Superiors example sentences

Related (7): bosses, managers, directors, supervisors, employers, overseers, leaders

"Superiors" Example Sentences

1. He reported to his military superiors.
2. The student deferred to her academic superiors.
3. The subordinate deferred to his corporate superiors.
4. They disobeyed orders from their religious superiors.
5. She challenged the assumptions of her intellectual superiors.
6. The intern deferred to the judgment of his professional superiors.
7. His artistic superiors dismissed his innovative ideas.
8. She questioned the authority of her political superiors.
9. The rookie defered to the experience of his athletic superiors.
10. They obeyed the mandates of their administrative superiors.
11. She always listened respectfully to her elders and superiors.
12. He sought the approval of his professional superiors.
13. They ignored the warnings of their moral superiors.
14. Her superiors dismissed her concerns.
15. I listened carefully to the advice of my superiors.
16. She resented being ordered around by her superiors.
17. He defied the commands of his military superiors.
18. Her superiors refused to acknowledge her brilliant ideas.
19. I received harsh criticism from my academic superiors.
20. His superiors took credit for his work.
21. She felt underappreciated by her professional superiors.
22. His superiors micromanaged his every move.
23. Her superiors scolded her unfairly.
24. He sought to please his corporate superiors.
25. They spoke disrespectfully about their intellectual superiors.
26. Her superiors threatened to fire her.
27. I sought approval from my elderly relatives and other superiors.
28. His superiors complimented him on a job well done.
29. She argued with the faulty assumptions of her superiors.
30. He explained his innovative ideas to his artistic superiors.
31. I always showed respect for my elders and other superiors.
32. Her superiors gave her a well- deserved promotion.
33. His superiors generously praised his good work.
34. He skillfully navigated the whims of his political superiors.
35. Her superiors unfairly took credit for her hard work.
36. His superiors micromanaged his every move.
37. She felt unappreciated by her church superiors.
38. Her superiors unfairly criticized her work.
39. He always obeyed the orders of his military superiors.
40. His artistic superiors recognized his genius.
41. Her professional superiors appreciated her dedication.
42. He patiently explained his innovative ideas to his superiors.
43. His religious superiors recognized his nobility of spirit.
44. Her intellectual superiors praised her novel insights.
45. His administrative superiors appreciated his loyalty and hard work.
46. She joyfully followed the instructions of her moral superiors.
47. His superiors generously recognized his talents and achievements.
48. Her elders and other superiors served as role models for her.
49. His experts superiors acknowledged his expertise.
50. Her superiors fairly evaluated her work.

Common Phases

1. defer to one's superiors
2. obey one's superiors
3. please one's superiors
4. report to one's superiors
5. seek approval from one's superiors
6. respect one's superiors
7. resent one's superiors
8. challenge one's superiors
9. question the authority of one's superiors
10. ignore the warnings of one's superiors
11. dismiss concerns of one's superiors
12. criticize one's superiors
13. take orders from one's superiors
14. argue with the assumptions of one's superiors
15. explain ideas to one's superiors

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