Womanizes example sentences

Related (9): womanizer, seducer, philanderer, player, Casanova, Lothario, rake, cad, skirt-chaser.

"Womanizes" Example Sentences

1. He womanizes constantly and has no respect for committed relationships.
2. She found out that her boyfriend womanizes and she immediately ended the relationship.
3. He womanizes as a way to boost his ego and feel powerful.
4. She refuses to date anyone who womanizes and treats women poorly.
5. The scandal broke out when it was revealed that the CEO womanizes with his employees.
6. He has a reputation for womanizing and it has had a negative impact on his career.
7. She was devastated when she found out her husband was womanizing behind her back.
8. The tabloids always report on celebrity womanizers and their latest conquests.
9. He womanizes without considering the emotional impact it has on his partners.
10. She was warned not to date him because he has a history of womanizing.
11. He tried to justify his womanizing behavior by saying that it’s just part of being a man.
12. She confronted him about his womanizing and he denied it, but it was clear she couldn’t trust him.
13. The womanizing lifestyle eventually caught up to him and he faced consequences for his actions.
14. She believed that his womanizing was a sign of deeper insecurity and emotional issues.
15. He womanizes to distract himself from his problems and avoid dealing with them head-on.
16. She didn’t want anything to do with him once she found out he was a womanizer.
17. The politician was accused of womanizing and it hurt his chances of winning the election.
18. He womanizes in order to feel young and avoid getting older, but it’s not a healthy coping mechanism.
19. She realized that she couldn’t change him or his womanizing behavior and ended the relationship.
20. The culture of womanizing and toxic masculinity is pervasive in many industries.
21. He womanizes to escape his own insecurity and feelings of inadequacy.
22. She found out that her ex-boyfriend womanized during their entire relationship and she was heartbroken.
23. The womanizing lifestyle ultimately proved to be unfulfilling and left him feeling empty.
24. She refused to tolerate his womanizing behavior and left him despite his apologies.
25. The popular DJ was known for his womanizing ways and his music suffered as a result.
26. She feared that her partner was womanizing when he started staying out late and being secretive with his phone.
27. The documentary shed light on the harmful effects of womanizing culture and the objectification of women.
28. She was disgusted by his womanizing and lack of respect for women.
29. The company fired him when they found out about his womanizing and harassment of female coworkers.
30. She couldn’t understand why he womanizes when he clearly has a loving partner at home.

Common Phases

1. He womanizes every weekend; it's like he can't commit to anyone.
2. She found out that he womanizes behind her back; she was heartbroken.
3. The rumors about his womanizing ways were rampant; no one could keep up with his love affairs.
4. Despite his reputation as a womanizer, she still fell for him; she thought she could change him.
5. It's not just men who engage in womanizing behavior; some women do it too.
6. She knew he was a womanizer, but she couldn't resist his charm; that is until she found out about his infidelity.
7. He womanizes to boost his ego; but it only brings him temporary satisfaction.
8. She was warned about his womanizing tendencies, but she didn't listen; now she regrets getting involved with him.

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