Vilifier example sentences

Related (8): slanderer, defamer, maligner, traducer, calumniator, disparager, backbiter, libeler



  - noun form of vilify



vilify (verb) · vilifies (third person present) · vilified (past tense) · vilified (past participle) · vilifying (present participle)

  - speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner:


vilify, disparage, denigrate, defame, revile, berate, belittle, abuse, insult, slight, attack, criticize, censure, condemn, decry, denounce, pillory, lambaste, malign, slander, libel, discredit, stigmatize, traduce, calumniate, impugn, slur, knock, slam, pan, bash, hammer, roast, skewer, rubbish, monster, slate, pummel, bag, contemn, derogate, vituperate, asperse, vilipend, commend, lionize

"Vilifier" Example Sentences

1. His critics accused him of being a vilifier who spread lies and misinformation.
2. The talk show host was known for vilifying politicians and public figures.
3. The newspaper printed sensationalized stories that vilified minority groups.
4. Some claimed the author's writings unjustly vilified an entire generation.
5. The politician used the speech to vilify his opposition.
6. Instead of engaging in productive debate, he chose to vilify those who disagreed with him.
7. His harsh rhetoric often served to vilify rather than illuminate.
8. The sermon vilified certain behaviors and lifestyles.
9. She vilified the company's executives in the tell-all expose.
10. Opponents were portrayed as caricatures and vilified in propaganda.
11. The comments aim to vilify individuals rather than criticize ideas on their merits.
12. He vilified others to make himself seem morally superior.
13. Many felt the editorial unjustly vilified an entire community.
14. The attack was clearly meant to vilify the victim and feed public outrage.
15. The speech seemed designed more to vilify than educate or inform.
16. Instead of having a thoughtful discussion, he resorted to vilifying his detractors.
17. Some accused the historian of unfairly vilifying an entire era.
18. The media reports tended to vilify rather than humanize those involved.
19. Her exaggerated language served only to vilify rather than explain.
20.They vilified him as a heretic and infidel.
21. The conspiracy theorists vilified public officials and mainstream media.
22. His demeaning comments only served to vilify rather than illuminate.
23. Certain groups were routinely vilified in propaganda campaigns.
24. He vilified immigrants as criminals and terrorists.
25. Much of the speech focused on vilifying political opponents.
26. Critics accused him of gratuitously vilifying marginalized groups.
27.Her writing often served to vilify whole groups based on stereotypes.
28. Instead of rationally debating ideas, he chose to vilify those who held opposing views.
29. His hurtful rhetoric only seemed aimed at vilifying others.
30. They resorted to vilifying their enemies rather than addressing real issues.
31. She was vilified as immoral and scandalous.
32. Critics accused the book of unfairly vilifying an entire profession.
33. The media vilified him as an unfeeling monster.
34. His comment vilified an entire religion with broad generalizations.
35. They tried to vilify her as an outsider and radical.
36. The attack aimed to vilify rather than educate the public.
37. They vilified him as selfish and uncaring.
38. The biography sought to vilify its subject rather than present a balanced view.
39. His malicious post served only to vilify rather than illuminate.
40. The company was vilified for unethical business practices.
41. The newspaper articles vilified him as a sexual predator.
42. His opponents tried to vilify him as a celebrity outsider.
43. The professor accused the author of vilifying entire ethnic groups.
44. The editorial aimed to vilify rather than examine both sides of the issue.
45. They vilifiedhim as subhuman and lesser.
46. The account unfairly vilified anentire religion based on the actions of a few extremists.
47. The report vilifiedimmigrants as a drain on society.
48. They sought to vilify her asimmoral and unfit for office.
49.His diatribe served only tovilify rather than illuminate.
50. She was vilified as aJezebel and loose woman.
51. Activists accused thenews outlets of vilifying victims.
52.Instead of rationally debating ideas, he simply vilified those who disagreed.
53. The op-ed piece seemed designedsolely to vilify those individuals.
54. They vilified protesters asoutside agitators and criminals.
55.His vitriolic posts only served to vilify rather than illuminate.
56.Instead of engaging in productive dialogue, she chose to vilify those who opposed her.
57. They vilified the regime's opponents as terrorists and traitors.
58. The program aimed to vilify the enemy other rather thanengage in meaningful discussion.
59. His condemnatory language served only to vilify rather than educate or inform.
60. Some critics argued thefilm unfairly vilified an entire profession.

Common Phases

1. Unjust vilifier
2. Gratuitous vilifier
3. Self-appointed vilifier
4. Habitual vilifier
5. Professional vilifier
6. Accidental vilifier
7. Unwitting vilifier
8. Systematic vilifier
9. Serial vilifier
10. Bone fide vilifier

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