Melting example sentences

Related (9): liquid, thawing, dissolving, liquefying, softening, fusing, converting, running, defrosting.



melting (adjective)

  - becoming liquefied by heat:

  - feeling or arousing strong or tender emotions:

  - the action or process of liquefying due to heat:



melting (present participle)

  - make or become liquefied by heat:

  - dissolve in liquid:

  - make or become more tender or loving:

  - leave or disappear unobtrusively:

  - change or merge imperceptibly into (another form or state):


liquefy, thaw, unfreeze, defrost, soften, run, flux, fuse, render, clarify, dissolve, deliquesce, soften, touch, disarm, mollify, relax, affect, move, vanish, disappear, dissipate, disperse, pass, dissolve, evaporate, evanesce, Wikipedia, Legal

"Melting" Example Sentences

1. The chocolate bar was slowly melting in my hand.
2. The ice cream was quickly melting in the hot sun.
3. The snow was melting quickly as temperatures rose above freezing.
4. I could feel the ice cube melting in my mouth.
5. The wax candles were slowly melting and pooling on the table.
6. The butter left out at room temperature started melting into a puddle.
7. The colorful snowman was melting away in the spring thaw.
8. The plastic ice cubes start melting and losing their shape over time.
9. The kids watched in fascination as the snowman they built started melting.
10. The popsicles in the grocery bag were slowly melting and dripping.
11. The snow was melting off the roof in large icy slides.
12. The teacher asked the students to observe the ice cube as it melted.
13. The lid of my drink started melting from the heat of the cup.
14. I could hear the ice in my glass melting and cracking.
15. The ice tray was almost empty as the last remaining cubes were melting.
16. The hot sun caused all of the snow to melt away quickly.
17. The popsicles were completely melted and turned to syrupy messes.
18. My grandfather watched with sadness as his snowman grandkids started melting.
19. The wax seal on the letter had slowly melted from the heat.
20. I had to wipe up the melted ice cream dripping off my cone.
21. The ice on the windshield started melting when I turned on the heat.
22. Holding the ice cube caused it to melt quicker in my warm hands.
23. The wax seal melted in the hot mailed package.
24. I sucked on the ice cubes to make them melt more slowly.
25. The snow cats scooped up the melting snow and piled it into mounds.
26. The edges of the ice tray melted first and spilled onto the counter.
27. The chef watched as the butter slowly melted in the pan.
28. The ice cream sandwich had almost completely melted by the time I got to it.
29. Throw the snowballs quickly before they start melting in your hands.
30. I accidentally left the snow globe in the sun, causing the snow to melt.
31. The lollipop slowly melted and stuck to my hand.
32. The soft wax candles were messy from melting drips on the table.
33. The ice started melting and formed puddles of water on the counter.
34. Little droplets of wax were left behind as the candles melted.
35. The thick wax coating on the envelope had melted and stuck to my fingers.
36. The ice sculpture took hours to carve but melted within minutes in the heat.
37. The straw stuck up from the melted ice cream puddles in the dish.
38. My frozen popsicle quickly melted and dripped all over my hand.
39. The butter dish stayed on the warm stove, causing the butter to melt.
40. The chocolates slowly melted and oozed between my fingers.
41. The popsicles were more melted than frozen by the time I got to them.
42. As the ice melts, it makes little splashing sounds in the glass.
43. The wax coating slowly melted and disappeared from the twine.
44. The wax seals melted and became deformed while sitting in the hot mailbox.
45. My snowman figurines could hardly stand as their bases started melting.
46. I could taste the melting ice cube in my drink as it diluted the flavor.
47. The popsicles were mostly liquid with thin layers of frozen fruit surrounding the sticks.
48. Small pieces of solid ice floated in the water glass as the larger cubes melted.
49. The sunlight coming through the windows caused the candles to melt more quickly.
50. The sugar in the bottom of the glass started melting and mixing into the drink.
51. The hot asphalt caused the leftover snow piles to melt nearly instantly.
52. The ice bucket had a rim of half-melted ice around the top.
53. The snow finally started melting off the road, making driving conditions better.
54. The popsicles were beginning to drip as they slowly melted in our hands.
55. The dripping noise from the melting icicles annoyed my neighbor.
56. The thick wax was melting and smelling up the whole kitchen.
57. Too much sun melted the eyes and mouth of my snowman.
58. The popsicles were more liquid than solid by the time I handed them out.
59. The sun melted away all signs that snow had ever fallen.
60. The candle wax pooled on the wooden surface as the candles slowly melted.

Common Phases

1. The chocolate was melting in the heat.
2. The ice cubes were quickly melting in her drink.
3. The wax was melting from the candle flame.
4. The snow man's face started melting in the afternoon sun.
5. The butter was melting on the hot pancakes.
6. The road had puddles from the ice melting in the morning sun.
7. The snow was melting fast, causing large puddles to form.
8. The ice cream cone dropped onto the ground, melting the ice cream.
9. The slushy snow was melting from the sidewalks and roads.
10. I poured hot water over the chocolate shapes, melting them into sauce.
11. The plastic was melting under the high temperature of the fire.
12. The glaciers are melting at an alarming rate.
13. The popsicle quickly started melting in her warm hand.
14. The frosting roses were melting in the summer heat.
15. The ice began rapidly melting, causing the river's level to rise.
16. The candle wax melted onto the tabletop as the flame burned lower.
17. The cheesecake almost melted onto the plate it was so hot.
18. The frozen brick of butter started melting once placed on the hot pan.
19. The winter snows are finally melting, turning the creek into a small river.
20. The plastic cover was melting onto the wires from the overheated motor.
21. The plastic toys left in the sun started melting together.
22. The wax pool candles were melting in the heat of the room.
23. Her resolve was quickly melting as he pleaded his case.
24. The soldering iron melted the metal tabs together.
25. The icicles were melting from the roof, causing water to drip on the patio.
26. The flowers seemed to melt into the beautiful sunrise.
27. Her heart seemed to melt when she heard his voice.
28. The love story had such beautiful details that seemed to melt the hearts of the listeners.
29. Her anger seemed to melt away the moment she saw him.
30. The metal started melting into a puddle under the intense heat.
31. The Popsicle sticks slowly melted away as she ate the treat.
32. The ice cubes melted within minutes of being placed in the glass of iced tea.
33. The scorching sun outside seemed to melt the very sidewalk.
34. You could see the frost melting off the windshield as the car heated up.
35. The candles slowly melted down onto the flame holders.
36. The glue gun started to melt the back of the picture frame.
37. The ice cream cone started to melt, dripping onto her hands.
38. The gumdrops slowly started melting in the heat of her hands.
39. The marshmallows roasted over the fire slowly melted and browned.
40. The nougat in the candy bar started to melt from the heat.
41. The frosting roses began melting together in the summer heat.
42. The plastic toys all melted together in the fire.
43. The girl rubbed her eyes, wondering if she was seeing things, as the witch turned into droplets of water that instantly melted into the pavement.
44. The tin figures seemed to melt together as she held them over the flame.
45. The wax started melting and dripping once the flame was applied.
46. The cold emotions she had been nursing inside seemed to melt away with his touch.
47. The years of hardship appeared to melt into memory once they were reunited.
48. Her heart melted with love the moment she saw her newborn baby.
49. The ice sculpture slowly began to melt and deform as it sat in the sun.
50. The glue gun melted the plastic pieces perfectly together.
51. The popsicle quickly melted in his hand on the hot summer day.
52. The snowman seemed to melt before their very eyes as temperatures rose.
53. The ice in the punch bowl rapidly started melting, diluting the drink.
54. His angry scowl melted into a grin the moment he saw her.
55. The butter sticks slowly began melting in the warming pan.
56. The snow quickly started melting on contact with the hot roofing shingles.
57. Her heart melted as she read the romantic poem he had written for her.
58. The glue melted around the edges, causing the pages to stick together.
59. His cold demeanor melted away once he heard her apologies.
60. The ice was rapidly melting, causing increased flooding in the region.

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