Worst example sentences
Related (18): awful, terrible, disastrous, appalling, horrible, abysmal, execrable, atrocious, deplorable, dismal, lousy, unsatisfactory, pathetic, inadequate, unacceptable, hopeless, pitiful, ghastly.
worst (adverb)
- most severely or seriously:
- least well or pleasingly:
- the most serious or unpleasant thing that could happen:
- the most serious or unpleasant part of something:
- get the better of; defeat:
worst (superlative adjective)
- of poor quality or a low standard:
- (of a person) not able to do a particular thing well:
- not appropriate in a particular situation:
- not such as to be hoped for or desired; unpleasant or unwelcome:
- (of something causing pain, danger, or other unwelcome consequences) severe or serious:
- unfavorable; adverse:
- having a harmful effect on:
- failing to conform to standards of moral virtue or acceptable conduct:
- (of a part of the body) injured, diseased, or painful:
- (of a person) unwell:
- (of food) decayed; putrid:
- (of the atmosphere) polluted; unhealthy:
- regretful, guilty, or ashamed about something:
- worthless; not valid:
- good; excellent:
worst (superlative adverb)
- in an unsatisfactory, inadequate, or unsuccessful way:
- in an unfavorable way:
- in an unacceptable or unpleasant way:
- to a great or serious degree; severely:
defeat, beat, best, trounce, rout, thrash, drub, vanquish, conquer, master, overcome, overwhelm, overpower, overthrow, crush, subdue, subjugate, outdo, outclass, outstrip, surpass, outwit, outsmart, humiliate, lick, clobber, whip, hammer, slaughter, murder, kill, crucify, demolish, stuff, shellac, cream, skunk, slam, own, substandard, poor, inferior, unsatisfactory, inadequate, unacceptable, deficient, imperfect, defective, faulty, shoddy, amateurish, careless, negligent, dreadful, awful, terrible, abominable, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable, hopeless, worthless, laughable, lamentable, miserable, sorry, diabolical, execrable, incompetent, inept, inexpert, ineffectual, crummy, rotten, pathetic, useless, woeful, bum, lousy, appalling, abysmal, pitiful, godawful, dire, duff, chronic, rubbish, pants, ropy, crap, shit, chickenshit, egregious, good, excellent, skilled, inauspicious, disadvantageous, adverse, difficult, inopportune, unpropitious, inappropriate, unsuitable, unfavorable, unfortunate, untoward, disastrous, good, unpleasant, disagreeable, unwelcome, unfortunate, unfavorable, unlucky, adverse, nasty, terrible, dreadful, awful, grim, distressing, regrettable, parlous, good, severe, serious, grave, critical, grievous, acute, dreadful, terrible, awful, ghastly, dire, grim, frightful, shocking, minor, slight, harmful, damaging, detrimental, undesirable, injurious, hurtful, inimical, dangerous, destructive, ruinous, deleterious, unhealthy, unwholesome, good, beneficial, wicked, sinful, immoral, evil, corrupt, base, reprobate, depraved, degenerate, dissolute, amoral, criminal, villainous, nefarious, iniquitous, dishonest, dishonorable, unscrupulous, unprincipled, crooked, bent, dirty, dastardly, virtuous, injured, wounded, diseased, gammy, knackered, crook, game, ill, unwell, sick, ailing, poorly, sickly, peaky, afflicted, indisposed, infirm, liverish, bedridden, invalided, valetudinarian, queasy, nauseous, nauseated, weak, feeble, frail, diseased, infected, funny, peculiar, iffy, crummy, lousy, rough, groggy, ropy, grotty, dicky, crook, crappy, queer, seedy, rotten, off, decayed, decomposed, decomposing, putrid, putrefied, putrescent, moldy, moldering, sour, rancid, rank, addled, maggoty, wormy, flyblown, putrefactive, fresh, guilty, remorseful, ashamed, chastened, contrite, sorry, regretful, repentant, penitent, shamefaced, apologetic, unrepentant, invalid, worthless, counterfeit, fake, false, spurious, fraudulent, bogus, phoney, dud, excellent, wonderful, marvelous, magnificent, superb, splendid, glorious, sublime, lovely, delightful, outstanding, consummate, perfect, super, great, amazing, amazeballs, fantastic, tremendous, phenomenal, sensational, incredible, heavenly, divine, stellar, gorgeous, dreamy, grand, fabulous, fab, fabby, fantabulous, brill, awesome, magic, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, ace, crack, cool, mean, wicked, mega, crucial, sound, marvy, spanking, dope, def, phat, brilliant, smashing, peachy, dandy, neat, badass, boss, radical, rad, boffo, bully, bitching, bodacious, crackerjack, beaut, bonzer, kif, lank, groovy, capital, champion, wizard, corking, cracking, ripping, spiffing, topping, beezer, swell, keen, goodly, dreadful, awful, horrible, poorly, incompetently, ineptly, inexpertly, inefficiently, imperfectly, deficiently, defectively, unsatisfactorily, inadequately, incorrectly, faultily, shoddily, amateurishly, carelessly, negligently, awfully, terribly, dreadfully, abominably, atrociously, frightfully, miserably, wretchedly, lamentably, deplorably, dismally, execrably, abysmally, appallingly, crummily, diabolically, pitifully, woefully, egregiously, unsuccessfully, unfavorably, adversely, unfortunately, unhappily, unluckily, well, unfavorably, ill, critically, severely, seriously, gravely, greatly, grievously, acutely, dangerously, slightly, reprehensibly, naughtily, mischievously, cruelly, wickedly, unkindly, harshly, shamefully, unfairly, unjustly, wrongly, improperly, severely, gravely, critically, acutely, sorely, grievously, desperately, alarmingly, dangerously, perilously, slightly, Legal"Worst" Example Sentences
1. That was the worst meal I've ever had.2. The worst part about Mondays is having to wake up early.
3. This is the worst movie I've seen in years.
4. He suffered the worst injury of his career during the game.
5. Her worst fear is public speaking.
6. The worst thing you can do is give up on your dreams.
7. This is the worst day of my life.
8. That was the worst decision I've ever made.
9. The worst feeling is being betrayed by someone you trust.
10. This is the worst weather we've had all year.
11. That was the worst performance I've seen from this team.
12. The worst thing about this job is the long hours.
13. Her worst nightmare became a reality.
14. This is the worst flu season we've had in a while.
15. That was the worst customer service experience I've ever had.
16. The worst feeling is regretting not taking a chance.
17. This is the worst traffic I've seen in a long time.
18. That was the worst haircut I've ever gotten.
19. This is the worst breakup I've ever been through.
20. The worst thing about winter is shoveling snow.
21. That was the worst lie he's ever told.
22. The worst part about being sick is not being able to enjoy your favorite foods.
23. This is the worst performance review I've ever received.
24. That was the worst presentation I've seen in a while.
25. The worst thing about this pandemic is not being able to see loved ones.
26. This is the worst road trip we've ever been on.
27. That was the worst first date I've ever had.
28. The worst part about losing a loved one is the feeling of emptiness.
29. This is the worst allergy season we've had in years.
30. That was the worst job interview I've ever been on.
Common Phases
1. This is the worst day of my life;2. That was the worst movie I have ever seen;
3. This is the worst meal I've had in ages;
4. That is the worst haircut I've ever had;
5. This is the worst weather we could have for our trip;
6. That was the worst decision I've ever made;
7. This is the worst news I have heard all day;
8. That was the worst performance I've seen from a professional athlete.