Ford example sentences

Related (15): river, car, truck, manufacturer, model, CEO, innovation, history, logo, stock, dealership, employee, profit, merger, expansion.



ford (noun) · fords (plural noun)

  - a shallow place in a river or stream allowing one to walk or drive across.

  - (of a person or vehicle) cross (a river or stream) at a shallow place.


crossing, causeway, drift, cross, traverse, Wikipedia, Legal

"Ford" Example Sentences

1. We had to ford the river in order to get to the other side.
2. The river was too deep and swift to safely ford in our car.
3. The Rangers crossed the river by fording it on horseback.
4. The wagon train had to ford several rivers and creeks on their journey.
5. The explorers forded the stream and set up camp on the other bank.
6. The soldiers forded the waist-deep water under heavy fire from the enemy.
7. We walked across the deep ford, our pants legs soaked from the cold water.
8. The horses slowly made their way through the rushing current of the stream ford.
9. The pioneers had to stop and let their oxen rest after fording the river.
10. The old Ford truck managed to ford the flooded creek despite being slow and rusty.
11. They had to carefully ford the river to avoid getting washed away by the strong current.
12. The scout searched for the shallowest part of the stream to safely ford on horseback.
13. We built a makeshift raft to ford the wide portion of the river.
14. The pioneers marked difficult fords along the trail to warn those who followed.
15. The fishermen had to ford the icy stream to reach their favorite fishing spot.
16. After fording the river, we settled under the trees to dry our soaked clothes.
17. The mustang defiantly refused to ford the wide, fast-running river.
18. The jeep managed to slowly ford the flooded stream without stalling out.
19. The water rose above the running boards as the truck began to ford the river.
20. The pioneers rejoiced after safely fording the final river before reaching their destination.
21. We built a temporary bridge to safely ford vehicles across the flooded creek.
22. The pioneers prayed as they nervously prepared to ford the raging river.
23. The army had to ford the river under cover of night to avoid enemy detection.
24. The pioneers' wagons became stuck in the muddy riverbed as they attempted to ford the stream.
25. The pioneers wiped out multiple times while attempting to ford the river on foot.
26. Many pioneers drowned while attempting to ford raging rivers and streams.
27. The pioneers had their belong animals swim across first before fording the river themselves.
28. The boy reluctantly entered the cold stream in order to ford it to the other side.
29. The caravan carefully forded the river, worried their supplies might get swept away.
30. We waited for the flooded stream to recede before attempting to ford it in our truck.
31. We had to ford the stream several times in order to follow the winding hiking trail.
32. The pioneers looked for animal tracks indicating a safe place to ford the river.
33. The pioneers built rafts and makeshift ferries to help ford their wagons across the river.
34. The pioneers constructed temporary bridges out of felled trees to safely ford wagons across streams.
35. The pioneers worked together to help each other's wagons ford the difficult stream crossing.
36. The pioneers cheered and embraced one another after all the wagons safely forded the raging river.
37. The scouts searched for a narrower part of the river that would be easier to ford on horseback.
38. The pioneers were cold, wet, and exhausted after spending hours fording the river.
39. The pioneers tied ropes between their wagons to help pull each other through the difficult river ford.
40. The pioneers thanked God after all their wagons and belongings survived fording the dangerous river.
41. The pioneers' town has been named Ford after the arduous river crossing they endured to found it.
42. Pioneers relied on their horses and oxen to safely ford rivers and streams along the wagon trail.
43. The pioneers prayed for calm waters and sure footing as they prepared to ford the wide river.
44. The pioneers held their belongings and supplies high above their heads as they forded the flooded river.
45. The pioneers built rafts and ferries to help transport their livestock across the river during the ford.
46. After fording the river, the pioneers sat down exhausted but grateful that all had made it safely across.
47. The pioneers devised cranes and pulleys to help lift each other's wagons over difficult spots during the river ford.
48. The pioneers held hands to steady each other as they forded the deep, icy river on foot.
49. We had to abandon our car and continue on foot after it became stuck trying to ford the flooded river.
50. The pioneers banded together, working as a team to help each other ford the perilous river crossing.
51. The pioneers shouted encouragement and words of wisdom to each other as they forded the rushing river waters.
52. After resting and drying off, the pioneers celebrated with a fire and songs for successfully fording the river.
53. The pioneers tied red flags to their covered wagons to help others follow their tracks across the difficult river ford.
54. The pioneers rigged up levers and pulleys to lift and pull each other's wagons through the worst parts of the river ford.
55. After fording the river, the pioneers patched up any damage to their wagons before continuing on their journey.
56. Before attempting to ford the river, the pioneers scouted to determine the time of day with least current and floodwaters.
57. The pioneers named the difficult river ford "Heartbreak Crossing" after two wagons were swept away during the attempt.
58. The pioneers' river ford marks the spot where the town of Ford was eventually founded and still stands today.
59. The pioneers sang hymns and shared stories as they celebrated making it safely across after fording the perilous river.
60. The pioneers mapped the safest and most direct fords along rivers and streams to help those who followed on the wagon trail.

Common Phases

1. We crossed the river at the ford.
2. The river was too deep to ford, so we had to find a bridge.
3. The car sputtered and died as we tried to cross the ford in the river.
4. The ford was slippery from the recent rain and the car slid into the water.
5. The pioneers would ford rivers while traveling west on the Oregon Trail.
6. The old Ford pickup truck managed to make it across the shallow riverbed ford.
7. We parked the car at the edge of the ford and hiked across the shallow river.
8. The river widened as it approached the ford, making it a more treacherous crossing.
9. An ancient stone path marked the way to the ford across the river.
10. The villagers relied on the ford as the only place to cross the river.
11. Several horses were tied up along the banks of the river, waiting for their riders to ford it.
12. We pulled our boots back on before attempting to ford the cold stream.
13. After fording the river, we stopped to let our shoes and pants dry out.
14. Before cars became common, people would ford rivers instead of using bridges.
15. The current was swift at the ford, making the crossing difficult.
16. The bottom of the river was rocky at the ford, so walking across was treacherous.
17. The highway ran right next to the ford, which was the oldest method of crossing the river.
18. We watched as a herd of cattle were driven across the ford to graze in new pastures.
19. The wooden sign pointing the way to the ford hung crookedly from a post.
20. The pioneers' wagons got stuck trying to ford the river during the heavy spring runoff.
21. The sheriff's Ford F-150 got stuck in the sandy riverbed while attempting to ford it.
22. A muddy path lead down the riverbank to the ford.
23. There were ruts in the ground leading to and from the river ford, worn down over decades of use.
24. The river levels were too high this spring to safely ford it.
25. Our ancient wagon rumbled over large stones as we carefully crossed the ford.
26. We had to walk alongside our horses as they swam through the deeper parts of the river ford.
27. The inside of the car was soaked by the time we made it across the ford.
28. The ford was marked with faded warning signs about the dangers of attempting to cross it.
29. A faint path cut through the tall grasses and led directly to the river ford.
30. The cattle understood the river ford the way they understood all hidden animal paths.
31. The old Ford Truck charmed everyone watching as it crossed the shallow ford with ease.
32. The large rocks along the bottom of the river ford made crossing difficult on foot.
33. The pioneers searched for a shallow part of the river to ford before continuing their journey west.
34. The old stone bridge finally replaced the unreliable ford as the primary river crossing.
35. We had to abandon our car and walk the rest of the way after it got stuck fording the river.
36. The horses slowed as they entered the river to ford it, moving carefully over the slippery stones.
37. The large tires on our Ford truck helped it climb up the bank on the opposite side of the river ford.
38. The rain from the previous night made fording the river much too dangerous to attempt.
39. Cattle tracks leading into the river showed where the herd had recently forded the shallows.
40. An ancient ford still existed alongside the newer bridge built to span the river.
41. The sheriff's Ford finally made it across the river ford after getting stuck halfway through.
42. They drove their old Ford pickup slowly down the steep bank and into the river ford.
43. The wagon train struggled as horses and oxen forded the river, pulling heavy wagons across.
44. Mud spattered the outside of our car after we navigated through the deep river ford.
45. A stone monument marks the spot where the first settlers forded the river.
46. Our tires spun uselessly as we tried to climb the muddy bank on the far side of the river ford.
47. Fords were replaced by bridges as technology advanced over the centuries.
48. The river ford had been used for centuries before a modern bridge finally replaced it.
49. The river had overflowed its muddy banks, making the usual ford impassable.
50. Their ancient Ford truck navigated through the river ford with ease.
51. The river was too deep and swift to safely ford this spring.
52. The old ford could only be reached after a bumpy ride down a dirt road.
53. Horses and riders crossed the river at the ford while being careful of submerged rocks.
54. The pioneers were relieved when they finally spotted the river ford after days of searching.
55. His old Ford Taurus easily navigated through the shallow river ford.
56. Our car got stuck halfway through the river ford and had to be towed out.
57. The pioneers exhausted their horses trying to pull their heavy wagons through the muddy river ford.
58. The cattle driver expertly navigated his horse through the rocky river ford.
59. We laughed as our old Ford pickup truck splashed through the river ford without hesitation.
60. The pioneers cheered when they finally reached the other side of the river after fording it.

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