Minded example sentences
Related (11): Open-minded, narrow-minded, like-minded, absent-minded, small-minded, clear-minded, broad-minded, mindful, independent-minded, weak-minded, half-minded.
minded (adjective)
- inclined to think in a particular way:
- interested in or enthusiastic about the thing specified:
minded (past tense) · minded (past participle)
- be distressed, annoyed, or worried by:
- have an objection to:
- be reluctant to do something (often used in polite requests):
- used to express one's strong enthusiasm for something:
- regard as important; feel concern about:
- used to urge someone to remember or take care to bring about something:
- used to warn someone to avoid injury or damage from a hazard:
- used to make a command more insistent or to draw attention to a statement:
- be careful about the quality or nature of:
- used to introduce a qualification to a previous statement:
- be obedient to:
- remember:
- take care of temporarily:
- be inclined or disposed to do a particular thing:
willing, prepared, pleased, inclined, agreeable, disposed, predisposed, apt, prone, given, likely, eager, keen, happy, glad, game, reluctant, unwilling, care, object, disapprove, flinch, demur, recoil, disrelish, heed, note, mark, observe, respect, obey, follow, regard, disregard, forget, beware, ignore, miss, heed, note, mark, observe, respect, obey, follow, regard, disregard, recall, recollect, place, forget, tend, watch, guard, protect, neglect"Minded" Example Sentences
1. She is more broad-minded than you think.
2. The company is looking for open-minded individuals to fill the positions.
3. The professor was old-fashioned minded and didn't understand the students' perspectives.
4. She made an effort to be politically correct and like-minded.
5. The manager wanted to hire hardworking and target minded candidates.
6. They spent the weekend in a fun-minded way.
7. He was single-minded in his pursuit of success.
8. The charity seeks broad-minded and caring volunteers.
9. The club aims to attract free-thinking and open-minded members.
10. The teacher wanted growth-minded students.
11. The book club wanted to include open-minded readers.
12. The CEO was result-minded and focused on profits above all.
13. He tried to be fair-minded in his judgment of others.
14. The team was task-minded and efficiency-oriented.
15. The candidate seemed open-minded and intelligent during the interview.
16. His narrow-minded views angered many people.
17. The company encouraged an open and growth-minded culture.
18. They held an open-minded discussion on the important issue.
19. She had a clear-minded and logical approach to problem-solving.
20. His opinionated and closed-minded ideas alienated his peers.
21. The community wants forward-minded and progressive leaders.
22. The teacher's growth-minded approach helped students flourish.
23. She made an effort to be open-minded and suspend judgment.
24. The group values team-minded players who put the team first.
25. He looked at the issue with an open and liberal-minded perspective.
26. They encouraged students to be growth-minded and willing to learn.
27. The company wants open-minded and curious employees.
28. He approached the situation with a clear-minded and rational outlook.
29. The author aimed to present an open-minded and inclusive perspective.
30. The team values goal-minded and hardworking members.
31. She is task-minded and focused on getting work done efficiently.
32. The mayor wanted community-minded leaders for his cabinet.
33. The teacher welcomed growth-minded students in his class.
34. His narrow-minded beliefs caused conflict in their relationship.
35. She tried to be open-minded and judge people on their character.
36. The community wants broad-minded and tolerant leaders.
37. The manager wanted open-minded and creative staff members.
38. He had a one-track-minded and stubborn approach to the issue.
39. The company wants forward-thinking and progressive-minded employees.
40. His close-minded views made him unaware of other perspectives.
41. The class values growth-minded and curious students.
42. She approached the task with an open-minded and unbiased attitude.
43. The managers encouraged employees to be growth-minded and innovative.
44. The teacher wanted holistic-minded students who considered all aspects.
45. His single-minded drive for success blinded him to other possibilities.
46. The group appreciated like-minded and spiritually aligned individuals.
47. His clear-minded reasoning helped him make good decisions.
48. The club wanted open-minded and civil members.
49. The policymakers sought forward-minded and inclusive solutions.
50. She aimed to be open-minded and fair in her judgments of others.
51. The organization values inclusive and big-picture minded employees.
52. The club wanted growth-minded and intellectually curious members.
53. His open-minded worldview allowed him to consider new perspectives.
54. The academics aimed to be open-minded and objective in their research.
55. The manager wanted open-minded and growth-oriented employees.
56. His close-minded attitude prevented him from seeing alternative views.
57. They held an intelligent and forward-minded discussion on complex issues.
58. His single-minded focus blurred his vision of other possibilities.
59. The community leader sought inclusive and compassionate-minded volunteers.
60. The professor welcomed open-minded and curious students.
Common Phases
1. Open minded
2. Open-minded
3. Close minded
4. Close-minded
5. Broad minded
6. Broad-minded
7. Narrow minded
8. Narrow-minded
9. Like minded
10. Like-minded
11. Single minded
12. Single-minded
13. Open and liberal minded
14.Open and liberal-minded
15. Growth minded
16. Growth-minded
17. Task minded
18. Task-minded
19. Result minded
20. Result-minded