Debunk example sentences

Related (6): Debunking, untrue, myth, falsehood, exposed, discredited.

"Debunk" Example Sentences

1. Many health experts have tried to debunk the myth that vaccines cause autism.
2. The scientists were able to debunk the theory that the Earth is flat.
3. The article aimed to debunk the stereotypes about introverts being shy and unsociable.
4. The politician tried to debunk the rumors that he was involved in a scandal.
5. The expert historian was able to debunk the myth that Christopher Columbus discovered America.
6. The atmospheric chemist was able to debunk the myth that chemtrails are being used for population control.
7. The mythbusters tried to debunk the claim that you can't sneeze with your eyes open.
8. The doctor was able to debunk the false beliefs about weight loss diets.
9. The journalist attempted to debunk the conspiracy theories about the moon landing.
10. The social media influencer tried to debunk the beauty standards set by society.
11. The skeptical scientist debunked the claims of a psychic medium who claimed to communicate with the dead.
12. The magician debunked the myth that he could pull a rabbit out of his hat.
13. The military spokesman debunked the rumors of an alien invasion.
14. The environmentalist debunked the claims that climate change is not real.
15. The nutritionist debunked the myth that vegan diets lack protein.
16. The mythbusters attempted to debunk the belief that walking under a ladder brings bad luck.
17. The astronomer debunked the idea that the sun revolves around the Earth.
18. The filmmaker debunked the stereotypes about the LGBTQ+ community.
19. The historian was able to debunk the legend that King Arthur was a real person.
20. The doctor was able to debunk the misconception that cracking your knuckles causes arthritis.
21. The journalist debunked the conspiracy theories about the death of Princess Diana.
22. The chef debunked the myth that MSG is harmful to your health.
23. The psychologist debunked the belief that autistic people lack empathy.
24. The scientist debunked the claim that sea levels are not rising due to climate change.
25. The environmentalist debunked the idea that bottled water is better than tap water.
26. The teacher debunked the belief that all Asians are good at math.
27. The economist debunked the myth that raising the minimum wage kills jobs.
28. The dietician debunked the idea that all fats are bad for you.
29. The historian debunked the notion that the pyramids were built by aliens.
30. The scholar debunked the belief that the Bible forbids interracial marriage.

Common Phases

1. "Let me debunk this myth for you"
2. "The article you shared has been debunked by experts"
3. "Don't believe everything you hear, it's important to debunk false information"
4. "I spent hours researching and was able to debunk the conspiracy theory"
5. "It's time to debunk the stereotypes and embrace diversity"
6. "Their claims were quickly debunked by the evidence presented"
7. "I can prove that this theory is wrong and I'm going to debunk it"
8. "The study has been thoroughly debunked and discredited by the scientific community"

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