Holdable example sentences
- adjective form of hold
hold (verb) · holds (third person present) · held (past tense) · held (past participle) · holding (present participle)
- grasp, carry, or support with one's hands:
- keep or sustain in a specified position:
- embrace (someone):
- be able to bear (the weight of a person or thing):
- (of a vehicle) maintain close contact with (the road), especially when driven at speed:
- (of a ship or an aircraft) continue to follow (a particular course):
- keep going in a particular direction:
- keep or detain (someone):
- keep possession of (something), typically in the face of a challenge or attack:
- keep (someone's interest or attention).
- (of a singer or musician) sustain (a note).
- stay or cause to stay at a certain value or level:
- remain secure, intact, or in position without breaking or giving way:
- (of a favorable condition or situation) continue without changing:
- be or remain valid or available:
- (of an argument or theory) be logical, consistent, or convincing:
- contain or be capable of containing (a specified amount):
- be able to drink (a reasonable amount of alcohol) without becoming drunk or suffering any ill effects:
- have or be characterized by:
- have in one's possession:
- be in possession of illegal drugs:
- have or occupy (a job or position):
- have or adhere to (a belief or opinion):
- regard (someone or something) in a specified way:
- (of a judge or court) rule; decide:
- keep or reserve for someone:
- maintain (a phone connection) until the person one has called is free to speak:
- prevent from going ahead or occurring:
- refrain from adding or using (something, typically an item of food or drink):
- used as a way of exhorting someone to wait or to stop doing something:
- restrain oneself:
- arrange and take part in (a meeting or conversation):
- an act or manner of grasping something; a grip:
- a particular way of grasping or restraining someone, especially an opponent in wrestling or judo.
- a place where one can grip with one's hands or feet while climbing:
- power or control:
- a fortress.