Swathes example sentences

Related (6): area, expanse, stretch, patch, strip, section

"Swathes" Example Sentences

1. Wide swathes of green grass cover the park.
2. The artist painted swathes of bright colors on the canvas.
3. The farmer uses a tractor to cut swathes of wheat in the field.
4. The storm left swathes of destruction in its wake.
5. The mountain climber carved a path through the swathes of snow.
6. The wildfire burned swathes of forest in the area.
7. The tapestry was woven with intricate swathes of thread.
8. The sea of protesters moved in swathes through the city streets.
9. The chef scored the meat in swathes to allow for even cooking.
10. The fashion designer used large swathes of fabric to create the dramatic gown.
11. The city planner divided the neighborhood into swathes of residential and commercial areas.
12. The landscaping crew mowed swathes of lawn in the park.
13. The military strategist planned the attack in strategic swathes of movement.
14. The decorator hung swathes of fabric from the ceiling for a dramatic effect.
15. The artists painted large swathes of the wall with murals.
16. The software engineer worked on swathes of code all day.
17. The makeup artist applied swathes of foundation to create a flawless finish.
18. The weather service issued a warning for swathes of the region due to severe storms.
19. The builder erected walls in swathes to create an open floor plan.
20. The surveyor marked off swathes of land for the new development.
21. The singer draped swathes of fabric around her for a dramatic performance.
22. The gardener planted swathes of wildflowers to attract pollinators.
23. The hiker trekked through swathes of dense forest to reach the summit.
24. The writer created a vivid scene, describing the swathes of mist that covered the valley.
25. The artist used swathes of light and shadow to give the painting depth.
26. The logistics team organized the shipment into small swathes for easier distribution.
27. The city council divided the budget into swathes for various departments and initiatives.
28. The architect designed the building with swathes of natural light to create a bright and open space.
29. The geologist studied swathes of rock formations to identify the different layers.
30. The musician composed a haunting melody with swathes of dissonant notes.

Common Phases

1. The farmer planted swathes of wheat in his fields;
2. The bride's gown was adorned with swathes of lace;
3. The construction team cleared swathes of debris from the site;
4. The painter used swathes of bright colors in her masterpieces;
5. The journalist covered swathes of the city to report on the latest news;
6. The hiker crossed swathes of rugged terrain to reach the summit;
7. The landscaper planted swathes of flowers to create a beautiful garden;
8. The swimmer navigated swathes of rough waters during the race;
9. The military deployed swathes of troops to the warzone;
10. The artist painted swathes of sweeping landscapes in the exhibition.

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