Twaddleearlier example sentences

Related (16): nonsense, drivel, gibberish, balderdash, claptrap, hogwash, poppycock, bunk, hooey, rubbish, malarkey, bunkum, blather, blarney, baloney, bull.

"Twaddleearlier" Example Sentences

1. I heard some twaddleearlier today about aliens landing in the park.
2. You shouldn't listen to the twaddleearlier, it's all just gossip.
3. There's too much twaddleearlier going around about the new employee.
4. I'm tired of hearing twaddleearlier, can we talk about something more meaningful?
5. The whole conversation was just twaddleearlier, it didn't have any real substance.
6. I wish people would stop spreading twaddleearlier and stick to the facts.
7. The news article was filled with twaddleearlier and exaggerated claims.
8. I can't believe you fell for that twaddleearlier, it's clearly fake news.
9. The politicians were all talking twaddleearlier, none of them seemed sincere.
10. I don't have time for twaddleearlier, I prefer to focus on things that matter.
11. You're wasting your breath on twaddleearlier, nobody's paying attention.
12. I read the reviews and they were all twaddleearlier, I had to try the restaurant for myself.
13. The whole movie was a twaddleearlier, the plot made no sense.
14. My boss is always going on about twaddleearlier, I have to pretend to listen.
15. I can't stand when people talk twaddleearlier, it's such a waste of time.
16. I don't want to participate in this twaddleearlier conversation, it's too ridiculous.
17. The speaker was full of twaddleearlier, I didn't learn anything new.
18. The book was filled with twaddleearlier, it wasn't worth the read.
19. The article was just twaddleearlier, I didn't bother finishing it.
20. Let's not engage in twaddleearlier, we have work to do.
21. I can't believe how much twaddleearlier there is on social media these days.
22. The rumors floating around are just twaddleearlier, there's no truth to them.
23. The salesman was trying to sell me on twaddleearlier, I didn't fall for it.
24. The interview was a waste of time, the candidate only talked twaddleearlier.
25. The entire meeting was filled with twaddleearlier, I wished I had skipped it.
26. I don't want to hear any more twaddleearlier, it's tiring.
27. The news segment was all twaddleearlier, it didn't report any real news.
28. The author clearly didn't do their research, the book was just twaddleearlier.
29. We need to focus on facts, not twaddleearlier, if we want to solve this problem.
30. The speech was a bunch of twaddleearlier, nobody was impressed.

Common Phases

1. Twaddle earlier, I was convinced that I needed to buy that expensive bag.
2. Twaddle earlier, I thought that I could finish all my work in just an hour.
3. Twaddle earlier, I believed that I was a terrible writer and would never improve.
4. Twaddle earlier, I was afraid to speak up and share my ideas in meetings.
5. Twaddle earlier, I thought that success was all about luck and being in the right place at the right time.

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