"Exploit" Example Sentences
1. The company exploits workers by paying low wages.
2. Some people exploit government benefits systems.
3. Child labor exploits young children for economic gain.
4. Populists exploit people's fears to gain power.
5. Politicians often exploit hot-button issues for votes.
6. Cyber criminals exploit vulnerabilities in software.
7. The blogger exploits people's privacy for clicks and advertising revenue.
8. Hackers exploit security weaknesses in computer systems.
9. Some scam artists exploit the elderly through fraud schemes.
10. Dictators exploit national disasters as opportunities to seize more power.
11. Many companies exploit natural resources for profit.
12. Salespeople exploit customers' desires to make profit.
13. The school system exploits volunteers to make up for budget cuts.
14. The phishing attack exploits human psychology to trick users.
15. The company exploits cheap labor in developing nations.
16. Social media influencers exploit their followers to make money.
17. The new movie fully exploits the latest computer graphics technology.
18. Media outlets exploit controversial stories for increased viewership.
19. The marketing campaign exploits people's insecurities to sell products.
20. Some countries exploit natural resources in neighboring nations.
21. Enemies exploit weaknesses in the defense system.
22. Tyrants exploit divisions within society to consolidate power.
23. Many cult leaders exploit their followers financially and emotionally.
24. The country exploits its beautiful natural landscape to attract tourists.
25. The business model exploits a legal loophole to avoid taxes.
26. Governments often exploit national crises to expand their power.
27. Some photographers exploit models for fame and notoriety.
28. The inappropriate joke exploits offensive stereotypes.
29. The profiteer sought to exploit opportunities created by the pandemic.
30. People exploit loopholes in the legal system for personal gain.
31. The user exploits software glitches to gain an unfair advantage.
32. The company exploits customers' discounts and rewards to generate profits.
33. Terrorist organizations exploit people's sense of disenfranchisement.
34. The company exploits consumers' love of nostalgia to sell products.
35. The false advertisement exploits people's trust to sell an ineffective product.
36. Gambling addicts exploit unhealthy coping mechanisms.
37. The politician exploits people's fears about immigration.
38. Some entrepreneurs exploit gaps in the market to make money.
39. The new film fully exploits the latest filmmaking technologies.
40. The rich often exploit tax loopholes to avoid paying their fair share.
41. Doctors exploit patients' vulnerability for personal gain.
42. Students often exploit loopholes in academic policies.
43. The website exploits users' personal data for economic gain.
44. Opportunistic employers exploit temporary foreign workers.
45. Hostile foreign powers exploit social divisions within democracies.
46. The duplicitous salesperson exploited the trusting customer.
47. Some dating site users exploit others for social or material gain.
48. Pirate sites exploit creative content without providing compensation.
49. Religious leaders sometimes exploit followers for money and power.
50. The publicity stunt was an exploitative attempt to generate media attention.
51. Drug dealers exploit people's addictions for financial gain.
52. Journalists exploit people's misfortunes for sensational stories.
53. Some athletes illegally exploit performance-enhancing drugs.
54. The political campaign exploits people's fear of change.
55. Some investment advisors exploit clients' naivety for higher fees.
56. Big companies often exploit loopholes to avoid environmental regulations.
57. The speaker exploited divisive rhetoric to gain popularity.
58. The candidate exploited racial biases to attack her opponent.
59. Terrorists exploit social media to spread propaganda and recruit members.
60. The startup exploits security gaps in existing platforms to gain market share.
Common Phases
Exploit a weakness - To take advantage of a weakness or vulnerability for gain.
Exploit a loophole - Use an ambiguity or oversight in rules or laws for one's benefit.
Exploit for gain - Use something unfairly for profit or advantage.
Exploit natural resources - Use natural resources for economic benefit.
Exploit workers - Take unfair advantage of workers for economic gain.
Exploitative behavior - Behavior that uses others unfairly for one's own advantage.
Exploit an opportunity - Make use of a chance occurrence for profit or advantage.
Exploit a situation - Take unfair advantage of circumstances for personal gain.
9. Fully
exploit - Use something to the greatest possible extent or capability.
10. Minimally
exploit - Use something in a limited way that does not cause harm.