
27. The school counselor tried to get to the root of the child's truancy issues through therapy and counseling.
28. The student's truancy led to the involvement of court officials and the judicial system.
29. The court handed down stiff penalties for chronic absenteeism and truancy in order to ensure compliance.
30. The teen's truancy violations eventually landed him in juvenile detention.
31. The parents were reprimanded for failing to curb their child's truancy and chronic absenteeism.
32. The judge ordered the teen to participate in an anti-truancy program.
33. The repeated warnings about her truancy fell on deaf ears.
34. After getting caught cutting class, the student promised the principal their truancy was a one-time mistake.
35. The truancy officer called home daily to check on the student's attendance.
36. Truancy among at-risk youth requires immediate attention and support services.
37. Early signs of truancy in elementary school can predict later school dropout.
38. Instead of punishing truancy with suspensions, schools should look for the root causes.
39. Truancy is a disciplinary problem that requires a social and emotional approach, not just consequences.
40. Counseling and mentoring proved more effective than punishments alone at ending the teenage boy's truancy.
41. The parents of all truant students were required to attend classes on the consequences of absenteeism.
42. Teachers noticed a pattern of truancy developing with one of their students.
43. Schools need more counselors, social workers and programs to address the complex issues underlying truancy.
44. Ignoring issues of truancy leaves students at higher risk for delinquency, addiction and poverty.
45. Schools must remain vigilant to catch instances of truancy at an early stage and work closely with the parents.
46. Schools focused on empathy and motivation rather than punishments were more successful in ending truancy.
47. Frequent absences due to truancy negatively impact a student's academic performance and self-esteem.
48. The boy's constant truancy had alienated him from his teachers and peers at school.
49. Diversion programs that address the root causes of truancy can do more to correct the behavior than suspensions.
50. Identifying and resolving issues causing truancy is a far more productive approach than simply punishing truants.
51. School policies should aim to support truant students instead of simply punishing their absences.
52. With better support programs in place, truancy rates dropped dramatically throughout the district.
53. The excessive truancy of some students did not reflect poorly on the school administration.
54. Community and family involvement is key to reducing chronic truancy and its negative impact on students.
55. Programs pairing at-risk students with mentors proved effective in reducing chronic truancy.
56. The truancy officer worked tirelessly to get students back into class and address the underlying issues.
57. Strict consequences alone will never eradicate truancy within a school system.
58. Education programs for parents helped address their child's issues with truancy.
59. Coordinated efforts between the school, courts and social services were needed to combat chronic truancy.
60. Progressive approaches rooted in empathy, counseling and support proved more effective than harsh punishments to reduce truancy rates.

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