Trail example sentences

Related (9): path, track, route, pathway, course, way, lane, footpath, walkway.



trail (noun) · trails (plural noun) · ski trail (noun) · ski trails (plural noun)

  - a mark or a series of signs or objects left behind by the passage of someone or something:

  - a track or scent used in following someone or hunting an animal:

  - a long thin part or line stretching behind or hanging down from something:

  - a beaten path through rough country such as a forest or moor:

  - a route planned or followed for a particular purpose:

  - a downhill ski run or cross-country ski route:

  - the rear end of a gun carriage, resting or sliding on the ground when the gun is unlimbered.

  - short for trailer

  - draw or be drawn along the ground or other surface behind someone or something:

  - (typically of a plant) grow or hang over the edge of something or along the ground:

  - walk or move slowly or wearily:

  - (of the voice or a speaker) fade gradually before stopping:

  - follow (a person or animal), typically by using marks, signs, or scent left behind:

  - be losing to an opponent in a game or contest:

  - advertise (something, especially a film or program) in advance by broadcasting extracts or details:

  - apply (slip) through a nozzle or spout to decorate ceramic ware.


series, stream, string, line, chain, row, succession, train, sequence, aftermath, track, spoor, path, scent, traces, marks, signs, prints, imprints, impressions, footprints, footmarks, footsteps, wake, tail, stream, slipstream, line, row, train, file, rank, column, procession, string, chain, array, group, following, entourage, convoy, queue, path, pathway, way, footpath, track, course, road, route, path, pathway, way, footpath, track, course, road, route, trailer, drag, sweep, draw, stream, dangle, tow, droop, depend, creep, crawl, slide, slink, slither, trudge, plod, wander, amble, meander, drift, dawdle, straggle, loiter, linger, lag, fade, dwindle, diminish, lessen, wane, ebb, subside, weaken, evaporate, disappear, vanish, die, follow, pursue, track, trace, shadow, stalk, dog, hound, spoor, course, tail, lose, advertise, publicize, announce, proclaim, preview, hype, Wikipedia, Legal

"Trail" Example Sentences

1. We hiked the trail along the river.
2. The trail led up the mountain.
3. They walked the well-worn trail.
4. The winding trail snaked through the forest.
5. The trailmarkers helped them stay on the right path.
6. The dirt trail climbed steadily through the hills.
7. They followed the footprints in the trail dust.
8. The trail narrowed as it got higher.
9. The horses tied up beside the trail grazed contentedly.
10. They lost the trail in the tall grass.
11. The narrow game trail cut through the dense underbrush.
12. The sandy trail led down to the beach.
13. Leaves covered most of the trail.
14. The hiker left a trail of crumbs for the ants.
15. The flagstones marked the winding garden trail.
16. They blazed a new trail through the woods.
17. The ranger warned them not to leave the marked trail.
18. The mountain bikers tore along the muddy trail.
19. The runners left footprints all along the trail.
20. The pony left droppings all along the trail.
21. The dusty trail wound its way up to the old mine.
22. We finally lost the pickup's trail in town.
23. They followed the tears that left a wet trail on her cheeks.
24. The detectives followed the money trail to find the fraudster.
25. The puppies followed her along the trail, yipping at her heels.
26. The search dog picked up the fugitive's trail in the woods.
27. The scent hounds had lost the trail in the rain.
28. The deputies followed the tire tracks that led off the trail.
29. The fugitive erased his trail by walking in streams.
30. They forged a new trail into the unexplored wilderness.
31. Their horseback ride along the old mountain trail was breathtaking.
32. The motorcyclist left a trail of dust behind him on the dirt road.
33. The ghostly trail of mist drifted across the moor.
34. The ancient trail was overgrown with weeds and underbrush.
35. The park ranger warned hikers to stay on the marked trail.
36. They followed the worn trail that switchbacked up the mountainside.
37. The hunter lost the blood trail in the thick brush.
38. They followed the muddy boot prints up the old trail.
39. The 911 operator directed them along the trail to find the injured hiker.
40. The broken branches along the game trail indicated that a bear had passed through.
41. The tiny ants left an invisible trail of pheromones along the path.
42. The grizzly bear trail through the meadow terrified the campers.
43. They picked up the bootlegger's trail at the old still site.
44. The fugitive left a trail of clues for the police detective to follow.
45. The tire tracks left a trail along the dirt road.
46. The elk trail through the forest was marked by browsed vegetation.
47. The faint game trail led deep into the bear's den.
48. The tiny ant trail wound and twisted across the garden path.
49. She followed the faint trail of footprints into the woods.
50. The worn trail climbed up the face of the rocky cliff.
51. The dimly lit trail twisted and turned through the pitch black cave.
52. They quickly lost the path and had to retrace their trail back to the trailhead.
53. The trail of ant bites led the exterminator back to their nest.
54. The ranger cautioned hikers not to leave the marked trail in the national forest.
55. The abandoned trail stretched ahead, overgrown and disappearing into the dense foliage.
56. The steep trail switchbacked up the forested mountainside.
57. The deer trail wound through the meadow and into the woods beyond.
58. The searchers followed the rope drag trails to find the avalanche victims.
59. The blood trail ran cold after a few hundred yards.
60. The chimney swifts rocketed through the air, leaving swirling trails behind them.

Common Phases

1. cold trail - a trail that has gone undetected for so long that it is no longer likely to yield useful information
2. cover one's tracks/cover one's trails - to hide or disguise evidence of one's actions
3. crime trail - a trail of evidence revealing the identity of a criminal
4. easy/smooth trail - a trail that is not difficult to follow or travel along
5. go off the beaten trail - to move away from the conventional or well-known path
6. lose the trail - to lose sight of or ability to follow a trail
7. money trail - a sequence of financial transactions used to determine the source of funds
8. paper trail - a sequence of documents used to provide evidence, verify facts, or retrace steps
9. scent trail - a trail detected by smell
10. trail of clues - a series of indications that can be followed to reach a conclusion
11. trail of destruction - a route or course marked by damage or ruin
12. trail of evidence - a series of indications pointing to a particular conclusion
13. trail of tears - the forced relocation of Native Americans in the 1800s along a route marked by hardship and death
14. warm trail - a trail that is still detectable and likely to yield useful information
15. blazed trail - a route or path marked by notches cut in trees, cairns, or other visible markers

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