Feebleness example sentences

Related (6): weakness, frailty, insubstantiality, feeble-mindedness, debility, ineffectuality

"Feebleness" Example Sentences

1. He moved with slow feeble steps.
2. The old man's feeble voice could barely be heard.
3. His knees buckled with sudden feebleness.
4. She gripped the handrail for support due to her increasing feebleness.
5. The illness had left him in a state of feebleness and exhaustion.
6. Age had weakened him, leaving him in a state of physical feebleness.
7. His feeble protest fell on deaf ears.
8. She spoke in a feeble voice, weakened by age and illness.
9. Her feeble health prevented her from participating in sports.
10. The doctor was worried about her general state of feebleness and frailty.
11. His feeble grasp on reality made his claims suspect.
12. The feeble excuse was not convincing.
13 The soldier's feeble attempt at humor fell flat.
14. He made a feeble effort to help before giving up.
15. The lawyer quickly dismantled the witness's feeble attempt at misdirection.
16. The critic dismissed the writer's feeble defense of the work.
17. The argument was riddled with feeble logic and suspect reasoning.
18. Their feeble attempt to explain the data only cast more doubt.
19. His feeble explanation did little to assuage her anger.
20. The houseplants were beginning to show signs of feebleness due to lack of sunlight.
21. She spoke with feeble authority on the subject.
22. His memory was becoming increasingly feeble with age.
23. His feeble grasp of the issue left him ill-equipped to discuss it intelligently.
24. The general's feeble military campaigns ended in disaster.
25. The teacher could sense the student's feeble understanding of the material.
26. Their feeble attempts to justify the actions only made them seem guiltier.
27. The organization's feeble defense of its policies garnered little sympathy.
28. The roots of the tree showed signs of feebleness due to disease and insects.
29. His health had deteriorated into a state of chronic feebleness.
30. The applicant's feeble attempt to impress the interviewer backfired.
31. The minister's feeble sermon failed to inspire the congregation.
32. The critic exposed the writer's feeble grasp of grammar and syntax.
33. Her feeble memory could not be relied upon to recall details accurately.
34. The seedling's stem showed signs of feebleness and yellowing.
35. His feeble smile failed to mask his underlying despondency.
36. Their feeble excuse did little to mitigate the seriousness of the offense.
37. Her knees buckled with sudden feebleness as she tried to stand.
38. The adolescent showed signs of increased feebleness due to malnutrition.
39. The general's feeble military strategy led to a string of losses.
40. The politician's feeble attempt at obfuscation only made him seem guiltier.
41. The neophyte's feeble grasp of the subject was evident in his halting speech.
42. Their feeble denial of any wrongdoing strained credibility.
43. The monarch's increasingly feeble grip on power alarmed his advisors.
44. The prisoner's health had deteriorated into a state of chronic feebleness.
45. His feeble defense of his grades did little to assuage his parents' disappointment.
46. The lawyer exposed the numerous flaws and overall feebleness of the plaintiff's case.
47. Their feeble protest fell on deaf ears.
48. The athlete's feeble performance betrayed his lack of training.
49. The monarch's feeble constitution meant he had little stamina for rulership.
50. Her feeble voice could barely be heard above the din.
51. The seedling showed signs of feebleness due to lack of sufficient light and nutrients.
52. The official's feeble attempt at obfuscation only cast further suspicion on his activities.
53. His feeble excuse failed to placate his angry wife.
54. The general's feeble mind meant he had little appreciation for the complexity of warfare.
55. The monarch's feeble reign led to a weakening of the kingdom's defenses.
56. His feebleness had reduced him to a wheelchair-bound state of dependency.
57. His feeble health left him prone to illness and infirmity.
58. The professor quickly dismissed the student's feeble attempt at justification.
59. The athlete's physical conditioning showed signs of increasing feebleness.
60. Her feeble constitution meant she had little stamina or endurance.

Common Phases

1. The old man felt feebleness in his limbs.
2. His feebleness made the climb difficult.
3. The illness left him with great physical feebleness.
4. His once strong muscles now showed signs of age and feebleness.
5. The feebleness in her voice was a side effect of the medications.
6. The feebleness in her knees seemed to grow worse every day.
7. Age was taking its toll on her body and she felt increasing feebleness in once formidable strength.
8. With feebleness comes helplessness and dependence on others.
9. His mental feebleness often rendered him unable to function on his own.
10. They pitied his physical and mental feebleness.
11. His attempt at threats lacked any force due to the obvious feebleness of his voice.
12. The feebleness of her excuses only convinced him further of her guilt.
13. Feebleness of character breeds failure and weakness.
14. His will failed due to the feebleness of his constitution.
15. The feebleness of his defense only served to highlight his dishonesty.
16. Her voice shook with feebleness as she begged for mercy.
17. His advocacy lacked passion due to the feebleness of his conviction.
18. The feebleness of his attempts to intervene only frustrated her more.
19. The feebleness of her protest convinced no one of her innocence.
20. Old age brings with it bodily and mental feebleness.
21. His spirit was willing but his body was fraught with human feebleness.
22. With increasing age came feebleness of eyesight and hearing.
23. His once driving ambition had fallen into feebleness through indulgence.
24. Feebleness marked their every endeavor due to lack of effort.
25. Mental feebleness due to disease rendered him helpless.
26. With every passing year, her once towering intellect showed further signs of feebleness.
27. The feebleness of her frame could not withstand the harshness of the journey.
28. Her weak constitution condemned her to a life of feebleness and dependence.
29. His intellect had decayed into a state of childlike feebleness.
30. The feebleness of her grasp on reality reinforced his doubts about her mental state.
31. The feebleness of his understanding made him incapable of higher thought.
32. His mind fell into a state of senile feebleness.
33. The feebleness of his design flaws doomed the project from the start.
34. The feebleness of his justifications for the unethical act were unsatisfactory.
35. The feebleness of his resistance only spurred her to greater force.
36. Infirmity of age finally overcame the once giant mind, leaving only feebleness and confusion.
37. The feebleness of his speech diminished with age.
38. His spine bowed under the weight of his years and his steps took on a feebleness uncharacteristic of his once proud bearing.
39. The feebleness of her rationale only served to convince him of her irrationality.
40. Feebleness of body and mind comes with old age.
41. The constant feebleness and frailty of her aunt's health wore at her spirit.
42. He could no longer conceal the feebleness of his mental faculties.
43. His once great strength had decayed into frailty and feebleness.
44. Her voice lost its force through habitual feebleness of tone.
45. The feebleness of his arguments only served to weaken his case.
46. Through disease and neglect, his once sound constitution had decayed into feebleness.
47. The chronic feebleness of her health left her weary and exhausted.
48. Increasing years brought her frailty and feebleness.
49. His feeble mind could not withstand temptation.
50. His feebleness of will made him easily led astray.
51. The feebleness of her wrist made writing difficult.
52. The feebleness of her defenses left her vulnerable to attack.
53. Her feebleness of character led to her downfall.
54. His feebleness of body betrayed the ages of hardship he had endured.
55. The feebleness of his invention lacked originality.
56. With increasing age came feebleness of memory and eyesight.
57. His once strong physique had been reduced to frailty and feebleness through neglect.
58. His feeble mind lacked the capacity for complex thought.
59. Feebleness characterized his every attempt at self-reliance.
60. The feebleness of her constitution made her unable to withstand childbirth.

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