Smeary example sentences

Related (5): greasy, oily, grimy, glistening, slick



  - adjective form of smear



smear (verb) · smears (third person present) · smeared (past tense) · smeared (past participle) · smearing (present participle)

  - coat or mark (something) messily or carelessly with a greasy or sticky substance:

  - spread (a greasy, oily, or sticky substance) over something:

  - messily blur the outline of (something such as writing or paint); smudge:

  - damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander:

  - a mark or streak of a greasy or sticky substance:

  - a sample of material spread thinly on a microscope slide for examination, typically for medical diagnosis:

  - a false accusation intended to damage someone's reputation:

  - an insecure foothold:


smear, streak, smudge, stain, mark, soil, dirty, blur, splotch, splodge, besmirch, cover, coat, grease, lard, anoint, bedaub, spread, rub, daub, slap, slather, smother, plaster, cream, slick, apply, dab, besmear, sully, tarnish, besmirch, blacken, stain, taint, damage, defame, discredit, defile, vilify, malign, slander, libel, stigmatize, calumniate, slur, smirch, asperse, vilipend, streak, smudge, daub, dab, spot, patch, blotch, blob, stain, mark, splotch, splodge, slander, libel, lie, untruth, slur, defamation, calumny, vilification, stain, taint

"Smeary" Example Sentences

1. The windows were smeary with fingerprints and handprints.
2. The glass pane was covered in a smeary film of residue.
3. The mirror had a smeary handprint on it.
4. He wiped the smeary handprints off the refrigerator doors.
5. Her makeup was smeary after she cried.
6. The toddler left smeary handprints all over the door.
7. The child left smeary fingerprints on the windowpane.
8. The picture had smeary marks from being handled too much.
9. I washed the smeary glass door so I could see through it again.
10. The plate was left with a smeary coating of food remains.
11. The photograph came out slightly smeary.
12. He rubbed at the smeary mark on the glass until it finally cleared.
13. Clean up your smeary handprints before your mother sees them!
14. The monitor had a smeary layer of dust and fingerprints on it.
15. The surface of the mirror had become smeary from condensation.
16. The film was filled with smeary images and footage.
17. The oil on her hands left a thin smeary film on the countertop.
18. The newsprint was slightly smeary from dampness.
19. The once pristine windowpane was now covered in smeary smudges.
20. The toddler left her smeary footprints all over the freshly painted wall.
21. Make sure to wipe away any smeary fingerprints from the glass windows.
22. The ink spread into a smeary blot on the wet paper.
23. I rubbed alcohol on the smeary DVD to try and clean it.
24. Her words were slurred and slightly smeary from drinking too much.
25. The type was smeary and hard to read on the old parchment paper.
26. The oil painting had smeary brushstrokes.
27. The pageant queen's makeup had started to smear, giving her a slightly smeary look.
28. The ink dried in a smeary mess on the damp paper.
29. The lipstick had left a smeary greasy residue on the rim of the wine glass.
30. He wiped his nose with his sleeve, leaving a smeary trail of snot.
31. The child left her smeary nose prints all over the freshly washed car window.
32. Her speech became slightly smeary due to intoxication.
33. The smeary liquids stained the cloth napkins.
34. The nose prints made the window smeary and difficult to see through.
35. The toddler left sticky smeary juice handprints all over the furniture.
36. The toddler left a trail of smeary handprints along the freshly painted wall.
37. The newsprint came out slightly smeary from the presses.
38. The crayon markings were slightly smeared and smeary on the cheap paper.
39. The ink bled into a smeary stain on the damp paper.
40. The toddler's hands left behind small smeary fingerprints on the door handles.
41. The dog's nose left a trail of smeary prints on the clean windowpane.
42. His speech became slightly slurred and smeary due to intoxication.
43. The toddler left a smeary trail of handprints down the hallway.
44. The smeary film on the windshield made it difficult to see through.
45. The candle wax left behind a smeary residue on the wooden table.
46. The oily residue left behind a smeary film on the countertop.
47. The ink dried in a smeary blur on the damp paper.
48. The photos came out slightly out of focus and smeary due to camera shake.
49. His vision became slightly blurred and smeary as he sobered up.
50. The crayon markings were slightly smeary and difficult to read.
51. The toddler left a trail of sticky smeary footprints on the freshly mopped floor.
52. The toddler left a smeary trail of muddy footprints across the floor.
53. The toddler's nose left a smeary trail of boogers on the freshly cleaned mirror.
54. The residue left behind a smeary oily film on the countertop.
55. The smeary film on the glass obscured her view.
56. The smeary footprints trailed through the house.
57. The toddler left a smeary trail of juice handprints down the hallway.
58. The oil on his hands left a thin smeary coating on the countertop.
59. The toddler left a sticky smeary trail of handprints along the wall.
60. The newsprint came out slightly smeary and difficult to read.

Common Phases

1. The toddler had smeary food all over his hands and face.
2. The teacher crumpled up the child's smeary assignment and handed him a new piece of paper.
3. She wiped the smeary fingerprints off the glass window.
4. I washed my hands yet again to get rid of the oily, smeary feeling.
5. The detective removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes, leaving behind smeary fingerprints.
6. The car windows were so smeary it was difficult to see out of them.
7. The candle grease left behind a smeary residue on the walls.
8. The mirror was covered in smeary handprints where the kids had been touching it.
9. I tried to read the carving on the stone, but years of weathering had left it smeary and faded.
10. Don't rub your hands on the whiteboard, you're leaving it all smeary.
11. The cleaning supplies were unable to remove the smeary mud tracks left on the carpet.
12. The furniture polish just left behind a smeary film instead of cleaning the wood.
13. The mud pies left the kids' clothes smeary and dirty.
14. We had to put newsprint down to keep the paint from leaving smeary marks on the carpet.
15. The children's section of the library had smeary fingerprints on almost every book cover.
16. The journalist wiped the smeary condensation from the window to get a better view.
17. I had to use an abrasive soap to scrub off the smeary dishwashing liquid residue.
18. The toddler drew a smeary rainbow on the wall using her crayons.
19. The text seemed illegible, with smeary ink bleeding through the pages.
20. The roof was covered in bird droppings and other debris that left it looking smeary brown.
21. The bathroom mirror was so smeary I could barely see my reflection in it.
22. The bookstore windows were difficult to read through because of all the smeary handprints.
23. The thick fog left everything looking slightly blurry and smeary in the morning light.
24. My glasses were constantly dirty and smeary from working in the lab all day.
25. Despite repeated attempts at wiping it clean, the chalkboard remained stubbornly smeary.
26. The car windows were filthy from weeks on the road, leaving them looking smeary and blurred.
27. The old newspapers had become smeary and stuck together from years of moisture damage.
28 The counter was covered in smeary coffee rings from years of use.
29. The library book pages were smeary from being handled so much over the years.
30. I had to rub baking soda into the smeary baked-on grease on the pots and pans.
31. The painting had a smeary veneer of dust and grime that had accumulated over time.
32. The windows were left smeary after the heavy summer rainstorm.
33. The kindergarten's fingerpaint art had smeary, multicolored handprints all over the walls.
34. The spilled candle wax left smeary residue on the wooden tabletop.
35. The toddler busied himself drawing smeary figures in the condensation on the window.
36. The mechanic washed the greasy, smeary grime from his hands after working on the engine.
37. She furiously wiped the smeary tears from her eyes.
38. The plastic table cover was left smeary with spilled juice and soda.
39. The toddler drew smeary pictures on the windows using her tiny fingers and breath.
40. She used a razor blade to scrape the smeary residue of old stickers from the wall.
41. The oil painting's once vibrant colors now appeared muted and smeary.
42. I rubbed the smeary handprints off the glass door before entering the business.
43. The road signs were difficult to read through the smeary bug splatters covering the glass.
44. The foggy windows left everything looking blurry and smeary through the glass.
45. The car windows were annoyingly smeary making it difficult to see other vehicles on the road.
46. The toddler left smeary handprints everywhere he went in the house.
47. The toddler entertained himself by making smeary marks on the steamy bathroom mirror.
48. The elderly couple gingerly wiped the smeary fingerprints off their grandchild's artwork.
49. I had to throw away my magazine because of the smeary ink that bled through from the cover.
50. The toddler's clothing and hands were covered in mucky, smeary dirt from playing outside.
51. There were smeary new handprints on the glass door every time I looked away for a moment.
52. The diaper genie was covered in smeary poop handprints.
53. The toddler colored her drawing in with bright crayons, leaving behind smeary wax lines.
54. The mechanic's hands and arms were covered in dark, smeary grease and oil.
55. My tutor carefully used an eraser to remove the smeary pencil marks on my test paper.
56. The kindergarteners left smeary fingerprints on every clean surface in the classroom.
57. The toddler dragged his dirty fingers all across the bathroom mirrors, leaving behind smeary marks.
58. The used book's pages were yellowed and smeary from years of handling.
59. The smeary residue from the sticky note remained stubbornly stuck to the wall.
60. The toddler drew smeary pictures in the steamy mirror, entertaining himself while I showered.

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