Whiner example sentences

Related (10): complainer, faultfinder, moaner, crybaby, grumbler, bellyacher, whinger, griping, kvetcher, fussbudget



  - noun form of whine



whine (noun) · whines (plural noun)

  - a long, high-pitched complaining cry:

  - a long, high-pitched unpleasant sound:

  - a complaining tone of voice:

  - a feeble or petulant complaint:

  - give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound:

  - complain in a feeble or petulant way:


whine, whimper, wail, cry, mewl, groan, moan, howl, yowl, hum, drone, singing, note, complaint, complaining, grouse, grousing, moan, moaning, grouch, grouching, grumble, whining, carping, muttering, murmur, murmuring, whispering, twine, gripe, griping, bellyache, bitch, beef, beefing, whinge, whingeing, hum, drone, sing, complaint, complaining, grouse, grousing, moan, moaning, grouch, grouching, grumble, whining, carping, muttering, murmur, murmuring, whispering, twine, gripe, griping, bellyache, bitch, beef, beefing, whinge, whingeing, wail, whimper, cry, sob, mewl, groan, howl, yowl, complain, carp, mutter, whisper, Legal

"Whiner" Example Sentences

1. The whiner in the group complained about everything, even the good things.
2. I can't stand being around a whiner, it brings down the mood.
3. The teacher scolded the whiner for not putting in enough effort.
4. We should learn to differentiate between a complainer and a genuine whiner.
5. The boss got irritated with the whiner, he couldn't tolerate the negativity.
6. A true whiner never takes responsibility for their actions.
7. Her whiner attitude always annoyed her friends and family.
8. The politician always came off as a whiner in his speeches.
9. It's easy to mistake a whiner for someone who is simply expressing their emotions.
10. The child was behaving like a whiner, having a tantrum over nothing.
11. Being a whiner is not going to get you the results you want.
12. The comedian made fun of whiners in his stand-up routine.
13. Her boss described her as a whiner who always found excuses for her poor performance.
14. The whiner kept interrupting the meeting with their constant complaints.
15. Whiners tend to focus on the negative rather than look for solutions.
16. Her husband was tired of her whiner behavior, it was affecting their relationship.
17. It's frustrating to work with a whiner, it slows down the process.
18. The coach always encourages his players to be tough and not a whiner.
19. A true leader sets an example for the team, without being a whiner.
20. The whiner in the group always seemed to bring everyone down with their negative energy.
21. The employee's whiner attitude was not going to help them get a promotion.
22. It's important to listen and empathize with a whiner, but also help them move forward.
23. The CEO was described as a whiner, who blamed others for their mistakes.
24. The whiner in the office always brought up irrelevant issues during meetings.
25. No one wants to be labeled as a whiner, it's important to choose your words and attitude carefully.
26. The athlete's whiner mentality affected their performance on the field.
27. A whiner tends to have a lack of accountability and ownership of their actions.
28. The employee's whiner behavior was addressed during their performance review.
29. It's easy to fall into the trap of being a whiner, but it's important to pull yourself out of it.
30. The whiner in the group eventually realized that complaining wasn't going to solve their problems.

Common Phases

not use a condescending tone; do not dismiss their feelings; offer solutions or alternatives; acknowledge their perspective; maintain boundaries; avoid enabling behavior.

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