Grievings example sentences

Related (9): Sadness, tears, mourning, sorrow, lamentation, heartache, anguish, distress, bereavement.

"Grievings" Example Sentences

1. My heart is heavy with grievings for the loss of my beloved pet.
2. As I write this, my mind is filled with grievings for the victims of the recent terrorist attacks.
3. The old man sat alone in the corner, lost in his own grievings.
4. She was unable to move on from her grievings over the end of her marriage.
5. The funeral was a solemn affair, full of tears and grievings.
6. Despite all the grievings, life goes on and we must find a way to move forward.
7. The family was united in their grief and shared their grievings with each other.
8. Each person handles their grievings differently, and that is okay.
9. The pastor provided comfort to the mourners during the service, acknowledging their grievings.
10. Time heals all wounds, including the deep grievings that come with loss.
11. The community came together to support each other and share their grievings after the natural disaster.
12. Writing down my thoughts and grievings helped me process my emotions.
13. It is important to allow ourselves to feel our grievings and not push them away.
14. His constant complaining and grievings about his job made the workplace feel toxic.
15. The sadness from the grievings can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate.
16. Their grievings were acknowledged and validated by their friends and family.
17. The shock of the news left her with no words, only deep grievings.
18. Weeping and lamenting are natural reactions to deep grievings.
19. Despite my grievings, I know that my loved one is in a better place.
20. Acknowledging and processing our grievings is an important part of the healing process.
21. The support and love from friends and family during my grievings was invaluable.
22. The grief and grievings from the loss of a child can be especially difficult to overcome.
23. Physical exercise can be a helpful way to manage and cope with the heaviness of our grievings.
24. The family showed their respect and grievings by putting fresh flowers on the gravesite.
25. The death of a loved one can leave us with a lifetime of grievings.
26. Even though it has been years, the grievings over the loss of my parents still feel fresh.
27. The solemn music played during the service added to the somber feeling of the grievings.
28. Talking with a therapist can be a helpful way to work through deep grievings.
29. The community rallied together to support the family through their grievings after the tragic accident.
30. The pain from the grievings can feel unbearable at times, but we must remember to keep moving forward.
31. Honoring our grievings is an important part of respecting ourselves and our emotional journey.
32. The loss of a cherished pet can leave us with a sense of deep grievings and sadness.
33. The overwhelming sense of grievings from the tragedy could be felt throughout the entire community.
34. Even though we try to hide our grievings from others, they often show through in our behavior and actions.
35. The grandmother continued to visit the gravesite of her husband every year, still consumed with grievings after his passing.
36. The feeling of emptyness after the grievings can be all-consuming and difficult to overcome.
37. The kind words and gestures from strangers can be powerful and help ease the pain of our grievings.
38. Gathering together with loved ones to honor and remember the deceased can be a helpful way to navigate the grievings.
39. The deep grievings from the loss of a child can feel like an unbearable weight on our shoulders.
40. Acknowledging our grievings and allowing ourselves to feel them can be the first step towards healing and moving forward.

Common Phases

1. I am still struggling with my grievings; it feels like a constant weight on my shoulders.
2. It's been difficult to tackle my daily tasks while dealing with my grievings at the same time.
3. My mind often wanders to my grievings, making it hard to focus on the present moment.
4. Some days are better than others when it comes to coping with my grievings.
5. I try to remind myself that everyone grieves differently, and there's no right or wrong way to handle my grievings.

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