Catchable example sentences

Related (5): graspable, snatchable, capturable, seizable, obtainable



  - adjective form of catch



catch (verb) · catches (third person present) · caught (past tense) · caught (past participle) · catching (present participle)

  - intercept and hold (something which has been thrown, propelled, or dropped):

  - intercept the fall of (someone):

  - seize or take hold of:

  - grasp or try to grasp:

  - capture (a person or animal that tries or would try to escape):

  - (of a person) unexpectedly find oneself in (an unwelcome situation):

  - surprise (someone) in an incriminating situation or in the act of doing something wrong:

  - come upon (someone) unexpectedly:

  - (of an object) accidentally become entangled or trapped in something:

  - (of a person) have (a part of one's body or clothing) become entangled or trapped in something:

  - fix or fasten in place:

  - reach in time and board (a train, bus, or aircraft):

  - reach or be in a place in time to see (a person, performance, program, etc.):

  - engage (a person's interest or imagination):

  - perceive fleetingly:

  - hear or understand (something said), especially with effort:

  - succeed in evoking or representing:

  - strike (someone) on a part of the body:

  - accidentally strike (a part of one's body) against something:

  - contract (an illness) through infection or contagion:

  - become ignited, due to contact with flame, and start burning:

  - (of an engine) fire and start running:

  - an act of catching something, typically a ball.

  - an amount of fish caught:

  - a person considered attractive, successful, or prestigious and so desirable as a partner or spouse:

  - a device for securing something such as a door, window, or box:

  - a hidden problem or disadvantage in an apparently ideal situation:

  - an unevenness in a person's voice caused by emotion:

  - a round, typically one with words arranged to produce a humorous effect.


catch, seize, grab, snatch, grasp, grip, clutch, clench, pluck, hold, receive, acquire, get, intercept, drop, seize, grab, snatch, grasp, grip, clutch, clench, pluck, hold, receive, acquire, get, intercept, drop, seize, grab, snatch, grasp, grip, clutch, clench, pluck, hold, receive, acquire, get, intercept, drop, grasp, clutch, hold, clasp, grab, seize, clench, pluck, squeeze, press, gripe, release, capture, seize, apprehend, take, arrest, trap, snare, ensnare, net, hook, land, beach, bag, nab, collar, bust, do, pinch, nick, release, discover, detect, find, expose, unmask, surprise, entangle, snarl, entwine, intertwine, intertwist, twist, ravel, knot, enmesh, coil, mat, jumble, muddle, untangle, disentangle, unravel, stick, snag, fasten, hook, strap, tie, secure, clasp, clip, unfasten, make, board, enter, mount, ascend, embark, entrain, emplane, miss, alight, engage, capture, attract, draw, gain, grab, arrest, seize, hold, win, absorb, engross, rivet, grip, captivate, bewitch, perceive, notice, observe, discern, detect, note, spot, see, clock, miss, hear, perceive, recognize, discern, understand, comprehend, grasp, fathom, apprehend, unravel, decipher, follow, get, twig, suss, evoke, suggest, recall, express, reproduce, represent, show, encapsulate, capture, record, film, photograph, draw, paint, hit, strike, slap, smack, crack, bang, contact, miss, contract, get, take, develop, escape, ignite, burn, flame, kindle, start, fire, go, function, operate, stop, haul, net, bag, take, yield, booty, prize, prospect, match, latch, lock, fastener, fastening, clasp, hasp, hook, bar, clip, bolt, sneck, snag, disadvantage, drawback, hitch, pitfall, complication, problem, hiccup, hindrance, difficulty, setback, hurdle, downside, minus, trap, trick, snare, wile, dodge, disbenefit, ploy, con, tremor, unevenness, shake, shakiness, quiver, quivering, wobble

"Catchable" Example Sentences

1. This fish is catchable with the right bait.
2. The baseball was easily catchable but the outfielder missed it.
3. The ballerina executed a beautiful and catchable pirouette.
4. The quarterback threw a catchable pass to his receiver.
5. The frisbee is very catchable in this light wind.
6. The Pokemon was so close, it was definitely catchable.
7. The butterfly fluttered by, catchable if only for a moment.
8. The tennis ball was hit hard but still catchable.
9. The mouse darted across the room, catchable if you're quick.
10. The soccer ball sailed over their heads, not at all catchable.
11. The snowflake was too small and delicate to be catchable.
12. The dragonfly flew by, tauntingly catchable but elusive.
13. The apple fell from the tree, catchable but only with a stretched arm.
14. The softball was not catchable due to the distance and speed.
15. The puck was sliding towards the goal, catchable by the goalie's glove.
16. The kite was high in the sky, catchable only with careful maneuvering.
17. The cookie crumb fell from his mouth, catchable by his dog.
18. The baby bird fell from the nest, catchable before it hit the ground.
19. The tennis serve was too fast, not catchable even with a quick reflex.
20. The mosquito buzzed by, catchable if you can swat it.
21. The football was thrown just out of reach, not catchable for the receiver.
22. The leaf blew by, catchable if you're quick enough to grab it.
23. The cricket chirped in the night, catchable if you have a steady hand.
24. The candy wrapper blew in the wind, catchable if you move fast.
25. The dragon breathed fire, catchable if you have a magic shield.
26. The snowball was thrown with accuracy, catchable only with a good catch.
27. The bee buzzed by, catchable only if you're brave enough to grab it.
28. The firefly lit up the night, catchable if you have a jar and a net.
29. The fish swam slowly, catchable only if you have patience.
30. The boomerang returned, catchable by the thrower.

Common Phases

1. That ball is catchable;
2. He missed a catchable pass;
3. The fish are in catchable waters;
4. The butterfly is catchable if you're quick enough;
5. The frisbee is catchable if no one interferes;
6. The baseball is catchable if you position yourself properly;
7. The fly ball is easily catchable in the outfield;
8. Some Pokemon are more catchable than others;
9. The soccer ball is catchable with the right footwork;
10. The bird is catchable if you sneak up quietly.

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