Solidifyv example sentences

Related (9): harden, congeal, thicken, crystallize, cure, set, coalesce, stabilize, fortify.

"Solidifyv" Example Sentences

1. The sun's heat helped to solidify the clay.
2. The architect had to solidify his plans before presenting them to the client.
3. The player's strong performance helped to solidify his spot on the team.
4. The company needed to solidify their position in the market.
5. The CEO's announcement helped to solidify investor confidence in the company.
6. The contract will solidify our partnership with the supplier.
7. The cold weather caused the water to solidify into ice.
8. The team's win solidified their spot in the playoffs.
9. The government's new policies helped to solidify their support among voters.
10. The alliance between the two countries was solidified by the signing of a treaty.
11. The success of the project solidified the team's reputation as experts in their field.
12. The chemical reaction caused the liquid to solidify into a gel.
13. The artist used a fixative spray to solidify the charcoal drawing.
14. The public's enthusiastic response helped to solidify the band's popularity.
15. The professor's research helped to solidify the theory of relativity.
16. The new law will solidify protections for endangered species.
17. The foundation's grant helped to solidify the nonprofit organization's funding.
18. The entrepreneur's pitch helped to solidify investor interest in her startup.
19. The political party's sweeping victory solidified their control over the legislature.
20. The athlete's performance in the championship game solidified his status as a pro.
21. The director's vision helped to solidify the movie's theme and style.
22. The weather forecast predicted freezing temperatures would cause the slush to solidify.
23. The cooperative effort of the team members helped to solidify their collaborative skills.
24. The doctor's diagnosis helped to solidify the patient's treatment plan.
25. The military's victory solidified their position in the conflict.
26. The real estate agent helped to solidify the buyer's negotiation position.
27. The business owner's savvy marketing plan helped to solidify the company's brand.
28. The grant proposal helped to solidify the research team's funding.
29. The negotiations successfully solidified the peace agreement between the two countries.
30. The school's academic programs helped to solidify its reputation as a top-rated institution.

Common Phases

1. The plan is starting to solidify;
2. I need more time to let the idea solidify;
3. The team is working hard to solidify the project;
4. Let's solidify our position before making a decision;
5. The negotiations are beginning to solidify a deal;
6. We need to solidify our relationship with our clients;
7. The experiment results are finally starting to solidify;
8. The company is looking to solidify its market position;
9. We need to solidify our understanding of the problem before solving it;
10. The contract details are not yet solidified.

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